You’ve got to give things time to settle down. There is no instant cure. You have had this problem for a while so now you have changed your diet and habits there will be a period of funny things happening as your system straightens things out.
Try going to the toilet twice a day, even if you don’t want to. Just to get your body into a routine.
Even a little straining will tend to set things off as the area is very weak. Avoid it as much as possible, and remember anyway that straining will not necessarily have an effect at the time but you will disturb things further up the bowel and they will take a little while to come down
You don’t get over a cold straight after taking medicine. The same applies with most illnesses
The fact that you didn’t bleed the first time is good, and shows that you are repairing the skin, each time after the bleeding gets worse because the skin is being torn a litlle. Try to take things easy.
You will have some sort of full feeling because the irritation you have had has caused some inflammation. As that declines you will lose the urgency. And of course, the fibre will fill you a little.
So as I said even if things are only slightly better that is good.
If you feel the need to rush up to the toilet but this brings no results, just try getting in the toilet but don’t sit down until necessary . Sitting down on the pan does tend to push the bowel out. If you have to sit down then sit upright. That also relieves pressure. Even try gently lifting up your stomach. The exercise will do it good. Do you suffer from gas (wind) pains. If so try stretching upwards, best while standing. Arms up and lifting body up and hold that position for 30 second or so that gets the wind moving.
You’re getting better!