Always happy to share! I’ve been curious for a while if there was actually any pharmacological benefit, in regards to the examples in the patent, where various vasodialators are utilized. Some of the studies I’ve found seem to indicate that they do have some benefit. The first one I’ve linked, mentioning the relationship these compounds have with DHT, in particular.
They also show that L-Arginine is a probably a necessary supplement, especially since it can be used topically. As for others, I’ve been reading up on L-Carnitine and it’s ability to create and upregulate androgen receptors lately. This can be used topically as well.
L-Carnitine L-Tartrate increases/upregulates Androgen Receptors:
Androgenic responses to resistance exercise: effects of feeding and L-carnitine
"L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation upregulated AR content, which may promote recovery from RE."
The effects of L-carnitine L-tartrate supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise and recovery
"No other direct effects of LCLT supplementation were observed on the absolute concentrations of the hormones examined, but with more undamaged tissue, a greater number of intact receptors would be available for hormonal interactions."
Androgen receptors inside the CC:
Androgen and estrogen receptors in the human corpus cavernosum penis: immunohistochemical and cell culture results
^Although probably common knowledge, this is particularly interesting. I’ve always thought about the few examples in the patent where DHT is injected rather than applied topically. This finding gives some weight to that method, I think. I’d like to believe targeting the inner receptors make sense. Pure speculation, but I’d imagine there would be more of them in the inner workings of the CC rather than the outer(?). I might be way off, though.