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Tongkat Ali?

Well, it looks like ahund bought the same stuff that I would. Although, it is recommended that you cycle it on for 5 days, off for 2. Also, you can cycle it for 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off. It can take up to 8 weeks to feel full effects (kind of like Glucosamine and MSM). Cycling is VERY important. There is a supplement called Alpha Male (acts the same way almost) and you NEED to cycle it.

Like someone said, what works for some, won’t work for others. People on here swear it works, yet others think it doesn’t. If cycling was done correctly, then I guess you can say it honestly didn’t work for you.

I think tongai ali is great stuff. I have morning wood and I am 50. I think each individual reacts differently to different things. I have no side effects either, no headaches, irritation or anything.

Just curious… do you cycle or do you just take it everyday, all the time?

Just curious (for personal knowledge)

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale
May I ask what the extract was and how many mg per pill?? How many pills were taken?

Just curious….

It should all be in the thread..


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Yeah… I saw it. I should of looked first. My bad :)

My erections are way harder when I use tongai ali. I cycle off for 2 weeks and can notice a big difference while not taking the stuff.

It all comes from Southeast Asia, it seems. Anyone have any info on Chinese sources? Parts of China have similair climates. Chinese people have been using various herbs for a very long time now.

I was thinking that stuff from China might be cheaper.

What are the duty fees on this stuff anyways? I live in the United States, so I wasn’t sure exactly how much on a big order (over $300 US dollars).

I want to clear something up about the different forms in which one can get tongkat ali. As others have noted, the ground root powder found in some rip-off formulations is mostly cellulose. Instead, the traditional way to use the root is to brew about 50 grams of chipped root in hot water to yield a thick, dark and bitter tea. (In a side note, roots can also be extracted using various organic solvents instead of hot water, but a whole different array of compounds are extracted, for which one can no longer rely on long traditional use as an indication of safety, and for which at least one study has demonstrated some toxicity.)

If a tea is made in this way from 50 grams of root and then boiled or otherwise evaporated to dryness, what is left is about 1 gram of a brown solid. Thus, the commonly sold “1:50” or “50:1” extract. If you dissolve 1 gram of such an extract in about 100 mL of hot water, you’ve basically reconstituted the traditional Malaysian tea. This is all pretty clear and understandable.

What is less clear is how suppliers produce “1:100” and “1:200” extract powders that are available. One trivial way to do this is to brew root chips less effectively so less water-extractable components are extracted, then to dry that tea down. You could easily get just half a gram of dried extract from 50 g of chipped root this way, and legitimately call it a 1:100 powder. But would it have twice the concentration of the active ingredients as the 1:50 powder. Doubtful. So how do suppliers make the 1:100 and 1:200 powders? I don’t know. More to the point, how strong are they relative to the 1:50 powder? I don’t know that for certain either, but here is a strong hint from the dosage information letter one can get from one of the reputable manufacturers:

For tongkat ali 1:50 extract, the standard dosage for
Men is 0.8 gram (800 mg) to 1.6 gram (1600 mg) per
Day. Weight lifting athletes may go to twice or even
Four times that dosage, taken at regular intervals
During the day.

For tongkat ali 1:200 extract, the standard dosage for
Men is 600 mg per day. Weight lifting athletes take up
To 2.4 gram (2400 mg) per day.

This suggests that their 1:200 powder is certainly not 4X as strong as their 1:50 extract, as the name might imply, but rather, between 1.3X and 2.7X as potent. This is the only place where I’ve seen information by which to judge relative potency of the various extract powders. Obviously, this information needs to be considered when deciding which extract to buy, I.e., which is most economical. Myself, I bought the 1:50 extract.

That doesn’t seem to make much sense, IMO. If I may ask, where did you get this info???

1:50 extract means that 50 grams of chipped root were extracted to make 1 gram of extract powder. 1:200 would mean that 200 grams of chipped root were extracted to make 1 gram of extract powder.

I’m not saying you are wrong. I am just saying it doesn’t really make sense to me. I mean, if 1:200 is only 1.3x to 2.7x as strong, then I guess the 1:100 is barely stronger than the 1:50.

Any other input/thoughts would be appreciated….

A follow up:

My supplier/manufacturer said that the 1:200 extract is NOT 4 times as strong as the 1:50. They said it is wrong to assume this. From what they told me, it seems like the 1:200 extract is at least twice as strong as the 1:50 extract (but not 4x as strong), but they didn’t explain EXACTLY how much stronger it is (unless it is hard to tell).

I’m still confused. LOL.

Originally Posted by ShyMplsMale
A follow up:

My supplier/manufacturer said that the 1:200 extract is NOT 4 times as strong as the 1:50. They said it is wrong to assume this. From what they told me, it seems like the 1:200 extract is at least twice as strong as the 1:50 extract (but not 4x as strong), but they didn’t explain EXACTLY how much stronger it is (unless it is hard to tell).

If anything, the 1:50 is the most concentrated of the two??

Anyway, I took the 1:50 for two months, and it did nothing for me. 1600mg a day.
But it might wotk for others, I don’t know. what I DO know is that it’s expensive..


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Actually, the 1:200 is more concentrated. 1:50 means that 50 grams of root was used to make 1 gram of “extract”. 1:200 means that 200 grams of root (more product) was used to make 1 gram of extract.

To me, it seems like 1:200 would be 4 times as strong since they use 4 times the amount of root to make 1 gram of “extract” (4 x 50 = 200). But, I guess that isn’t the case (????????)

I don’t know. I’m still confused LOL

Originally Posted by ahund
what I DO know is that it’s expensive..

No kidding. Is there no cheaper source? We are talking Southeast Asia here!!!

Originally Posted by Kirin
No kidding. Is there no cheaper source? We are talking Southeast Asia here!!!

There is a cheaper source and from the same place where Ahund bought his stuff from. But, I’m not allowed to advertise.

Sorry :(


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