Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tongkat Ali?

Originally Posted by DonGiovanni
Can you tell us your positive results and which other supplements gave you better results and in which way they were better?


Yes of course;

- Possitive results on tongkat ali: increasing libido and agressivity. If I had to rate this effect between 0 and 10, I would give a 7.
- Better results with this supplement: 6-OXO.

a) Increasing libido and agressivity, maybe in a rate of 8.
b) Reducing estrogens.
c) Price. While the tongkat ali dosage was about 40€ per month to experience great results with 6-OXO the cost is about 12€ per month.

- Dosage:

a) tongkat ali 3 caps. a day (3 x 400mg @ 50:1)*
b) 6-OXO 1 caps. a day (1x100mg)**

* recommended dosage are 8 caps. a day (but most users conclude that 1-2g a day is more than enough)
** recommended dosage is 3-6 caps. a day

Hope I’ve been helpful. Arrivederci!

I tried the extract 10:1 for a whole bottle and it did nothing for me, waste of money

GUYS, I think some of you are misusing Tongkat, and I’ve read alot about it recently so I’m gonna provide some links and info to help you out -

^ Long read but VERY informative.

http://www.newl …

^ Skip down to the "I bought cheaper what’s the difference" blurb.

Basically, some of you are either mishandling the dosage and/or buying powder, which is crap. You need to either get the actual ROOT, or the EXTRACT. And 1600 mg to start off at is too much. They suggest you start out around 800 and build up your tolerance. And you MUST cycle it. 10 on 5 off, or 6 on 3 off.

As far as where to buy, has several versions of the same site, and NewLifeAlternatives seems pretty repretable.

Hope that helped.

8.5'' here we come!


Originally Posted by West
Since I dont use credit cards, if anyone with a credit card wants to order 3 bottles for $55 ($18 a bottle, opposed to $24) I’ll mail you $20 for a bottle, let me know.

Are you John Doe from Se7en?


8.5'' here we come!


I took TA capsules for 2 months and it seemed to do bugger all to me, now I’ve stopped and seem to have lost most of my what was formally very high libido and am having erection problems……….so I guess it was doing something but nothing overtly positive !?!?

As a result I’ve gone back to my original ethos of PE with no supplements but first I’ve got to get over my ED !?!? :(

I just purchased two 35 gram pouches of TA extract powder from an eBay seller for $41. With the prices on the TA site, finding a way to make the taste of the extract powder tolerable is the only way that I will try TA. Whether it will be mixed in a protein shake, in coffee or squeezed into a biscuit I can’t say, but my experiment will be fairly cheap.

Well, mixing it in water is a definite no go. Next up, mixing in protein shake.

As the popularity of this stuff goes up, so does the price. I’m not sure the cost justifies any benefit for me. I have a couple of days of pills remaining and after they are gone, I think that will be the last. I have been taking this stuff for quite a long time now though, and if after I quit, I notice some kind of noticeable drop off in my libido or something, I might reconsider.

I took my second daily dose this morning, mixed in with my protein shake. I guess it’s too early to tell how effective it is, but holy shit, the extract has a disgusting taste. There is absolutely no way to mask it. I had to brush my teeth, tongue included, twice to get rid of the aftertaste. I’m probably going to wait until I get some capsules to put this crap in before taking the rest of my 70 gram supply. Do not underestimate how horrid this stuff tastes.

Today’s morning dose was mixed in coffee with cream. Tolerable. I still ordered some capsules from eBay, though, to place the loose powder in. Until those arrive, it’s coffee, cream and TA.

^ How’s it effecting you?

8.5'' here we come!


After 2 days, no noticable effects. Both doses were only 1/4 teaspoon or about 500 milligrams. I will start with 1/2 teaspoon, 1 gram tomorrow morning. From there, I will continue to increase the dosage by 500 milligrams every few days until effects are noted or end of the 20 day cycle is reached.

Folks, I have been using TA for about a year now. I take 3 to 4 400mg capsules (50:1) per day. I cycle on and off based on my wife’s cycles. This stuff gives you an improved orgasm. It also keeps sex on your mind like you were 16 over again. It doesn’t help with the erection for me, but it does provide some good benefits. I experience some withdrawals when I cycle off (like decreased libido and more difficult erections). By the way, I am 52 years old and I need the help that TA gives me.

I know this is only my first post but I’ve been sitting on the sidelines for too long now. It’s time to finally post!

A lot has been said about Tongkat Ali, and I am very grateful to everyone for the good questions and keen insights regarding this supplement. I recently started taking a 200:1 concentration of Sumatra Paska Bumi (from Tongkat Ali extracts for sex and Black Ginger (Kaempferia Parviflora) for weight loss) just 6 days ago, and already, I can feel a marked difference in my overall behaviour.

I feel that my testosterone levels are up because of an increase in aggression and my newly-acquired lack of patience in even the smallest obstacles in my path. Everyday annoyances have escalated into major setbacks and I am feeling very uncompromising with myself and others.

In terms of physiology, I have noticed greater muscle vascularity (visible veins) after taking a dosage of 600mg (2 X 300mg capsule) of the 200:1 concentration twice a day. More hair has sprouted all over my body and my pubic hair now needs shaving more often.

On the other hand, my libido has spiked and my eyes seem to notice more and more curvy women in my peripheral vision. Being only 22, I’ve yet to experience a sharp decline in my libido but believe it or not, I have still lost a bit of my edge since puberty. Now, I feel as if I am 13 again; checking out all the hot mamas and wondering what their favourite positions could be.

In addition to a heightened sex drive, my overall energy levels have improved. Recovery time has shortened noticeably, and I feel more energetic after exercise. I can run, lift and stay focused for longer periods of time thanks to TA and more quality sources of food during meals.

I don’t believe that TA alone is responsible for all these experiences but I do believe that it has played in important role in their formation. I know some of you have noted that TA had little to no effect and I must agree with you. A bodybuilder friend of mine experimented with TA and despite following the strict dietary guidelines and cycling methods, he found that the only thing that gained was the total on his credit card bill. Perhaps it’s in the individual physiology but to be certain, you’ll have to try Tongkat Ali for yourself.

Has any of you guys ever gotten a blood test done while taking this thing? It might work but without proof it will always be speculations. By testing hormone levels before and while using it is the only way to tell; if it doesn’t have an effect in testosterone levels and the good effects are only for libido, then there are other cheaper and great options for that.

Present: 8.75" BPEL, 9.25" BPSFL, 5.3" EG

Goal: 1' BPEL, 6.5" EG


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