Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tongkat Ali?

Cameron Muir, a psychologist at Brock University suggests that testosterone might be a pheromone which attracts females.

As explained in the article, it is just a theory requiring funding to be researched and proven.

SO could tongkat ali with its T. boosting effects also make you more attractive to women?

Originally Posted by mindrunner
What about this product?
Eurycoma 1500 Ex Eurycoma Longfolia Aka Tongkat Ali 60 Capsules 1500mg from Scifit

they claim that is 100% pharmaceutical grade 750mg/capsule and its cost is about 20bucks…anybody try it?

What type of extract is it? If it doesn’t say extract, its just root powder and cheap. If its root powder, then it would take 50 grams of root powder to equal 1 gram of 1:50 extract.

Originally Posted by dongalong
What was the effect that you noticed first when it started working?

1 week of taking it and I’m still waiting for my balls to throb. Might increase the dose tomorrow.

I don’t have a full kitchen at the moment, all I have is a microwave. Unless I eat it raw, it’s not such a good idea to by fresh meat. I am managing to eat a 90% meat diet - it’s quite enjoyable and mixed with monkey nuts it hasn’t made me constipated. :)

I noticed that when I started doing some work, I would just keep going. It was like an energy boost. Plus, I felt more confident for some reason. I have had some minor testicle pain, but it was VERY minor. Nothing at all compared to blue balls. LOL!

As for the diet, make sure you take a fiber supplement like Metamucil or Benefiber. I would recommend eating spinach since it has a lot of fiber in it if you eat enough.

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale
I noticed that when I started doing some work, I would just keep going. It was like an energy boost. Plus, I felt more confident for some reason. I have had some minor testicle pain, but it was VERY minor. Nothing at all compared to blue balls. LOL!

Funny, what you describe is exactly how I felt yesterday, I suppose it is working. If I concentrate I can even feel something happening in my bollocks.
I still might try a slightly higher dose to see what happens, I currently take 800mg in the morning and 800mg in the afternoon. I’ll see if there is any advantage from 2000mg. Thanks for your help.

Just my 2 cents worth

I have been using TA for a while now and finally got down to 50:1 extract, I have been taking 1200mg a day with cycling but have not been to strict with the cycle. I ran out and stop taking for about 2 Months due to moving interstate. Have just received a new batch and started taking 1200mg once a day, effects, return to weighty feeling in both shaft and balls. Have just read post re-dosage and maybe need to take a higher dose so will go to 2000mg a day.

I also take ginkgo in the off cycle and will also try 1200mg L-Lysine and 1200mg L-arginine, read in a scientific article that the amino acids have a measure able effect in glands producing growth hormone when combined but very little taken separately. I am also hoping the use of these last 2 will assist in lowering my cholesterol .

Originally Posted by dongalong
Funny, what you describe is exactly how I felt yesterday, I suppose it is working. If I concentrate I can even feel something happening in my bollocks.
I still might try a slightly higher dose to see what happens, I currently take 800mg in the morning and 800mg in the afternoon. I’ll see if there is any advantage from 2000mg. Thanks for your help.

No problem :) I would try and up the dose to maybe 1200mg in the morning and at night.

Originally Posted by Temple
Just my 2 cents worth
I have been using TA for a while now and finally got down to 50:1 extract, I have been taking 1200mg a day with cycling but have not been to strict with the cycle. I ran out and stop taking for about 2 Months due to moving interstate. Have just received a new batch and started taking 1200mg once a day, effects, return to weighty feeling in both shaft and balls. Have just read post re-dosage and maybe need to take a higher dose so will go to 2000mg a day.
I also take ginkgo in the off cycle and will also try 1200mg L-Lysine and 1200mg L-arginine, read in a scientific article that the amino acids have a measure able effect in glands producing growth hormone when combined but very little taken separately. I am also hoping the use of these last 2 will assist in lowering my cholesterol .

I like long breaks with TA. Once you get back on it, you really feel the effects again. That is why I urge others to take breaks with it every so often.

Well, I took TA in the past 3 weeks and I suggest that you should go easy with it. I follow the recommended dosage on the bottle (4 X 1:50 per day) and it caused restlessness, anxiety and palpitations. Check this website Ray Sahelian, M.D. where you can find two links on TA. I think that each person’s tolerance for TA is different and 4 X 1:50 is probably too high for most people.

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
Well, I took TA in the past 3 weeks and I suggest that you should go easy with it. I follow the recommended dosage on the bottle (4 X 1:50 per day) and it caused restlessness, anxiety and palpitations. Check this website Ray Sahelian, M.D. where you can find two links on TA. I think that each person’s tolerance for TA is different and 4 X 1:50 is probably too high for most people.

I believe that you are right. I think I have built a tolerance up to it, which is why I go on long breaks so I can feel the effects again after taking high doses.

Well I tried a dose of 2000mg of TA as well as 2400mg of amino combo and suffered no adverse effects other than 4-5 hrs in I experienced hot flushes and what I considered to be slightly racing heart, granted I was clamping at the time and found the huge increase of blood flow to my penis simple amazing, the head was hard as rock and veins were bulging in places where most people don’t even have places. So maybe it was the TA or just a shortage of blood to the rest of me. I have dropped back 400mg will post any worth while results.

