Verapamil Gel Patents (ingredients/directions are midway through the pages): US6031005A - Composition and method for treating Peyronie’s disease and related connective tissue disorders
- Google Patents & US6627663B2 - Noninvasive method for treating hemangiomas through transdermal delivery of calcium channel blocker agents and medicament for use in such method
- Google Patents & US6353028B2 - Composition and method for topically treating Peyronie’s Disease, Dupuytren’s hand contracture, Ledderhose Fibrosis, erectile dysfunction arising from plaque accumulations, and scarring
- Google Patents
From a pubmed study: "Verapamil hydrochloride shows thermal stability up to 180 degrees C and melts at 146 degrees C, followed by total degradation."
"Following intravenous infusion in man, verapamil is eliminated biexponentially, with a rapid early distribution phase (half-life about 4 minutes) and a slower terminal elimination phase (half-life 2 to 5 hours)."
"The mean elimination half-life in single-dose studies ranged from 2.8 to 7.4 hours. In these same studies, after repetitive dosing, the half-life increased to a range from 4.5 to 12 hours (after less than 10 consecutive doses given 6 hours apart)."
Applications state to use 2x a day. One should also monitor blood pressure during use (which I guess also applys for penis applications).
From: http://www.pdla bs.net/peyronie … tientStudy.html (used below) & http://www.pdla bs.net/peyronie … tientStudy.html (not used below, but includes same dose/application it seems)
"Verapamil topical compound *(40mg) was applied twice daily to the penises of 214 patients presenting with symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease. Patients were followed for one to six months for change in curvature, plaque size, quality of erection, pain relief and side effects.
Curvature: 71.4% noticed decreased curvature
Erection Quality: 86.5% had measurable improvement of overall quality and rigidity of erection.
Pain: 100% reported complete relief of pain
Side Effects: 1.4% (3 patients) developed contact dermatitis which improved in 2 patients with topical corticosteroid application.
Conclusion: These results led Dr. Fitch to conclude, “Topical Verapamil appears to be an effective and well tolerated drug for the treatment of Peyronie’s Disease.”
*This study was conducted with an 8% compound. The pharmacy now provides a 15% (75mg) per dose compound that has proven to be more efficacious."
So I assume 80mg per dose is acceptable, which = just 1 full tablet for your penis.
That = 100 applications(0.59 mL) per 2oz @ 14% VERAPAMIL w/ DMSO.
Not sure how many drops in a dropper that is: Blue Round Glass Bottle with Dropper, 2 oz |Specialty Bottle (2oz dropper)