Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tongkat Ali?

FYI, I’ve been using this stuff for years.. Don’t bother with the raw powder. You need extract at 1:100 or 1:200 from a reputable brand. Some of the effects are “blue balls” or a tingling sensation in the balls. Bigger/better orgasms with higher volumes. Increase in free testosterone leading to morning wood all the time. These are all things that I’ve personally experienced. The best part is that it’s none toxic to the liver. Raises in Free Test has been proven in the labs.

PE rules!!!

Sept ‘17: 5-3/4” BPEL X 4-1/8” MSEG

Now: 6-1/2” BPEL X 4-5/8” MSEG

This is my tongkat ali story

From a young teen I have always been a Avid masturbater and I could get an erection at the slightest sight of something that turned me on. Then I got married and always had frequent sex with masturbation in between. Now I am 59 years old and about a year ago I had to sit and play with myself hours on end to be able to get hard and come also had trouble having sex with the wife. Now for the last year my dear wife talked me into a wellness doctor visit and now I am on a dose of anastrozole, she says it’s to keep away the man boobs and a regular dose of testosterone and yes sex life with myself and my wife had come back. But here is the kicker, we took a trip to Thailand where are you can buy just about anything and I was having so much fun I asked our nice taxi driver if he could find me a place to buy some Viagra to try and his response was over here we don’t need Viagra we have special strong man coffee. So to the store we went and bought some special coffee and that night I had sex until my wife told me to stop after 2 orgasms and about 2 hours so of sex. I guess it’s a mix of the testosterone and the coffee but oh my needless to say I bought some and brought it back. I have ordered more on eBay and have learned to cycle It off for three or four days each week and now I can masturbate for 2 to 3 hours then cum then wait 5 to 10 minutes and do it again it is like magic within about 10 minutes of drinking it and now it seems like I have a full-time chubby in my pants most of the day. The wife likes it too

Any time she wants me I just drink some and wait ten minutes then she looks at it and BOING ! Also I seam engorged most of the time and I like how that feels. Note:before getting completely hooked on the tongkat ali coffee I did try tongkat ali capsules and did not get the wow effect so I went back to the coffee and like the taxi driver told me I do not need whole packet I just do a teaspoon in the AM. On a empty stomach and I can tell you I have never been so hard.

Originally Posted by cummmed
From a young teen I have always been a Avid masturbater and I could get an erection at the slightest sight of something that turned me on. Then I got married and always had frequent sex with masturbation in between. Now I am 59 years old and about a year ago I had to sit and play with myself hours on end to be able to get hard and come also had trouble having sex with the wife. Now for the last year my dear wife talked me into a wellness doctor visit and now I am on a dose of anastrozole, she says it’s to keep away the man boobs and a regular dose of testosterone and yes sex life with myself and my wife had come back. But here is the kicker, we took a trip to Thailand where are you can buy just about anything and I was having so much fun I asked our nice taxi driver if he could find me a place to buy some Viagra to try and his response was over here we don’t need Viagra we have special strong man coffee. So to the store we went and bought some special coffee and that night I had sex until my wife told me to stop after 2 orgasms and about 2 hours so of sex. I guess it’s a mix of the testosterone and the coffee but oh my needless to say I bought some and brought it back. I have ordered more on eBay and have learned to cycle It off for three or four days each week and now I can masturbate for 2 to 3 hours then cum then wait 5 to 10 minutes and do it again it is like magic within about 10 minutes of drinking it and now it seems like I have a full-time chubby in my pants most of the day. The wife likes it too
Any time she wants me I just drink some and wait ten minutes then she looks at it and BOING ! Also I seam engorged most of the time and I like how that feels. Note:before getting completely hooked on the tongkat ali coffee I did try tongkat ali capsules and did not get the wow effect so I went back to the coffee and like the taxi driver told me I do not need whole packet I just do a teaspoon in the AM. On a empty stomach and I can tell you I have never been so hard.