On another note having moved state our mode of transport has changed, and most ride bicycles everywhere so am on the bike for about an hour a day. I was experiencing sore muscles from the constant riding, especially the (drivers/thighs) which were not coping with the load. After about 3 days in from using TA the soreness is gone and the muscles are pumped. Coincidence maybe, would like to here other thoughts.

I am in my 40s so recovery time is much longer and was pretty unfit to start with also.

Maybe the TA assisted with recovery.


Originally Posted by Jafar_t
Well, I took TA in the past 3 weeks and I suggest that you should go easy with it. I follow the recommended dosage on the bottle (4 X 1:50 per day) and it caused restlessness, anxiety and palpitations. Check this website Ray Sahelian, M.D. where you can find two links on TA. I think that each person’s tolerance for TA is different and 4 X 1:50 is probably too high for most people.

Palpitations?! (WTF?!) - That really bothers me to read that. I have had no response like that to TA what-so-ever but I sure did to Yohimbe. Wonder if what you’ve been taking somehow got spiked with Yohimbe? Anything can happen these days and the Tongkat Ali shrub is becoming a protected botanical species in many parts of Asia. Bait-and-switch? Gosh I hope not but I personally cannot take yohimbe at all and that’s why I tried/tested TA. What I have in my supply cabinet is older TA material, but kept cool and dry. I’ve not experienced any of the stated side effects but like you say, doseage is always a personal thing to determine.

That said, what I did achieve with recent TA tests is verify (to myself) that it effectively lowers sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) based on before the first TA cycle and after the last TA cycle blood tests. TA dropped SHBG over 50% and I saw I a proportional rise in free T of about 50%. However, this is not an endorsement to anyone to rush out and buy TA. I had a specific objective in mind - lower SHBG. There are other issues with TA still to be resolved like its effect on lutenizing hormone (LH). I’m still unsure about LH.

At the present, I have set TA aside and I am testing another botanical formula in my personal war with SHBG. Since I am my own personal lab rat of one, it takes time (no mas, no mas) :)



Originally Posted by MrTips
Palpitations?! (WTF?!) - That really bothers me to read that. I have had no response like that to TA what-so-ever but I sure did to Yohimbe. Wonder if what you’ve been taking somehow got spiked with Yohimbe? Anything can happen these days and the Tongkat Ali shrub is becoming a protected botanical species in many parts of Asia. Bait-and-switch? Gosh I hope not but I personally cannot take yohimbe at all and that’s why I tried/tested TA. What I have in my supply cabinet is older TA material, but kept cool and dry. I’ve not experienced any of the stated side effects but like you say, doseage is always a personal thing to determine.

That said, what I did achieve with recent TA tests is verify (to myself) that it effectively lowers sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) based on before the first TA cycle and after the last TA cycle blood tests. TA dropped SHBG over 50% and I saw I a proportional rise in free T of about 50%. However, this is not an endorsement to anyone to rush out and buy TA. I had a specific objective in mind - lower SHBG. There are other issues with TA still to be resolved like its effect on lutenizing hormone (LH). I’m still unsure about LH.

At the present, I have set TA aside and I am testing another botanical formula in my personal war with SHBG. Since I am my own personal lab rat of one, it takes time (no mas, no mas) :)



Do you mind telling us what other formula you are experimenting with for lowering SHBG?
I have heard that stinging netlle root extract is supposed to free up bound testosterene by lowering SHBG. Have you experimented with this herb?

I have also heard good things about Nettle Root Extract. Its just finding a good company that carries a good extract.

As for Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Tongkat Ali has been known to be spiked with Cialis or other chemicals. I believe a lot of the 1:100 extract formulas you buy are Malaysian Tongkat Ali. So, be careful. I’m not saying Cialis is bad (never tried it), but who knows how much is in there? has a lot of good info on Tongkat Ali. Go down about 5/8th of the page and on the left side, you’ll see a ton of articles.

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale

As for Tongkat Ali, Malaysian Tongkat Ali has been known to be spiked with Cialis or other chemicals. I believe a lot of the 1:100 extract formulas you buy are Malaysian Tongkat Ali. So, be careful.

I would consider that a nice querk.

But if you want to take 1g of Malaysian TA, you might overdose on the CA. Again, I’m not sure how much is put in it or if they even do that anymore.

Plus, Malaysian TA supposedly has a high level of metals in it. Not sure if it would do any harm, but Indonesian TA is the way to go (it grows wild and is harvested about 50km away from factories, etc.)

My TA is from Indonesia. I believe that the recommended dosage (4 X 1:50) is really a bit too high. According to Dr. Sahelian’s website, which specifically discussed the dosage of Indonesian TA, the optimal dosage could be as low as 1 or 2X 1:50 per day.

I have tried Nettle Root (Swanson) and it works quite well, although not as strong as TA. I think that Nettle Root and Horny Goat Weed would be a good mix.


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