Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Somebody can give names of supplements that improve erections , prevent turtuling, and pumped more blood than usual .. Also somebody know about a good web that sell real cialis without prescription to all around Europe?

How about doing a search?

Originally Posted by marinera
How about doing a search?

I’m really don’t understand in all of those supplements that is the reason I asked here why you have to be clever instead of helping?

Have you read this: Supplements?

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by memento
Have you read this: Supplements?

Well I read it and I also used to take l-argenine 1000 mg , korean ginseng , ginko biloba , and maca tablets but none of them dosent really help me I mean I dosent always have harder as rock erection as it should have because the use of those supplements , please did anybody can recommend a good supplements to increase blood flow to my penis and to prevent turtuling and getting harder erections?

Ashwagandha and Yohimbe directly work on erections (supposedly.) I would look into those.
Tribulus Terrestris might help? Supposedly it helps with circulation. I don’t really know.
Do some google searches them for reseach and see what the claims are.

Take caution with Yohimbe. I took GNC Yohimbe 451 and I had cold sweats and a rapid racing heart. It may have been due to a combination of things I took but I’ve heard racing heart is a associated with Yohimbe. I’m not saying don’t do it, but just go easy with it. That being said I took Yohimbe, 2000mg L-Arginine, Korean Ginseng, Horny Goat Weed Complex (from pipingrock), possibly even one other thing, then also took avanafil (Stendra, an ED drug) and I had the most wicked hard on in my life. I kind of scared my wife with the boner from hell but I was having cold sweats, racing, heart, and had the giggles (no kidding, like I was on weed or something. Some combination of those things really worked way too well.

Ashwagandha, the jury is still out. I haven’t really tried it on it’s own. You get energy from it so I wouldn’t use it for prolonged periods so cycle it. If you use it for 5-7 days you might start to really get run down. Either way do some google searches on those to and research them.

Maca is going to work more for libido, not erections. Same with Korean GInseng and Horny Goat Weed. They are supposed to help with libido but not necessarily on your actual physical hardness.

I would continue to take L-Citrulline (not sure how much) and L-Arginine with your stuff. They help with maintaining erections especially if you’re deficient in nitrates (vegetables.) Maybe take 2000-3000mg per day (1/2 in the morning, 1/2 evening. (L-Arginine doesn’t stay in your system for a long time) I was taking GNC ArginMax daily for a month (3000mg of L-Arginine with some vitamins and other stuff) and It kept my limp plump and gave me easier erections, I think. I wouldn’t say it’s the best thing but I think it helped. I wouldn’t waste the money on Arginmax as it’s mostly just L-Arginine which is cheap: (L-Arginine 3.00 g, Korean (Asian) Ginseng Root Extract 100.00 mg, American Ginseng (root) 100.00 mg, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract 50.00 mg) + vitamins

So look into those 3 (at the top.)

Thanks for the advice man I will check it👍

First of all before my question please sorry for my pretty lame English and sorry for my spelling and grammar mistakes the manager already scolded me for that so please try to understand me and to be tolerant… Second , is it safe to take L-arginine , Korean ginseng root , maca , ginkgo biloba , avena sativa , fenugreek seed , and tribulus at the same time two pills from all of them every day ?

Originally Posted by nshl

First of all before my question please sorry for my pretty lame English and sorry for my spelling and grammar mistakes the manager already scolded me for that so please try to understand me and to be tolerant… Second , is it safe to take L-arginine , Korean ginseng root , maca , ginkgo biloba , avena sativa , fenugreek seed , and tribulus at the same time two pills from all of them every day ?

Yes but quantities are important for your health and pills contain much less than ground up herbs and whole herbs. Bear in mind when you mix them up.

Ginseng and yohimbe raise blood pressure, so I wouldn’t take them togeter. Actually yohimbe is not good not even alone, just too many side effects at effective doses.

Beside that, pills, extracts and supplements are often nothing but shit. No one checks what is inside supplements.

Originally Posted by marinera
Ginseng and yohimbe raise blood pressure, so I wouldn’t take them togeter. Actually yohimbe is not good not even alone, just too many side effects at effective doses.

Beside that, pills, extracts and supplements are often nothing but shit. No one checks what is inside supplements.

I didnt mention yohimbe…

I didn’t mention nshl.

Most will argue that cialis isn’t a supplement but you can get it cheap generically without a prescription. So.. In that regard, all these type of threads should end with Low Dose Daily Cialis is better than everything else.

Originally Posted by gallan

Most will argue that cialis isn’t a supplement but you can get it cheap generically without a prescription. So.. In that regard, all these type of threads should end with Low Dose Daily Cialis is better than everything else.

LOL you better read ample documentation on Cialis/Viagra long term effects

Originally Posted by sricardo
LOL you better read ample documentation on Cialis/Viagra long term effects

I have. Long term effects are excellent with low dose daily cialis. Myself and other have taken it for years and enjoy great erections with no side effects.


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