Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tongkat Ali?

The people I used to sell it to thought I was crazy taking 1600mg (1.6g) of it per day. They usually only took 1-2 pills and felt fine.

Its like wine. A little bit is good for you, too much is bad. LOL! Even though I take high doses of TA, I take long breaks (a month or two).

I still think that after my off cycle I will experiment with a higher dose. I’m not certain which amount will have the optimum effect on my body yet.

They recommend, from 1600 to 3200mg per day, so I will try to see if this higher dose boosts the effects. I am 35 so still young(ish), I suppose I shouldn’t expect any radical effects but my 2 goals with TA are to speed up my PE gains and build up muscles fast (I need to develop my quadriceps to reduce the laxness of my kneecap, which causes pain)

During this off-cycle, I have noticed a difference on my concentration levels at work, I get sleepy in the afternoon again, and definitely don’t have that confident energetic feeling I had during the last fortnight.

I experience the sleepiness and lower concentration levels, also. I don’t know why I didn’t do this but maybe before someone goes on the LONG break, they should taper off of it. Drop a pill every 2-3 days until you are down to no pills. I would still take the mini breaks (like 5 days on/2 days off), but taper off. This might be better for the body because going from 2-3g of TA to nothing for more than a couple days (like for a break) is bad. Just a guess.

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
In my opinion, the Indonesian company’s suggested dosage (4 X 1:50 per day) is too high, and that’s why it caused side effects.

According to some research, TA’s effect is to increase the number of Leydig cells in the testes, not to increase LH. If that is the case, it should not shut down the endogenous production of testosterone. In either case, I really thing that TA should be used with caution because the long-term effects are unknown.

Hi Jafar,

I’ve read the same thing about an increase in Leydig cells but I also have the before and after blood spot tests that show a very significant drop in total Testosterone while on the TA. That should not have happened if the biofeedback path involving LH was not somehow affected and/or especially as you suggest, that Leydig cells increased on TA - total T should have gone up, in my opinion. That was the “bad” news - the “good” news was a 50% reduction in SHBG and nearly a doubling of what is still a low range free T. I doubt that the large drop in Total T is due to the combined effect of lower SHBG and increased free T - possible, yes - but doubtful. I suspect that there are second order effects going on with TA - it’s a very complex system.

That’s why I am pursuing other avenues to try and further drop SHBG and increase free T. If that happens and I get a further drop in total T then I can say that it probably was not TA that dropped total T but something else having to do with increased free T. If free T reverses even though I have cut SHBG drastically then I know I have other problems to deal with.

More food for thought,


Good day!

I’ve shock if here is talking about our precious herb plant in malaysia call ‘tongkat ali’. Is a new trend in Malaysia that Tongkat Ali is in a packaging of coffee. No more capsule!! Yes still there but this is new way of selling tongkat ali. Here we can get 100 capsules of 100% tongkat ali ingredient about USD11 if I not mistake.

This is my advice for anyone who buy tongkat ali in capsule. Why don’t you add your tongkat ali with black coffee. This the way our ancestor drink tongkat ali. I’m sure the all nite will be yours.

The amount of taken tongkat ali is not the matters, but if your make it as your routine then you can feel young forever.

Hey fren, if you take tongkat ali I can sure, no more BACK PAIN after make luv. Trust Me. I’m the ANCESTOR of HERB hehehe


MrTips: If the LH-testosterone axis is depressed, how come the testes feel ‘expanded’ when one’s on TA? It is really intriguing.

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
MrTips: If the LH-testosterone axis is depressed, how come the testes feel ‘expanded’ when one’s on TA? It is really intriguing.

In my experience, the testicular expansion/engorgement and heat came early in the dosing cycle and tapered off towards the end of the cycle. So it’s entirely possible that the LH-T axis got suppressed at or near the end of the cycle which is why one cycles TA, or is one of the suspected reasons for said cycle. Also, the doseage as you discovered is a very personal thing. Some of the effects you experienced at the end of your first dosing cycle could have been related to suppressed free and total T. Also, have those effects waned?

I suspect that not only TA daily dose but also the cycle on/off times are a very personal issue, too - not your ordinary mild botanical.



The effects are slowly waning off, but not entirely yet, even after I have stopped taking TA for 12 days. Interestingly, during the first week when I am off TA, TA’s effects were as strong as ever. I don’t really understand how TA works. There seems to be some delayed effects, e.g. there were almost no effects at all during the first week even at a dosage at high as 4 X 400mg (1:50) per day.

I want to restart TA but really have no clue of what dosage I should take and how to cycle it. One thing for sure is that the recommended regime of 4 X 400mg (1:50) 20 days on, 10 days off does not work for me. It is simply too strong.