That’s interesting. What is the name of the coffee? In other words what do you search for on eBay? Or PM me a link to your seller : )

I would be interested to as I’m 58 and have some of the same issues

Tonkat ali coffee

If you just google Tonkat ali coffee eBay there are a couple of sellers and I buy the Strongman Coffee from Malaysia but have not tried any others but would be interested if anyone tries other brands.

Any relation to ALLI?

I have been capping tongkat ali from a powder source from amazon for about a year. Sure other supplements may work but Tongkat works ALOT better in my opinion. I put it right next to Viagra in terms of effectiveness.

Originally Posted by bigone0749

Have any of you guys tried a supplement from Malaysia called Tongkat Ali? This is not the Latin name. It is an virility product and alleged testosterone booster.

I took it when I was younger. Very strong stuff. Supposedly the only herb on earth that could potentially make your Penis grow thru the same mechanism as puberty : it activates your leydig cells in your testicles. They are what cause your genitals to reach adult size, so theoretically, they could trick your body into believing it is hitting puberty for the first time. It didn’t make mine bigger, but I didn’t buy another bottle.

Yes, LJ100 is the better option I reckon. I’ve tried both 100:1 powder from Purisource and LJ100 100mg from BIOVEA. The latter is much more expensive, but cleaner and more reliable I found. This stuff makes me hard and intense and more in control of my ejaculation. But mainly, the orgasms are so much more intense! Even my wife noticed the difference when I began taking this. It’s my go-to. I only use it on days when I know I’m gonna see her and most likely have sex. Then I cycle off everything when she’s on her period.

Originally Posted by I-beam

FYI, I’ve been using this stuff for years.. Don’t bother with the raw powder. You need extract at 1:100 or 1:200 from a reputable brand. Some of the effects are “blue balls” or a tingling sensation in the balls. Bigger/better orgasms with higher volumes. Increase in free testosterone leading to morning wood all the time. These are all things that I’ve personally experienced. The best part is that it’s none toxic to the liver. Raises in Free Test has been proven in the labs.

What brand? When I first tried it, it was from a Malaysian company. Seems they are far outnumbered these days. I want to try Bulk supplements since it’s cheaper and offers more for your buck, but if anyone has a proven source I’ll take it.

Starting BPEL: 8". Starting girth: 6.5"

Goal BPEL: 9.5". Goal girth: 7.5"

Started's Samurai 9/2020

i bought some longjack extract (tongkat ali) from bulk supplements site. anyone buy from this site and could give me their review if it worked or not and how much you took in one serving cause their directions says to take 80mg (scant 1/32 tsp) twice daily with meals..

thanks in advance!

Started: 6 3/4" length x 5" girth

Goal: 8" length x 5 1/2" - 6" girth

Nonono's Progression Pictures

It Works Like Hell

My apology for rising up this old thread.

I did consume this herb, it does really work to get your manhood hard as hell for hours, but got side effect which is headache after using it.

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, this shit will make you happy. From my own experience.

I tried it a long time ago and it did nothing for me, but that’s just how it goes. Works for some but not for all.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

So i took some of this a couple weeks ago and holy shit did I ever feel horny quick and easy when I was in the mood with this chick.
I came so quickly but I was still really hard afterwards.

dunno how i feel about it, i’ll try it again maybe later this week with the same chick to see if the same results or not

Started: 6 3/4" length x 5" girth

Goal: 8" length x 5 1/2" - 6" girth

Nonono's Progression Pictures


I have taken tongkat ali coffee for over a year now and settled into a routine of a three day off and four day on cycle for the most part.

The stuff is amazing I masturbate once a day at a minimum and sometimes two or three while taking it and any time the wife is in the mood before masturbating or after I can pleasure her for as long as she can take it. The longest I have been hard for was about three hours and also walk around with a constant chubby, I just love this stuff.


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