Thunder's Place

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Tongkat Ali?

Hey guys I just checked out Tongkat Ali extracts for sex and Black Ginger (Kaempferia Parviflora) for weight loss
There seems to be so many diffrent forms of the product. There’s the roots (which looks like flatten woodchips), then there’s extract powder, then there’s the powder in capsules, etc etc.. Which form is the best? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this guys.

Also, why are these so expensive from this site? Everything is from like 120 bucks up to 600 bucks..
Or am I missing something, are there any cheaper ones on that site? Are these products more superior than the stuff we can get from gnc or something?

Can someone point me to a cheap and good product perhaps?

I’ve had a rather long PE break, 6+ months with a bit of shrinkage and have decided to start again to grow the final 1.5” and achieve my length goal as well as doing more girth work to get above 6”.

I intend to start using my extender again, now that I have my vacextender attachment and I have also ordered some 1:50 tongkat ali extract from Tongkat

1. I’d like to know what happens during the off cycle, does everything return to normal or is there some lasting effect caused by the more active leydig cells?

2. What about the effect’s on hair follicles (all over) does it increase growth or accelerate baldness? I remember as a teenager my hair grew like mad, Tongkat ali is supposed to return testosterone to similar levels.

3. I am thinning up top and was wondering if a DHT inhibitor (such as Procerin) should be taken at the same time to prevent further hair loss.

4. Is extender wearing a good idea with all those erections?

Thank you for your advice.

Originally Posted by Glober
Hey guys I just checked out Tongkat Ali extracts for sex and Black Ginger (Kaempferia Parviflora) for weight loss
There seems to be so many diffrent forms of the product. There’s the roots (which looks like flatten woodchips), then there’s extract powder, then there’s the powder in capsules, etc etc.. Which form is the best? I’d like to hear your thoughts on this guys.

Also, why are these so expensive from this site? Everything is from like 120 bucks up to 600 bucks..
Or am I missing something, are there any cheaper ones on that site? Are these products more superior than the stuff we can get from gnc or something?

Can someone point me to a cheap and good product perhaps?

With regard to tongkat ali, I’m using Source Naturals from The 100:1 extract (LJ100 is the proprietary name) is 100x more concentrated than the natural form. It’s been working wonders for my wood.

Can I by Tongkat Ali at a drug store like Wallgreens or CVS?

I have retarded ejaculation I think that is what it is called, but either way I have bad penis sensitivity and rarely come during sex however someone recently recommended Tongkat Ali. Have any Tongkat Ali uses experienced increased sensitivity or sensations which intensify the “love sessions”.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Last edited by Phenyo : 01-12-2007 at .

TA (vs. Viagra, etc.) increases libido, i.e., you actually become more aroused (not just hard). The difference is striking. With V, for example, I often feel like I have this heavy foreign object attached to my body — arousal has to be added. So, TA may indeed help you.

TA’s effects are incredible. You can actually ‘feel’ the effects of increased testosterone in your body.

Originally Posted by Madison
Hey Guys,
I’ve been at a site that has all kinds of info on Tongkat Ali Bioactive Constituents from the Roots of Eurycoma longifolia and have purchased some 1:50 extract 35 grams for $19.95 from this eBay seller
The first website is really helpful, he also recommends the Tongkat Ali extracts for sex and Black Ginger (Kaempferia Parviflora) for weight loss website and that a 1 gram dosage should be taken of the 1:50 extract per day, he’s even experimented with other dosages.

I just ordered today from the eBay site, all his ratings look good, well I’ll find out when I get mine, only spent $23 with shipping costs. He also sells caps, but to me it looks more affordable to go with the powder extract. I could be wrong.


Have your received your shipment from the ebay seller? If so, what do you think about the quality?

Thank you for the feedback plustwo. This is an interesting thread and although I have read through it a few times I seem to be struggling to find or decipher who we all thought would be the best (price wise) TA supplier?

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

I’ll second that, Phenyo.

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
TA’s effects are incredible. You can actually ‘feel’ the effects of increased testosterone in your body.

I should have saved mine to send to some of you guys that it helps, that is before I threw it out.

I don’t know how you guys can stand the taste of the extract. Its probably one of the worse tasting supplements out there (because its so potent). If you want to work up to 3 grams per day, I’d suggest the capsule form and that Ebay seller mentioned above sells bottles of it, also.

Originally Posted by Phenyo
Thank you for the feedback plustwo. This is an interesting thread and although I have read through it a few times I seem to be struggling to find or decipher who we all thought would be the best (price wise) TA supplier?

The eBay seller above sells the stuff straight from Sumatra Pasak Bumi. Some people don’t feel the effects of it until they get to a higher dosage (like myself).

I used to sell it and I know for a fact that the eBay seller listed above had the same stuff I had and we both got our stuff from (just different labels).


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