Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anal tear, rhoids, cancer?

“I dont know why I find explosive diarrhea so funny. Just go see a doc and get it over.”

Thats the thing, its not diarrhea, its a normal bowel movement, normal amount, normal texture, not runny at all.

Haven’t got time to post so I will come back soon.


You’ve got to give things time to settle down. There is no instant cure. You have had this problem for a while so now you have changed your diet and habits there will be a period of funny things happening as your system straightens things out.

Try going to the toilet twice a day, even if you don’t want to. Just to get your body into a routine.

Even a little straining will tend to set things off as the area is very weak. Avoid it as much as possible, and remember anyway that straining will not necessarily have an effect at the time but you will disturb things further up the bowel and they will take a little while to come down

You don’t get over a cold straight after taking medicine. The same applies with most illnesses

The fact that you didn’t bleed the first time is good, and shows that you are repairing the skin, each time after the bleeding gets worse because the skin is being torn a litlle. Try to take things easy.

You will have some sort of full feeling because the irritation you have had has caused some inflammation. As that declines you will lose the urgency. And of course, the fibre will fill you a little.

So as I said even if things are only slightly better that is good.

If you feel the need to rush up to the toilet but this brings no results, just try getting in the toilet but don’t sit down until necessary . Sitting down on the pan does tend to push the bowel out. If you have to sit down then sit upright. That also relieves pressure. Even try gently lifting up your stomach. The exercise will do it good. Do you suffer from gas (wind) pains. If so try stretching upwards, best while standing. Arms up and lifting body up and hold that position for 30 second or so that gets the wind moving.

You’re getting better!

Originally Posted by rundown
its not diarrhea

I was making a joke. :)

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

I KEEP FARTING!!! (sorry, tried to make that as funny as possible)

But its true, lol, I keeeeeeeeeep doing it, LOTS of gas, I read on a site about ferrel tea, or something like that. It stops gas and stuff… Is it good? anyone used it? I reckon I got excess gas because of my anxiety, keeping it all feeling funny down there because of my mind.

Got no support this end, so I am glad I got you guys.

p.s. Fieldmouse, can’t you make your avatar picture slightly bigger? LOL

Yes I rather thought it was gas. This will make you feel full, and want to go.

So do the arms up bit. If you are at work just put your hadns behind your neck and stretch. You’ll just give the impression you are stretching your muscles.

Have a look at your diet. Remember that Beanz Meanz Fartz. Too much green stuff can also do it but of course green stuff is fibre, so just keep a good balance

And Drink plenty of water. Not gassy stuff

It sounds like you are talking about fennel seed. Fennel seed is good but its strong stuff. Occasionally I use something called Super Colon Cleanse (with herbs and acidiphilus). It’s pretty common stuff in many health food stores and comes in a white plactic bottle. It’s mostly psyllium with fennel, acidophilus and has a little peppermint, papaya, celery and other herbs in it. I take it occasionally to clear the plumbing. It also uses powdered psyllium, not the husk stuff, so it doesn’t tear things up. Ask the clerk at the health food store. It helps things move along! I usualy use just plain powdered psyllium, but this fennel stuff is good occasionally.

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

Originally Posted by rundown
I KEEP FARTING!!! (sorry, tried to make that as funny as possible)

But its true, lol, I keeeeeeeeeep doing it, LOTS of gas, I read on a site about ferrel tea, or something like that. It stops gas and stuff… Is it good? anyone used it? I reckon I got excess gas because of my anxiety, keeping it all feeling funny down there because of my mind.

Got no support this end, so I am glad I got you guys.

p.s. Fieldmouse, can’t you make your avatar picture slightly bigger? LOL

Since you are working out now, you might have a high protein diet. Im sure many guys here can tell you about high protein diets. Try a digestive enzyme first. Some people dont tolerate protein well. It could be undigested protein. You could be lactose intolerant, or it could be (farther out) an imbalance in intestinal microflora. The enzyme might do the trick. :)

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

As embarrasing as it is, I must tell ya, lol.

Everything has been going okay, started to feel better. Been introducing fibre slowly into my system and it all seems fine, but just now I tried to have a piss standing up and I nearly shit myself, not enough to soil my boxers, but I wiped because it felt wet and it was… Then I tried to release it and it was diarreah and gassy. Why have I got diarreah now? I wasn’t panicking about my shit because I thought it was improving greatly and I felt at ease. Just as I thought it was improving :( ( I just had some immodium.

I just had to go again despite the immodium and i am getting really pissed off with my bowels now, It bled and now my ass stings for the first time ever.

I had 3 bottles of beer, and I haven’t been drinking since all this bowel stuff happened, could this have given me problems? I also had peppermint tea about 5 hours ago, could it be this?

Thanks all.

How are you eating… what do you eat in a typical day?

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

Um, yesterday, from what I can remember…

Half a cup of all bran… a banana, egg sandwich, roast dinner, chocolate (but not much). Thats all I can remember, probably a lot more than that though because I eat quite a lot, every 2 hours or so. I also had 3 bottles of beer and the diarreah happened soon after that.

Drinking almost always fucks your ass up. So watch out for that when you have this. The good old Beer Shits. Beamish/Beemish used to do me dirty.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I only had 3 bottles though, And I used to drink A LOT more than that everyday before I had this bowel trouble. Its 2:30 now and I got up at 11. I haven’t been yet and I don’t feel the need to, Had 2 boiled eggs with bread. Looking good so far guys ;)

I am going to stay with my girlfriend tomorrow for the night ;)

I am worried that my ass will bleed and split if I get too rough in bed? LOL
Also, I have to get the train for about an hour, What if I need to rush to the loo? I won’t be able to go.

It is 5pm and I have the opposite problem now :P No urge to go and I still haven’t been since I woke up at 11am. Hmmmm, lol.

Also, I am worried because last time I made love to my girlfriend she faked it because she knew how insecure I was about my small penis. She admitted it to me after asking many times.

She promises she wont do it again, But how can I be sure? She might be telling me that so she can fake it while im not expecting it? Can’t do PE anymore because my penis is seriously damaged, grrrr, lol.

Oh well, I will let you guys know If I shit myself on the train, haha.

Hey Spock, any new developments on the ballon knot problem(s)? Are you staying put with one kind of symptom or are you all over the place between the runs and nothing? Please keep us informed. Thanks.

Best of health for you now and in 2005.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.


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