Just wondering if anyone (i.e. who is in a monogamous relationship with a woman not on birth control) has tried this:
Take TA on while she’s not on her period.
Stop TA while she’s on her period.

My cycles of TA in the past have been less rigid. I was thinking of switching to the above. That would be about 3 weeks on, 1 week off.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

I got my order from along with the dietary guidelines. Those guidelines are strict!

Question: How closely do you follow the dietary guidelines (protein only while on cycle, no fish, garlic, etc.)?

They should advertise this as a lifestyle change rather than a supplement.

October 2006: BPEL - 7", EG - 6"

January 2007: BPEL - 7.25", EG - 6.25"

August 2007: BPEL - 7.5", EG - 6.25"

Originally Posted by band1
I got my order from along with the dietary guidelines. Those guidelines are strict!

Question: How closely do you follow the dietary guidelines (protein only while on cycle, no fish, garlic, etc.)?

They should advertise this as a lifestyle change rather than a supplement.

I have been sticking to the carnivore diet recommended in the dietary guidelines for 2 weeks after which I then had a week off during the TA off cycle.
I only have a microwave so it isn’t so easy to achieve a meat only diet without too much salt and fat intake.
I found this website which explains the pros and cons of such a diet :

http://zerocarb …

I have to say, I have noticed an amazing improvement in my leg strength since I started 3 weeks ago so I am totally convinced about those benefits along with the improved concentration and extra confidence that taking Tongkat ali creates.

I started my second TA cycle yesterday and tried the 3200mg dose today to see if it requires a higher dose to get the libido enhancing effect - my first 2 weeks left me a bit disappointed,

I haven’t noticed any PE enhancement so far, I was hoping to speed up my monthly growth rate of 2-2.5mm, I will check next weekend to see if it has speeded up.

Thanks, dong. I’ll give it a shot.

I’ll have to check to see if I can continue taking my Juice Plus while taking TA. Does anyone know if it contains carbs?

Thanks again for the help, dong…but especially for that avitar.

October 2006: BPEL - 7", EG - 6"

January 2007: BPEL - 7.25", EG - 6.25"

August 2007: BPEL - 7.5", EG - 6.25"

Well it seems that I do require a higher dose (unfortunately at those prices!) to get the libido boost, Took 3200mg yesterday, this morning I woke up with a mega morning wood and throughout the day had a few unexpected semi boners. I also started imagining some arse ramming whilst I was walking up some stairs behind a curvy lady in the Paris Metro!

The meat diet is a bit boring, today I ate: 1 steak, 1 slice of pork and assorted sliced meats for lunch and this evening, 600grams of kosher turkey breast slices. I do supplement this with peanuts to give me some fibre since I heard that a meat only diet can make you constipated, nuts are also rich in protein and amino acids which all help.

This meat diet is only recommended for boosting the libido, I am doing more cycling and physiotherapy than before so I might experiment with a more balanced diet during my next cycle to see if there is any difference.

Day 1 of TA cycle: 1 tablet (400 mg @1:150) at 8:00 am, noon and 4:00 pm. Breakfast of eggs, cheese and protein bar. Workout 1.5 hours followed by recovery drink. Lunch of steak, lettuce salad and green beans.

I’ve had too many carbs from the protein bar and recovery drink, but I needed it for my workout routine.

I have to get some nuts to munch on for tomorrow. :(

October 2006: BPEL - 7", EG - 6"

January 2007: BPEL - 7.25", EG - 6.25"

August 2007: BPEL - 7.5", EG - 6.25"

One week into my third (14 days on, 7days off) TA cycle. I am still taking 3200mg - 2 pills 4 times per day.

This time instead of a zero-carbs diet, I am maintaining a low carbs/high protein diet.

There is definitely an improvement in the herb’s effectiveness and the extra energy from the carbohydrates really helps boost my libido . Erections happen more often and remain hard longer, however manual stretching soon makes me hard so I adapt by doing a mini dry jelq session.

My knee problem has improved VERY quickly, I have been doing physiotherapy and regular cycling to build up my leg muscles and I have noticed that I am slightly more muscular all over my body, that’s without going to the gym.

As for PE gains, no acceleration in my rate of gaining, I managed around 2mm in the first month which is my standard rate. I only concentrated on manual stretching during that time, now I am trying a more intense hour long session including dry jelquing, squeezes, erect kegels and edging. I also do 1-2 mini sessions at work.

I am wondering if taking Tongkat ali will only increase penis size if erections are forced to the maximum size regularly during the day. I am experimenting with this - for a week I have been getting it maxi hard 3-4 times per day.


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