Trying out some inexpensive supplements

Hi all, I have read some about supplements here and to be honest I went to the store today not expecting to buy any, so I wasn’t prepared when I did anyway. I went ahead and bought some Omega 3 since Zaneblue had recommended for men and woman. I also bought some Zinc for no other reason than hoping to put on a bigger show for me and the wife. I also take a general Multimens’s supplement and some Vitamin B. each day.

Can you tell me if this is a good combination and if you would suggest any changes, additions or subtractions for me?
I want increase stamina, libido, and or staying power.



Start Date Nov 05 2006: BPEL (5.50) NBPEL (5.0) E .Girth(4.75) F. Length(4.00) F. Girth(4.25)

Last Meas June 14 2007: BPEL (7) NBPEL (6) E .Girth(5.50) F. Length(4.125) F. Girth(4.50)