Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I am providing information on some male supplements and I am not in any way suggesting the use or non-use of supplements, and do not act as medical professional in any capacity. Before supplementing your diet with herbs or botanicals it is always best to consult with a specialist and/or research the information, toxic levels and side effects yourself prior to adding them to your diet.

I have used most of the supplements listed below (with the exception of GABA and Antler Velvet- as I can’t seem to get it in Canada - but can buy it on-line), and have had some good results - mostly with an increase in the amount of ejaculate; a harder and longer erection; a feeling of well-being as well as an decrease in colds and flues (enhanced immune system). Sorry to report - no increase in penis size - only Jelquing and stretching has done that for me. Don’t waste your money on penis enlargement pills.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is an amino acid produced in the brain. Large amounts of GABA are found in the hypothalamus, which helps regulate functions like sleep, body temperature and the activity of the pituitary gland. Studies show that GABA releases HGH, or human growth hormone (especially after exercise), and this may contribute to a leaner body composition. HGH plays a role in metabolizing fat in our bodies; levels of HGH also decrease as we age, so weight management may be tougher as we grow older. Therefore, supplementation with GABA can be an effective way to maintain a healthier weight. GABA may increase the body’s sleeping cycle, according to studies, thereby producing a calmer and more restful night’s sleep.

Maca, a member of the radish family, has been a forgotten herb until recently. The indigenous people of Peru have used Maca for centuries for it’s nutritional and aphrodisiac qualities. Maca comes from a hearty root that grows at extremely high elevations in the Andean Mountains of Peru and is beneficial for energy and stamina. Native Peruvians traditionally used Maca for it’s energy and stamina effects. Scientific research has found that maca extract is rich in amino acids, phytonutrients, fatty acids and vitamins and minerals. It is thought that Maca may help regulate the hormonal systems in men (and women). There are no known toxicities associated with maca.

Antler Velvet
Antler Velvet is a tonifier that has been widely used in China for more than 2,000 years. Antler velvet is the early stage of antler growth, and is a rich source of collagen, glycosaminoglycans, and glycoproteins; all of which support the skeletal system. Antler velvet is regenerated every year and harvested with great care in a humane manner by specially trained farmers or veterinarians who conform to the National Velvet Standards Body (NVSB) of New Zealand. Traditionally, antler velvet has been used to restore, balance and strengthen the body, support joint function, and cultivate an overall feeling of well being.

Reishi (Mushroom)
The primary function of herbs like reishi mushrooms is to increase disease resistance and normalize bodily functions. Reishi contains polysaccharides and triterpenoids that are known to enhance immune system function and act as a sexual potentiator. Reishi mushrooms are cultivated today for it’s medicinal properties acting as an anti-allergin, antioxidant, analgesic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, antiparasitic, cardiovascular, antidiabetic, immunomodulating, hepatoprotective, hypotensive and hypertensive, kidney and nerve tonic. Reishi inhibits platelett aggregations, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar and is known for the prevention of bronchitis.

The amino acid plays a vital role in promoting healthy blood pressure and sexual function. Plus, it has been shown to contribute to the repair of bone and tissue. L-arginine is required for the body to synthesize nitric oxide, which enables the arterial system to retain it’s youthful elasticity, thus promoting healthy blood pressure and sexual function. L-arginine also promotes natural growth hormone release from the pituitary gland. This enhances a healthy anabolic metabolism throughout the body, and is a key building block in repairing damaged tissue and bone.

Saw Palmetto
Saw palmetto has been shown to improve mild to moderate symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). It may also reduce night-time urination. Prostate gland enlargement occurs in most men with advancing age. Hormonal imbalances have been blamed for age-related prostate disorders, but other factors have been identified as causes of BPH and accompanying urinary impairment. Studies indicate men with BPH may benefit by supplementing with saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil to improve urine flow and bladder voiding.

Pumpkin Seed Oil
Pumpkin seeds have been used historically to provide nourishing support to the prostate. They are rich in zinc, which is vital for normal prostate function. Unlike many other pumpkin oil supplements, Planetary Formulas Full Spectrum Pumpkin Seed Oil is cold-pressed, without the use of toxic chemical solvents.

Do you take fish oil?

Good post rquill. I haven’t really started taking men’s supplements. I went to GNC a few weeks ago and just browsed. If you want to be the real guru.. Or just have any reader comment on their usage, tell us if you take these supplements in a multivitamin, if available, and at what dosage level.

Hey StretchIt, I’m no guru.I just know what I know from my own experience and thought I would share it. I have no ego involvement whatsoever. Sorry - I can’t/won’t suggest dosage levels - I’m not a professional (but I play one on TV - sorry had to do that *LOL). I haven’t found any of the supplements I take in high enough doses in a multivitamin - so yes, I do take about 12 pills twice a day - but it’s worth it. It would be nice to take one Mega pill once a day - but doesn’t work like that for me.

Hey Jethro, nope I don’t take fish oil - but I know that taking any Omega 3’s are good for you. The only other thing I take that I didn’t list is Vitamin E.

Over and out.

Does anyone else get really tired after taking Maca? The stuff makes me so sluggish.


I sensed no egotism. It’s a very informative post. But I’m glad you did share that the multivitamins don’t do it for you. Part of the reason would be dosage levels, other is that you could only find a couple of those in a multivitamin anyways. But wholly shit that’s big pill to swallow, or at least many, many small ones. Must be expensive too, how much to you spend a month on vitamins?

I spend about about $60 to $80 (Canadian) per month.

Originally Posted by snuffed

Does anyone else get really tired after taking Maca? The stuff makes me so sluggish.

I didn’t notice any tiredness when I tried Maca.

Hmmm, must just be me. I get really sluggish about half an hour after taking it which is kinda putting me off.

Also, with regards to the Antler Velvet, how much should one take of that stuff and how often? And is it better with a meal or on an empty stomach?

Are you taking maca alone or in combination with other things?

A couple years ago a guy posted about having amazing increases in ejaculate volume from taking maca. RB and I both tried the same brand from the same place as the original poster and didn’t get the same effects. I’m not saying the poster was lying. Maybe for whatever reason it did for him what he claimed. But RB and I couldn’t replicate his results. For me, it’s worthless. If it makes you tired, stop taking it.

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