Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hair loss - anything to reverse it or prevent it? Is hair transplantation an option?

Originally Posted by Aussigymguy
Your hair dresser is wrong that a hair transplant isn’t an option, I had 2000 grafts done about 3yrs ago and it looks perfectly natural only issue is now my hair has continued to recede behind my transplanted hair so I’m needing it done again to fill in those areas but I antacipated that anyway, the point will come that I won’t have enough doner hair to supply the thinning areas but I’m banking by then there’ll either be something new available or I wont care so much as I’ll be older, that’s the hope anyway.


What percentage of the 2000 grafts you had do you think remained viable and healthy in the transplanted section of your hairline? I have read that a certain percentage of hair grafts do not thrive after transplanting.

From a guy who has lived seven decades and has lost much hair this year (anesthesia from surgery may be the culprit), I hope you fare emotionally better than I as you age. I agree with you that medical science will hopefully come to our aid. The person who figures out male pattern balding will be the next Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

Thanks for answering my question.

Originally Posted by thinktank

What percentage of the 2000 grafts you had do you think remained viable and healthy in the transplanted section of your hairline? I have read that a certain percentage of hair grafts do not thrive after transplanting.

From a guy who has lived seven decades and has lost much hair this year (anesthesia from surgery may be the culprit), I hope you fare emotionally better than I as you age. I agree with you that medical science will hopefully come to our aid. The person who figures out male pattern balding will be the next Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.

Thanks for answering my question.

What is your age and how much did the 2000 grafts cost you in Australia????

I saw someone mentioning the "more testosterone" theory because you’re balding. That’s not quite correct but almost. What you got more of of is "Dihydrotestosterone" as some refer to as the ‘bad’ testosterone as it seems to be linked to baldness and even prostate cancer. This is the testosterone that gives you your male characteristics like a deeper voice, body hair and increased muscle mass. (Dihydrotestostrone is converted from testosterone by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (5-AR) into DHT.)

It’s also vital in the development of the penis and prostate gland. Up to 10% of your testosterone is normally converted into DHT, so it basically means you got a higher conversion, for some reason, hence, causing your hair loss. And a little tip for you is getting your prostate examined once a year, especially the older you get this is really, really important. Also if you’re on TRT it should be checked out yearly.

(My dumb ass Doctor simply refuses to check it, have asked him about 5 times. Starting to think he doesn’t even know what to check for, quite scary to be frank as I’m on TRT and have been so for almost 2 years thanks to Dr.Purvis diagnosing me with secondary hypogonadism. just referenced Dr.Purvis as I suspect you know who he is.)

Link:DHT (dihydrotestosterone): What is DHT’s role in baldness?

I learned about this when I did my two, and only cycles/juicing several years ago as I read and learned what I could about doing it for about 6 months before taking the full step, injecting trenbolone propionate and testosterone propionate which are a fast acting ester. Meaning it’s effects comes much faster than for example test-enanthate which takes about 14 days to fully kick in, so to speak. It’s a good idea to take the short acting ones in case something goes wrong and you’ll need to get it out of your system as quick as possible.

Maybe this wasn’t much of help and more of and informational post, but I’m all for actually knowing the chemistry of ones own body and how it acts because of your particular chemistry composition.

“There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.”-Hunter.S.Thompson-

As long as a big can of Gillette shaving cream(7,5" or 19 cm), with picture proof in the 'full body picture' section. Pictures is the ultimate proof in the pudding, IMO.

Be careful using Propecia or similar products. Mucking around with Dihydrotestosterone levels is not a good idea, as it can interfere with your sex drive, body hair, and your ability to rise to the occasion when you want to have sex. Some men experience depression on those drugs. Also you can increase your Estradiol levels, I am sure you do not want man boobs.

Male pattern baldness is hereditary, you “chose” the wrong parents, your hair follicles are more sensitive to Dihydrotestosterone, and you just have to live with it. Bald men in my country seem to do okay with finding lovers, partners and significant others.

I am not bald, I am 65 years old, and could not give a flying eff for my head hair.

Can I jelq my hair?


Gaining in progress...

Very funny, Sully. How are you going to get the okay grip around your noggin? It is said that Dermarollers can increase or rejuvenate hair, could be bullshit to sell those things. I personally would not try it, those dermarollers are painful. My partner had a dermaroller set.

I am all for natural remedies, so:

1- Most important: switch to a healthy diet and lifestyle
2- Foods with callogen (vegeterian: sea moss)
3- Rosemary oil (applied externally)
4- Aloe vera gel (external OR you can drink water)
5- no shampoo , just water.

I personally saw benefits of 1 and 5. I recently started trying 2 and 4 , and about to start trying #3

My hair is thicker and better now, I am hoping to reverse the hair loss at the top . The front right/left is already better than 5-6 years ago.


Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

I noticed also thinning and falling hair so I made genetic test for predisposition for balding. It showed 70% chance for not being affected. So far so good.

In meantime I use biotin and Red Light Therapy to support roots of the hair.

Originally Posted by Sully
Can I jelq my hair?



Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG

Derma-roller has more evidence everyday and try onion juice only one study but good results.

Originally Posted by miguel coto

Derma-roller has more evidence everyday and try onion juice only one study but good results.

I use a derma roller but have not seen any growth related it is. Minox does a good job.

Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG

Shave it and own it.

Originally Posted by Fornixator

Shave it and own it.

Ahhhhh, i don’t think i am ready to fir that. I an Italian worh a big nose… yikes, that will look terrible. Lol

Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG


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