Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Originally Posted by a-unit
As a therapist I feel there is a significant psychological component to fibromyalgia, the the drugs and surgery mafia would vehemently disagree.

May I ask what sort of therapist you are A-unit?

Of course.

NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Transactional Analyst, course trained in Cognitive Therapy.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
Of course.

NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Transactional Analyst, course trained in Cognitive Therapy.

In fact a on certified psychologist

What is proper cycle or how it should be done?

I’m taking right now:

Celery seeds 1500mg as tablets and 1 table spoon of seeds.


Nox3 3000mg that AKG

Tribulus terresis 1400mg~

Pygeum 300mg

Pumpkin seed oil 1400mg

Flax seed oil 2100mg

Lecithin granules 3 tablespoons a day.

And don’t now remember name but some volume pills that I take 4pills and have 2000mg mix of tribulus, ginkgo, Maca etc. Lots of stuff like that.

My Start: BPEL: 15.2cm / 6" Grith: 11cm / 4.3"

Current: BPEL: 15.4cm / 6.1" Girth 11cm / 4.3"

My Long Term Goal: BPEL: 18cm / 7.1" Grith: 14cm / 5.5"

Originally Posted by sricardo
In fact a on certified psychologist

No, I have a degree in psychology, but no masters.

What’s your point?

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

The cycling conundrum

Originally Posted by SpiritFox
What is proper cycle or how it should be done?
I’m taking right now:
Celery seeds 1500mg as tablets and 1 table spoon of seeds.
Nox3 3000mg that AKG
Tribulus terresis 1400mg~
Pygeum 300mg
Pumpkin seed oil 1400mg
Flax seed oil 2100mg
Lecithin granules 3 tablespoons a day.
And don’t now remember name but some volume pills that I take 4pills and have 2000mg mix of tribulus, ginkgo, Maca etc. Lots of stuff like that.

That is the issue that I can’t get a full handle on.

Firstly I reckon vitamin tabs and things like fish oil, flax seed oil, coenzime etc do not need to be cycled. I have read that the 5Gs (ginkyo, ginger, green tea, garlic, ginseng) should be cycled 5 days on two days off. Others suggest taking one week off each month for so called test boosters such as Tribulus, HGW, MACA, tongkat ali etc. Another (Mark Wilson) suggests you should take a different test booster each day of the week. I have also read that Arginine needs cycling. I have also read that taking liver cleansers like milk thistle as an aid to cycling.

Would be good if we could fine tune this. I am currently cycling 5 days on two days off with also one week off each month with milk thistle on off days. Only been at it for a few months. Also I only take some of the test boosters one or two days a week.

Originally Posted by austfred
That is the issue that I can’t get a full handle on.

Firstly I reckon vitamin tabs and things like fish oil, flax seed oil, coenzime etc do not need to be cycled. I have read that the 5Gs (ginkyo, ginger, green tea, garlic, ginseng) should be cycled 5 days on two days off. Others suggest taking one week off each month for so called test boosters such as Tribulus, HGW, MACA, tongkat ali etc. Another (Mark Wilson) suggests you should take a different test booster each day of the week. I have also read that Arginine needs cycling. I have also read that taking liver cleansers like milk thistle as an aid to cycling.

Would be good if we could fine tune this. I am currently cycling 5 days on two days off with also one week off each month with milk thistle on off days. Only been at it for a few months. Also I only take some of the test boosters one or two days a week.

I think it would be wise to phase your intake of these things so as to allow natural production of testosterone, HGH, etc. To normalize occasionally.

I take most of the above including aginine powder that I put in capsules manually, and I rotate the intake of these things in no particular order and then phase out entirely in the fall and start again with 100mgs DHEA per day as a base.

The arginine I find really helps recover from strenuous exercise.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
I think it would be wise to phase your intake of these things so as to allow natural production of testosterone, HGH, etc. To normalize occasionally.

I take most of the above including aginine powder that I put in capsules manually, and I rotate the intake of these things in no particular order and then phase out entirely in the fall and start again with 100mgs DHEA per day as a base.

The arginine I find really helps recover from strenuous exercise.

A-unit, I agree I find it easy to try to get into a routine cycle which relates to my PE cycle. I normally take weekends off supplements and no PE on Sunday.

I find Arginine taken half an hour before exercise on an empty stomach has helped my exercise and weight reduction. I also take another dose along with L Ornithine before I go to bed to help with recovery. I take a total of about 4 - 6 gms of L Arginine a day, 5 days a week. I use powder because it is cheaper. Don’t think DHEA is available in Australia where I live.

