Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tongkat Ali?

Originally Posted by Walter5169

So the pills are exactly the same as the ones showed here Tongkat Ali extracts for sex and Black Ginger (Kaempferia Parviflora) for weight loss , as you can see worldabs is an official reseller and has been for a while, they’re in second position here

I got some 1:200 tongkat Ali from one of their resellers ( but it didn’t make much of a difference to me.

Live long and prosper.

I have been in contact with worldabs, their customer service has been excellent .

I found a place on queen st. In Toronto that carries loose powder.

The place is called herbies herbs.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by ChuckR
Those interested in tongkat ali might look at this source. I think it’s generally acknowledged to be legit. They carry both the 1:200 Sumatra Pasak Bumi capsules and a less expensive 1:100 product.

Barlowe’s Herbal Elixirs
West Palm Beach, FL

http://barlowes …

Reporting in - tried this. It’s bunk, from what I can tell.

There’s a video on YT that compares "real" tongkat with fake tongkat. This stuff had the same exact properties as the fake tongkat in their video. Granted, the video was made by a retailer who (of course) sells their own brand of tongkat, so there is bias. But I tried it anyways, one full bottle of Barlow’s and one month later after doing it using 2X pills a day (bumped up to 4X pills taken at different times for the latter half) and it had zero effect.

Also, has anyone tried Herbolab’s stuff recently? Is it just repackaged Sumatra Pasak Bumi ashes?

Kojar, which Barlowe product did you try, the 1:200 or the 1:100?

Was the 1:100

I wasn’t expecting miracles, but it didn’t have any effect at all.

Also, as fas as I remember the 1:200 they sell is just the Sumatra brand, which according to this thread is no longer legitimate.

I am in Malaysia where tongkat ali is sold as bark, a tea and as capsules. I started with tea and have moved to capsules. I bought one bottle which has 60x350mg capsules according to the label. The label suggests 2 capsules twice daily and I will try to remember to report back in a couple of weeks :)

Ok quick update on this. A few days in to taking tongkat ali so can’t be sure that it is the cause but I seem hornier. I had a nap earlier and woke up with a precum patch that had soaked through my boxers to mark my shorts. Never had that before. I felt a bit embarrassed and also a bit proud haha.

About two weeks in to the tongkat ali and I am sure it is boosting my drive!

I’ve been using it for the past few months but find the effect too intense. Lead to dull headache when I take two a day as recommended. So I cut the dose in half and take on a MWF schedule. So far it’s working well. My dick is always ready to go for PE sessions.

Headache? That is very interesting. I had a headache towards the end of the three weeks or so I was taking the tongkat ali. I thought it was linked to the heavy cold I had at the time but maybe not…

I do a stack of 2 (400mg100:1) of Tongkat, 2 (350mg) Rhodilia and 2 (200mg) Tribulus. Take very early in morning on empty stomach. I have a slight dull headache for a few hours around lunch. Would like to know what other use as far as amount. With this stack, erections are much easier that without. Also, gives a little boost to size probably because of the evening dose of L Arginine (2 250mg). Any other recommendations? However I much older than most on here 60+.

Any opinion for this brand of Tongkat Ali:

Old post but glad I found it, on page 16 someone mentioned how the raw powder is typically sold in bulk and they do not disclose it needs to be boiled or it can cause diarrhea and sure enough this last week has been hell, I bought a bulk powder and was takin 600mgs a day and I have had stomach problems all week. I am switching back to the Source Naturals LJ100 Extract which I inniatally started with a few weeks ago but changed because of the cost, it’s lower dose but it’s the extract which is supposed to be the best and doesn’t need a high dose plus no stomach issues. I’ll pay a little more and get the extract. I’m going to run 160mgs for a few weeks straight then go to 5 days on 2 off for a few months and see how I feel in the gym and bedroom.


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