Thunder's Place

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Tongkat Ali?

Those interested in tongkat ali might look at this source. I think it’s generally acknowledged to be legit. They carry both the 1:200 Sumatra Pasak Bumi capsules and a less expensive 1:100 product.

Barlowe’s Herbal Elixirs
West Palm Beach, FL

http://barlowes …

Originally Posted by marinera
Anybody has ever analyzed the stuff that is sold as tongkat ali? There could be anything in it, from yohimbina to testosterone undecanoate.


We tend to trust what’s written on the bottle and this is one item where that might not be wise. Given that its supposed mechanism - inducing your body to increase testosterone production - will increase libido slowly over days or weeks but we all want instant results, the incentive for the dealer to add a kicker to show those instant results is great. Instant gratification, satisfied customer, more sales.

The follow-up question is whether it makes sense to enjoy those instant results, whatever is in the capsule. Maybe not if it’s yohimbe (banned from OTC except in very low concentration due to danger.)

I got an email from the supplier saying they don’t ship to Canada any longer due to recent changes in law here regarding things like tongat Ali.

My herbal supplier gets me mucuna and tribulus etc. But has never been able to get me tongat.

Our government wants us sick, tired and impotent.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Indonesian people doesn’t exactly look like a mix of Ronnie Coleman and Rocco Siffredi.

Originally Posted by marinera
Indonesian people doesn’t exactly look like a mix of Ronnie Coleman and Rocco Siffredi.

You’ll have to spell that one out dude.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
I got an email from the supplier saying they don’t ship to Canada any longer due to recent changes in law here regarding things like tongat Ali.

My herbal supplier gets me mucuna and tribulus etc. But has never been able to get me tongat.

Our government wants us sick, tired and impotent.

Happy to pm my supplier’s contact, but it’s expensive (which I don’t mind since it’s as likely to be reasonably concentrated and genuine product as any I’ve found). No idea what his shipment policy is. He’s an individual who buys directly from the Malaysian source, is known by me to be honest (but of course you can’t know if I’m a shill), and probably will expect that any import risk be yours, so best to discuss the problem with him before ordering.

Out of curiosity, what is the problem? Tongkat really hasn’t been shown by the scientific community to do anything at all, and certainly isn’t harmful even in huge quantity. Any chance your former supplier was lacing his product with a PDE5 inhibitor to make it seem “active” and got busted for that?

For those interested in tongkat ali, and who believe sumatra pasak bumi is the way to go, it’s not. I bought some , opened it, smelt and tasted it, and sure enough, it smells and tastes like plain ashes.

I get it on ebay and get 50g for $20
I know it’s the real deal as it is the worst damn tasting stuff there is. I usually parachute it. That is put some on the corner of a paper towel and down the hatch. I can handle just swallowing it with some water, but the aftertaste on the tongue is HORRIFYING.

As my wife if it does nothing. I know the stuff works as I have gone 3 times in one day with my wife a short while ago. I’m 44. The other reason I know it works is that it lowers the rage threshold. I get very angry, very quick. It definitely works. Sometimes after a few days of no activity, it feels like I have a new dick :)

I don’t take nearly even a gram of the stuff, but sometimes it feels like I’ve had 8 cups of coffee and I pace around and feel real uneasy.

I’d post a link, but I figure someone will yell at me, so…..

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Originally Posted by kfarrelldba

….The other reason I know it works is that it lowers the rage threshold. I get very angry, very quick. It definitely works. …

This isn’t at all a sign that it works. Even doubling average testosterone levels doesn’t make men more angry. I think that is either a placebo symptom or that there is yohimbine/caffeint/other CNS stimulants in it.

Originally Posted by marinera
This isn’t at all a sign that it works. Even doubling average testosterone levels doesn’t make men more angry. I think that is either a placebo symptom or that there is yohimbine/caffeint/other CNS stimulants in it.

Well I had a friend that use to take T shots. Body builder. He use to rage all the time, so maybe that is planted in my head. I get very snappy. Not necessarily rage, but short.

