You could have an IQ of Infinity -138, but those big numbers will never ever make you like yourself. People offer you assistance after your latest crackpot plea for help and you swat it away. Did all the AP exams not teach you how to solve problems besides the ever retarded cookie cutter way? The answer is right in front of you and you still can’t find it. All those book smarts college boy and you can’t even social engineer? How sad…. Maybe Mensa has a weight watcher’s program where all the Brainiac’s shed pounds by intellectually fellating themselves to their test scores?
I would say learning to play with others is hard for you. All your special skip-a-grade shit compounds your “F” on the report card of life. Yet your frustration makes you lash out at others here. You are just going have to accept that you need social remediation for a long fucking time. So swallow some pride for once in your life and take the small bus for once, cause this time you have to work for it. Your choice is either be a misearble fuck and have your IQ printed on your tombstone as only your blood relatives show up which means a very lonely life for you. Or You can break out some elbow grease and actually work for something in your life. Take pride in the journey and use mile posts to mark how unsocially retarded and non-husky you could be. It is all up to you.
Your first step is relaxing, admiting you fucked up, and rationally looking for a solution. Play nice with others, cause some people are spiteful pricks and will push you don’t flight of stairs and blame it on the family dog if you try and play Billy BadAss with the wrong people. Learn to accept what you got both good and bad. A sense of humor helps too. Everyone’s got problems, so welcome to the fucking club. If you continue to flail about like a angry little fish out of water you only amuse some of us.
Life isn’t fair and plenty of dullards have found ways to tame it. So what does that say about IQ? Think really hard cause this is an essay and clarity of thought always counts.
“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor
I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.