Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Originally Posted by Trekker

What’s your preferred brand?

I don’t really have one, but I have brands I avoid. GNC is one of those. I haven’t felt anything positive from any of their products. Source Naturals was a good one for L-Arginine, but I’ve found sticking with one brand across the board doesn’t always get you the best results.

Starting BPEL: 8". Starting girth: 6.5"

Goal BPEL: 9.5". Goal girth: 7.5"

Started's Samurai 9/2020

Thanks, SP. i’ll look for that brand & give it a try. Again, GNC arginine has worked for me but I don’t much like the fact that the 1000mg pills tend to crumble!

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

Originally Posted by Trekker

Thanks, SP. i’ll look for that brand & give it a try. Again, GNC arginine has worked for me but I don’t much like the fact that the 1000mg pills tend to crumble!

Yeah the bottle is half powder before you know it, in my experience. Had the same problem with Maca man. Can’t even use the entire bottle!

Starting BPEL: 8". Starting girth: 6.5"

Goal BPEL: 9.5". Goal girth: 7.5"

Started's Samurai 9/2020

I also had that experience with the L-Arginine I bought at Walgreens, but can’t confirm brand at this point. But since arginine seems to be effective I’ll try other brands to find one that works but doesn’t crumble; if anyone knows of one, please post your info!

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

Supplement Review Paper

I’m not sure if a link for this article is somewhere in this forum.

A Review on Plants Used for Improvement of Sexual Performance and Virility

A Review on Plants Used for Improvement of Sexual Performance and Virility - PMC

It is a pretty good summary of supplements with dosages and probable effects.

Starting BPEL 6 3/4" x EG 5 3/8"

Working on 10% increase :<]

Current BPEL 7 1/16" x EG 5 1/2"

Hello, I am pretty skinny and wanted to bulk. My appetite is really low. Does someone know a supplement that can increase appetite?

Originally Posted by wister808
Hello, I am pretty skinny and wanted to bulk. My appetite is really low. Does someone know a supplement that can increase appetite?


Originally Posted by wister808
Hello, I am pretty skinny and wanted to bulk. My appetite is really low. Does someone know a supplement that can increase appetite?

I’ve had the same problem several times in my life. I’ve tried supplements to help years ago. They did not work for me and they generally take awhile for individuals to notice any kind of effects at all. Even with any kind of supplements you are going to have to suck it up and force some food down. The only real medication to aid in appetite stimulation is for people with HIV and AIDS and is very expensive.

This will work 100%
Eat a protein full breakfast and make sure to follow it with 1/2 cup of oatmeal (extremely important).
Do some morning cardio (just enough to get your heart rate up for a few minutes and sweat a little)
Make lunch sit down and force yourself to finish it (at first it could take up to an hour) Make sure lunch has plenty of good carbs as they are your friend with appetite stimulation
Make dinner sit down and force yourself to finish it (if you are still full from earlier, suck it up and force feed yourself slowly, take each bite as it comes) Include plenty of good carbs and less protein otherwise breakfast the next day will be a struggle.

You will start to crave candy and sugary foods, don’t let in. Eat some good carbs instead.

After a few days you will notice yourself becoming hungrier and hungrier. After 2 weeks you will want to eat more than 3 meals a day.

This will suck at first, but doing it like this is the easiest/fastest way to get past the suck part.

If you want some muscle and you don’t want to dedicate too much time to exercise you could cut the morning cardio (even if it will jumpstart your metabolism 10 fold) and add a HIIT workout right before lunch or right before dinner. It is important you do a HIIT workout or cardio.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Last edited by thepi0neer : 04-23-2019 at .

Originally Posted by lapsslap

Oh yeah, pot. A good indica would help a lot.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Originally Posted by Trekker
I also had that experience with the L-Arginine I bought at Walgreens, but can’t confirm brand at this point. But since arginine seems to be effective I’ll try other brands to find one that works but doesn’t crumble; if anyone knows of one, please post your info!

For L-Arginine I go only with Piping Rock now. They have such high quality everything. I also take the Swanson L-Arg powder, the 5g per serving scoop. It’s pretty good, but I think the Piping Rock 1g pills are the best L-Arg supplement I’ve ever had. Either for working out at the gym or for when I pump my cock, can’t go wrong! The Piping Rock pills are a bit large but man they are stable, solid and release both instantly and a bit slowly in your system.

Arginine Cured Low Libido and mild ED?

Hi Gents,

I’m in my late 30s and have been doing PE for about a year now. I’m about to give up on it, because I feel like it’s just too much work and not enough gain. I also feel like it’s effected my EQ. I got a prescription for Sidenifil (?) from my dr, but the side effects were crazy (I felt like I was burning up during sex). So I started looking into other options, and was talking to the guy at GNC I buy my Mass Tech from. Amazingly this was less embarrassing than my convo with my dr. I had asked him about Yohimbe and Maca, and he told me not to bother with that stuff, and that that too has major side effects similar to what I was feeling on the Sidenifil.

