Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tongkat Ali?


My response to tongkat was great at first. As good or better than Viagra. Then in a few months not much of anything. Perhaps I wasn’t cycling it properly. I am a sucker for each new fad. What I did notice when I went up to larger doses was I became one mean sonofabitch. It changed something in me for sure. I think moderate doses of tongkat or the extract is good. I read recently large doses causes genital growth in rats. I got so mean on big doses I doubt I could go that route. Easy growth and a harder dick is always enticing. Good luck


I’m still not feeling anything from the Tongkat Ali, except for a slight increase
in sex drive.
I’m waiting for the Testosterone test.


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Originally Posted by ahund
I’m still not feeling anything from the Tongkat Ali, except for a slight increase
in sex drive.
I’m waiting for the Testosterone test.


I’m waiting for your testosterone test results also:)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
I’m waiting for your testosterone test results also:)

I suspect it to show that my Testosterone is in the low end of normal,
but we’ll see. I’ve always figured I had low testosterone.


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Originally Posted by ahund
I suspect it to show that my Testosterone is in the low end of normal,
but we’ll see. I’ve always figured I had low testosterone.


I’m good!! My estimate was right, my testosterone test showed that my value is 15.2, and the normal range is
9- 55. (I think it’s Nmol/ Litre, I don’t have the paper in front of me)
So, I’m in the low end of normal. I’ll take a new test one of these days, to see if the Tongkat Ali has had any effect
on the Testosterone level.
My doctor is very sceptical, because the brain receives signals of the testosterone level, and if it’s raised, the body
produces less. So even if you don’t give the body Testosterone, if the production is increased, it will only
be temporarily, because the body adjusts the levels.. Sorry for the clumsy explanation, but this is the way I understood it.
Any MD’s who want to chime in?


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"


So what are you going to do Bro is the doctor going to put you on anything? How old are you now and how old were you when you started to feel like your levels were low? As far as you doctors explanation I don’t think he’s right but I’m not a doctor and he is.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

So what are you going to do Bro is the doctor going to put you on anything? How old are you now and how old were you when you started to feel like your levels were low? As far as you doctors explanation I don’t think he’s right but I’m not a doctor and he is.

Hi bro. The doc seems to be of the opinion that you can’t do much
about the Test. level.. I always suspected my level was low, because of
little body-/ facial hair, and not building muscle that easily.. etc.:-)
I’m 40 now, and I was late in puberty..
However, this is no problem for me.


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"

Originally Posted by ahund
Hi bro. The doc seems to be of the opinion that you can’t do much
About the Test. Level.. I always suspected my level was low, because of
Little body-/ facial hair, and not building muscle that easily.. Etc.:-)
I’m 40 now, and I was late in puberty..
However, this is no problem for me.


So ahund,

How is your Test. Level after taking tongkat ali? I have been taking this herb for 2 years and it has done miracles for me!! My friend tries it too (upon my advice) and he’s a very happy man now.

Haha I have re-experienced puberty again! I am not a person that has moustache or beard, in fact I don’t have any significant facial hair, not even any hairs on my legs (pubic is bushy, however). In fact my legs were as smooth as my girlfriend!! After I started taking tongkat ali, well I was way past puberty already (so this is definitely not a delayed puberty), I started to grow some hair around my legs, significant enough that my girlfriend wasn’t jealous of my smooth legs already!

Apart from that, my testicles has increased in size, and so do my penis although just less than 1cm. But the girth has increased, my girlfriend testified to this, and I can feel the fullness of it. The testicles has grown from grape-size to something close to ping-pong balls or golf balls to all the corporate guys out there. Haha, it hangs really low for some reason. (My guess: whenever it needs to produce large amount of testosterone or sperm cells it hangs low to stay away from body heat for maximum production)

About the cycling the herbs process as mentioned, I think that it doesn’t matters. As long as you took small doses, you’re fine and should have continous effects all year long. I do experienced the so called “cycle” when the effects doesn’t seems to work anymore, then I took a couple weeks off, and it resumes back after that. But that is because I (and you) OVERDOSE it!! I think the testicles or the lydig cells has give up after the stressful period of continously working! Just like your muscles, if you overtrained it, it gives up the ghost and gives you the most “satisfying” cramps!! I am taking small doses daily, and it works like a charm, judging by the hanging and shrinking activities, I am sure the testicles are in the working and resting cycles just like nature intended. All I need is for the tongkat ali to nudge the process a bit, giving it a bit of encouragement not sending it to boot camp! The dull ache should be taken as a sign the testicles are tired!

So don’t take in high doses, well if you did then by all means “cycle” to give time for your “little buddy” to rest.

Sometimes, though, I do take higher doses, like couple weeks before celebrating anything with my girlfriend, just to boost the “horniness” hehe. Well it’s good for her and good for me! Although it is definitely not good at all when I am driving! I was practically a road rage monster!! Taken in high doses, I honk at people whenever they are doing 60 in a 40 zone, whenever people stops their car at red lights!! So for those who intend to take tongkat ali in high doses, remember not to drive.

For those, who doesn’t experienced anything when taking tongkat ali, I think there is a perfect explanation to it. Unless it’s really biological that your body somehow doesn’t respond to it, then I can’t help you. I think the reason why Tongkat Ali doesn’t work for some men; I think you bought a “lemon Ali”. Some companies is just a big gathering of conman. I think these are what you buy.