It seems pretty clear we need to phase (eg cycle) our intake of a lot of these supplements I am hoping some of Thunders more experienced supplement takers can give us a better handle on how to cycle

Originally Posted by a-unit
Of course.

NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Transactional Analyst, course trained in Cognitive Therapy.

Thanks, you are a well learned man :)

Originally Posted by austfred
A-unit, I agree I find it easy to try to get into a routine cycle which relates to my PE cycle. I normally take weekends off supplements and no PE on Sunday.

I find Arginine taken half an hour before exercise on an empty stomach has helped my exercise and weight reduction. I also take another dose along with L Ornithine before I go to bed to help with recovery. I take a total of about 4 - 6 gms of L Arginine a day, 5 days a week. I use powder because it is cheaper. Don’t think DHEA is available in Australia where I live.

It seems pretty clear we need to phase (EG cycle) our intake of a lot of these supplements I am hoping some of Thunders more experienced supplement takers can give us a better handle on how to cycle

It seems as if we all react slightly differently to these substances, and so it is up to each of us to build our own book on how they work for us.

For instance, yohimbe meakes me so anxious that I stopped taking it, yet a friend who I gave my supply to loves it and calls it magical.

We also don’t have access to blood testing and biopsies to see how our system responds to the the things we do, so its difficult to objectively say what’s doing what.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
It seems as if we all react slightly differently to these substances, and so it is up to each of us to build our own book on how they work for us.

For instance, yohimbe meakes me so anxious that I stopped taking it, yet a friend who I gave my supply to loves it and calls it magical.

We also don’t have access to blood testing and biopsies to see how our system responds to the the things we do, so its difficult to objectively say what’s doing what.

I agree. I picked up some DHEA today and will do a 2-week, 100mg loading phase to see how my PI’s are affected, not limited to my penis.

PE'ing since 11/1/13. It's never too late to begin!



Originally Posted by SpiritFox
What is proper cycle or how it should be done?
I’m taking right now:
Celery seeds 1500mg as tablets and 1 table spoon of seeds.
Nox3 3000mg that AKG
Tribulus terresis 1400mg~
Pygeum 300mg
Pumpkin seed oil 1400mg
Flax seed oil 2100mg
Lecithin granules 3 tablespoons a day.
And don’t now remember name but some volume pills that I take 4pills and have 2000mg mix of tribulus, ginkgo, Maca etc. Lots of stuff like that.

That is quite an amazing list there.

Anyone using any white willow bark or aspirin? I”ve added this for the vasodialation effect.

PE'ing since 11/1/13. It's never too late to begin!



Originally Posted by marinera
Celery contains the male hormone androsterone that is believed to stimulate sexual arousal in women. After eating celery, androsterone is said to be released through perspiration and functions as a pheromone that turns women on. The Swedish author C.E. Hagdahl[36] states that ‘Celery contributes to a stimulation of the digestion, but is also suspected to be somewhat sexually exciting or even straightforward arousing.’ The Romans are said to have favored the abilities of this vegetable by dedicating celery to Pluto, the ‘god of sex’.

Androsterone, or 3α-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one, is an endogenous steroid hormone and weak androgen with a potency that is approximately 1/7th that of testosterone.[1] In addition, it can be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from 17-hydroxyprogesterone, bypassing conventional intermediates such as androstenedione and testosterone, and as such, can be considered to be a metabolic intermediate in its own right.[2][3]

Androsterone is often advertised as influencing human behavior, but there is little data to substantiate its use as a pheromone.[citation needed]
Androsterone - Wikipedia

Marinera posted a great explanation in the "Celery Benefits?" thread started by Tenbris on the proposed mechanism behind the celery/celery seed benefit some see, and felt it was relevant here since there are posts about celery seed supplementation. Probably better off introducing it into your diet as it’s negative calories (more calories required to eat it than it provides) would aid to decrease in body fat in the long run and help boost testosterone levels. However, I for one can’t stand the stuff so maybe supplements are the way to go.

Any luck with Ashwagandha ?

Originally Posted by kallea

Any luck with Ashwagandha ?

or Wittania Somminfera is a general tonic or more generally known as an adoptogenic by naturopaths as the word implies it is a good herb . Generally used in India by male as a sexual tonic but more generally used to continue through the heat of the day when tireness sets in time to take wittania sommifera. It may help with early ejaculation and tireness


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