He suggested I try out ArginMax ( ) which is Arginine with some ginseng and ginko biloba thrown in. You can get it at GNC or Amazon. The first couple of weeks I felt nothing, and was taking about a 3rd of the daily dose to see how my body adjusted. Then this week I started waking up with the most killer hard ons. It was like so fucking hard it hurt hard. I was shocked. When it happened the next day, I thought there has to be something to this. I’ve been taking it consistently now, and at the drop of the hat I get a boner. My libido is sky high, and I swear it’s like my sensitivity has upped a level too.

Has anyone else had this kind of reaction to Arginine?!

I’m going to continue this for another bottle, because I have to believe that this is seriously working. There really isn’t any other major changes I can account for it.

If you’re having ED problems or low libido or even sensitivity issues, damn if you even have trouble cumming with your partner (I def did for a long time and honestly feel like this has helped a ton) I HIGHLY suggest trying out ArginMax or another Arginine product. (I’m pretty sure it’s the Arginine and not the ginseng or ginko which is giving me such an amazing reaction). But the guy at GNC swears by ArginMax so I’m sticking with that for now.

Good luck guys!


Citruline Malate works grear for me.

Maca + Zinc + Vitamin B, C, D and E. I get all of them for PE/gen. Health purposes, but I feel Zinc and Maca are also doing something great to improve EQ.

I took sildenafil and it also works great, but I love citruline malate, if I take the max dose of 8g in a day I’ll have an 8” hang flaccid with 5,5” girth probably the hole day, and it only takes a few kegels to get a proper erection.

Originally Posted by j_dogg
Hi Gents,

I’m in my late 30s and have been doing PE for about a year now. I’m about to give up on it, because I feel like it’s just too much work and not enough gain. I also feel like it’s effected my EQ. I got a prescription for Sidenifil (?) from my dr, but the side effects were crazy (I felt like I was burning up during sex). So I started looking into other options, and was talking to the guy at GNC I buy my Mass Tech from. Amazingly this was less embarrassing than my convo with my dr. I had asked him about Yohimbe and Maca, and he told me not to bother with that stuff, and that that too has major side effects similar to what I was feeling on the Sidenifil.

He suggested I try out ArginMax ( ) which is Arginine with some ginseng and ginko biloba thrown in. You can get it at GNC or Amazon. The first couple of weeks I felt nothing, and was taking about a 3rd of the daily dose to see how my body adjusted. Then this week I started waking up with the most killer hard ons. It was like so fucking hard it hurt hard. I was shocked. When it happened the next day, I thought there has to be something to this. I’ve been taking it consistently now, and at the drop of the hat I get a boner. My libido is sky high, and I swear it’s like my sensitivity has upped a level too.

Has anyone else had this kind of reaction to Arginine?!

I’m going to continue this for another bottle, because I have to believe that this is seriously working. There really isn’t any other major changes I can account for it.

If you’re having ED problems or low libido or even sensitivity issues, damn if you even have trouble cumming with your partner (I def did for a long time and honestly feel like this has helped a ton) I HIGHLY suggest trying out ArginMax or another Arginine product. (I’m pretty sure it’s the Arginine and not the ginseng or ginko which is giving me such an amazing reaction). But the guy at GNC swears by ArginMax so I’m sticking with that for now.

Good luck guys!


Hi Jdogg79,
I’m a long time supplement user. Arginine and supplements like you mention work great especially when you’re young but tend to diminish over time and as you get older. Many people suggest cycling.
On the sildenafil, try cutting the pill. It sounds like you are taking too much. When I was your age, just 5mg of viagra would get me going. No supplement ever came close to Viagra or Cialis. In fact, you’ll come to find out that many "supplements" sold for this purpose have undisclosed pharmaceuticals in them.

I have started taking L-arginine, L-glutamine, Omega-3-6-9 and Magnesium before going to sleep it has really helped me with my erections but it might also be the kegals that I’ve started doing.

Hello everyone. I apologize in advance for my English. I am only 20 years old, but I have some problems. I have problems with an erection, never had sex, and I don’t feel like it. Plus, I have chronic prostatitis and a general depressed state (it always has been). Also, I have never had a precum in my life. But but at the same time, I could cum a lot, and when I took zinc - it was a real squirt. I took a lot of tests, My testosterone level is about15, but it’s not very much for my age, I’m afraid to imagine what will happen next.

I really want a strong erection and precum. Maybe there are some tips for me? I ordered myself: Solaray Zinc Cooper, Now Foods Sunflower letichin, Solaray Pygeum & Saw Palm, NowFoods L-Arginine and Solaray Bio E Selenium. Do you think these supplements will help improve the situation? Most of all, I dream to finally see my dick wet from precum. Also, I would be glad to increase the amount of cum, especially since I know my body can do this.

I’ll also add that before that I tried Swanson Pygeum, but did not notice any changes at all, rather, on the contrary, my libido became lower and the amount of cum decreased


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