Some companies don’t uses Tongkat Ali extracts, but rather they gives you ground up roots, these saves a lot of money to them at your expenses. Since it is not extracts, therefore you won’t be getting any or enough Tongkat Ali to make any differences. To put in perspective, one roots can make like 60 capsules of grounded roots, but can only make something like 1-2 pills of extracts.

-TONGKAT ALI EXTRACTS but small doses
Well the company cheated on you by giving you doses that won’t even make the rat horny.

Of course we can’t discount the possiblities of buying fake medicine/supplement, but I am just listing the two legitimate ways of cheating. For those who thinks Tongkat Ali doesn’t work maybe you can try other brands. Just a reminder if you buy the roots, remember to boil it for few hours, that way you can extract the most out of the roots. Just add honey to the bitter concoctions and it’s ready to serve! By the way, that’s how Tongkat Ali is consumed in Malaysia if people buys the root and extract it themselves.

Oh it helps a lot if you consume nutrients like zinc at night since you are now producing higher amount of testosterones, thus the nutrient requirements should be higher. I just took a multivitamin before I go to sleep, and zinc tablets 2-3 times a week with that.


Which product/brand are you using?

I am staying in Malaysia. I don’t think the product that I use are available in other country, maybe available in nearby country like Singapore and Indonesia and Thailand. Perhaps.

In the morning I took a cup of coffee plus Tongkat Ali (it’s an instant coffee powder that are fortified with Tongkat Ali). This is the most popular way of consuming Tongkat Ali in Malaysia. It is sold almost everywhere, from supermarket down to any stalls and shops. It’s a local brand. Then I took Tongkat Ali in form of boiled roots water plus honey. Available in many local herbalist. You buy by the weight, so there is no brand whatsoever. The coffee powder, there’s like 10’s of brands available in Malaysia, all local products, and judging by the company and brand, I think it’s SME industries products so I don’t think it’s exported far.

But if you are unsure about what to buy, select reputable brand, which I cannot recommend any since I notice any Tongkat Ali pills here in Malaysia, perhaps because it’s already sold in abundance in every market and shops. There is only one brand that I’ve ever came across, and it’s like eons ago, I think the brand is NU-PREP. It’s a standardized Tongkat Ali extract, quite expensive too, but I didn’t tried it.

lovejailing: Your experience with tongkat ali is amazing. I would love to try it too!

I have just below normal T and have had T injections for about nine months before my doc enforced an off cycle for 3 months. During this 3 months, I tried the LJ100 product 1:100 extract, 50mg caps from therootofthematter site https://www.the … . They state their LJ100 product as being the stongest extract currently available http://tongkat- … .

The LJ100 initial results were good on an increase from the recommended dosage from 2 to 4 per day. I felt an increased libido, feeling of increased energy and better erection quality which alo helped with maintaining erections for the jelqs. The supply lasted about a month after which I swapped to the more potent extract of 200:1 x 400mg caps from Tongkat Ali extracts for sex and Black Ginger (Kaempferia Parviflora) for weight loss. I worked out that it should last me around 5 months. The results were not as good as the previous batch. My libido did not seem to increase much, however the erections were still good. I increased the dose, but seemed to get a little upset gut and reduced it again. Another good side effect is that it made me recover for the flu/bad cold very fast. As I always get a cold and it develops into bronchitis pretty soon after lasting months. This time it cleared in a week.

After almost 3 months on tongkat, I ended with the usual 10 days cycle off after being 20 days on. I decided to visit the doc again for the blood test. T this time was up in the low normal. I had to say to the doc on was on some herbals for testosterone improvments. Lucky he didn’t care much for that. He prescibed the Testogel product recently released here. It is pretty good, however the boys have again started to shrink a little. I may just try using some tongkat with the T to see what happens.

Hi guys,

After reading this thread I am now considering buying Tongkat Ali capsules. I have found a website that sells 50:1 100mg Tongkat Ali capsules for 19,95 euro here in the Netherlands . This site recommends to take twice a day 1 or 2 capsules. I have also done some reading on this site which has a Recommended Dosage Calculator. After entering my weight and choosing 50:1 for dilution scale the calculator gives the following answer “You are recommended to take 58.5 mg of 50:1 Extract per day after meals”.

Now I’m a little confused, how much should I take each day? I don’t want to overdose like Ahund did according to lovejailing.


Last edited by DinkyToy : 12-19-2005 at .


I would suggest that the calculator on that site is a therapeutic guideline for every day use. Real benefits happen around three to 5 times that amount with at least the 100:1. You will not overdose. Also everyones makeup is different and some people will not get much benefit at all.

Originally Posted by DinkyToy

Now I’m a little confused, how much should I take each day? I don’t want to overdose like Ahund did according to lovejailing.



That’s funny :-) . Maybe I did OD, but the site where I got it said that bodybuilders who wanted to increase Testosterone
to high levels should take double of what I took. I’m starting to think that it’s just crap.
It will be interesting to see if others have an effect. I’m not buying any more of the stuff!


January 2009: BPEL: 8.6" EG: 5.7"

Goal for 2009: BPEL: 8.75" EG: 6"

Ultimate goal: BPEL: 9" EG: 6.5"


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