Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tongkat Ali?

Which ratio is recommended for newbies to TA?

And, is a 1:50 ratio stronger than a 1:200 ratio? How does it work?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Alot of good reviews/tests/etc. It didn’t do nothing for me. Won’t be wasting my money on it.

I’m sure a lot of people have benefited and I’m hoping the same.

In an earlier post, someone found a really good source on eBay. I’m just wondering if anyone else has bought from this seller or if you think you would trust him.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by quik4life
I’m sure a lot of people have benefited and I’m hoping the same.

In an earlier post, someone found a really good source on eBay. I’m just wondering if anyone else has bought from this seller or if you think you would trust him.

I bought it from this user and is good quality!;)
On first try I didn’t get any results and I was thinking that I waste money on such product.On the second cycle it did kick in me very well!!! Note that on first cycle my diet was on protein, no veg/sweets/carbs. On the second cycle I eat all that I want…it worked very well…increased libido, many erections with no reason:D
So, this stuff does works!

That’s good to hear mindrunner. I just bought 200 caps of 400mg (1:50 ratio) from the seller.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

tongkat ali plants are rare right? takes 25 years to grow an effective one. some manufacturers just sprinle some viagra in normal tea

"Men are gifted with two heads, sadly they do not

have enough blood to run

both at the same time" by anonymous

Let me know how it works for yall .

Hi all,
I started reading this post from first page but on fifth I couldn’t more, I jumped straight to the last and it seems the “supplement” is effective; I would like to give it a try but I’m still confused on where to find it (eBay or the UK company?) and in which doses to start (I understand that it needs to be cycled).
I wait to know from you.



Look on my page Don, and if you purchase, don’t get the raw powder. Tastes like cat sh*t.

Sorry if I missed something…does this ‘tongkat ali’ improves only your erections or also libido? As far as I have noticed Viagra does not influence libido so and ‘tongkat ali’ can do it…

Originally Posted by disi
Sorry if I missed something…does this ‘tongkat ali’ improves only your erections or also libido? As far as I have noticed Viagra does not influence libido so and ‘tongkat ali’ can do it…

for me did improve libido.I have no problem with erection..because of tongkat stuff I walked all day long with my bone up…most of time thinking only for banging:D

Does it enlarge the genitals ?

Originally Posted by quik4life
I’m sure a lot of people have benefited and I’m hoping the same.

In an earlier post, someone found a really good source on eBay. I’m just wondering if anyone else has bought from this seller or if you think you would trust him.

That is a good source (if not the best) on eBay, IMO. Like I’ve stated before, I used to sell Tongkat Ali and now that I’m out, I’ll be going to that seller. It’s the exact same stuff I was selling, just a different label.

I’ve been cycling TA for a few months with good results. The first time I was strict with my diet as per the instructions, but now I just eat normally. I get the same results (or better) with my normal diet than the higher protein regimen.

I do require the higher dosage though and usually take 3 tablets 3 times per day when on cycle. It’s made a noticeable difference in my wood and carries through most of my off cycle, too.

October 2006: BPEL - 7", EG - 6"

January 2007: BPEL - 7.25", EG - 6.25"

August 2007: BPEL - 7.5", EG - 6.25"

I have some questions

Where to buy tongkat Ali , not on eBay , I don’t trust it

Which brands are good , because it seems logic to me that also cheap brands wants to profit..

And does it really increase the size of the genitals , I’ve read this on a site , but I have my doubts ( it was a .com site)

And is it unhealthy at a certain dose


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