Google Tongkat Ali Serge - first link. This guy has some cool info on Tongkat Ali.

Problem is, it does, by itself, make me jittery. Not with other supplements either. I’m very sensitive to things that I take. Friends of mine, who I call hardheads could eat a teaspoon of the stuff and feel nothing.

Here’s another site that says “12% decrease in anger” LOL

Who the hell knows. I try not to read so much about something new that I’m taking

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Well I googled ‘tongakt ali’ and ‘Serge’ and found this
http://www.arra ngedmarriages.o … large.55510.htm

where it claims that tongkat ali will speed up penis enlargement. Now, we have tons on bodybuilders here who have been on steroids, and all of them, to my memory, have confirmed that steroids supplementation did nothint to speed up their gains. Notice that even on a first cycle a steroid user will shoot in his body an amount of testosterone that is way way higher than the supposed boost tongkat ali can give.

How comes that all the ‘studies’ about testosterone boosting effects of tongkat ali are coming from malaysia? It is quite strange, isn’t it?

These are from the same guy.

After the research I have done and the fact sumatra pasak bumi, the one and only “reliable” brand of tonkgat ali, is lying and selling ashes, I have concluded it is amost impossible to be sure what you’re taking is tongkat ali. It has become very rare and nothing proves what you’re taking is the proper stuff. Cheap tribulus is also very bitter. Then they can add some sildenafil or whatever and you feel ready to go often.

Sadly it’s kind of the same with all herbal supplements, very difficult to know what you’re taking. I have joined consumerlab, unfortunately they have not analysed any tongkat extract yet.

Last edited by Walter5169 : 08-30-2015 at .

What exactly did you buy?

Originally Posted by Walter5169
For those interested in tongkat ali, and who believe sumatra pasak bumi is the way to go, it’s not. I bought some , opened it, smelt and tasted it, and sure enough, it smells and tastes like plain ashes.

Sorry, it’s not helpful to say “I bought some sumatra pasak bumi.”. What exactly did you buy? The traditional large bottle with the pinkish writing on the label? 100 600-mg caps? From what source? Caps still weigh 600 mg? Same packaging as always, with a secondary cap under the lid? Who did you buy it from? How much did it cost? Did the seller refund your money?

I’m certainly not saying you didn’t get plain ash. I’m certainly not saying that it’s almost impossible to buy tongkat ali (or to know anything useful about the concentration, even if you get the real stuff). But at least a year ago the product I described, purchased from a dealer I came to know who got it directly from the source, was very likely tongkat ali of a useful concentration. I eventually bought a large quantity that I’m almost out of.

What I think I know: It’s not adulterated with yohimbe. I know that stuff painfully well. Nor PDE5 inhibitors. We all know that effect, presumably.

No one knows what Tongkat is supposed to smell like until they’ve smelled something they “know” is real, which is arguably impossible, so I’ll leave that aside. This stuff is pungent.

It isn’t the most bitter thing I’ve ever tasted.

What it did was boost my free testosterone level significantly (yes, get your doctor to write prescriptions for the test ‘before’ and ‘after’), made my testicles and penis significantly larger, and when I add PDE5 and good-quality yohimbine to my diet, and lets me produce a pretty good bone when inspired. “Significantly larger” is not porn-star quality, nor is the bone made of steel, but I’m 75.

And it’s expensive. The suggested dose is 3x600 mg daily, and I tripled that for many months. Finding an 18-year-old girlfriend might have had the same effect, but those are even more expensive.


Look here it is exactly what I experienced, you can also check the link I gave above, it explains how some dilute the tongkat (if they even use tongkat) in ashes:

http://www.amaz … =cm_cr_dp_title

I bought it from worldabs, an official retailer, suma 200:1 is written on caps etc… As the review on amazon shows the same happened to someone who bought their bottle.
If once they were reliable, it is very much possible they have changed their policy (less tongkat ali roots at disposal? Make more money?).


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