Lazy Wally,
Thanks for the concern and link. I am too young for age spots at 24 and believe it is caused by masturbation with no lube just like the guy on the link you gave me said. I am way too embarrassed to go show these to anyone, even a doctor. I will go easy on my self treatments as I have been. I only sand one spot at a time and have done this two or three times. It is more painful than anything else as I remove very little skin. It only hurts when water hits it when the wound is freshly open, but it rates at like a 6 out of 10 of pain which lasts a couple seconds.
The other way I do it with drying the skin off is outlined below. Can you take a look at this and tell me if it looks dangerous too? I am more worried this way will be harmful to me a very serious skin condition:
1. Set up a latex glove ( the white stretchy ones ).
Take a latex glove and tie a knot around the fingers. Also knot the wrist area so it fits tight around the base of your penis.
2. Fill the glove with shampoo/lotion
Fill this glove with a shampoo lotion cocktail of sorts, some work better than others, (some lotions don’t work at all) I found Prell alone dries me up pretty good every time.
3. Apply glove over penis
Let it soak on there for around 3-7 hours. Make sure it is air tight.
After a day or two my skin gets very very smooth and shiny on the glans only. Then it will begin to dry and eventually resemble a beat up catchers mitt. Shortly after that, the top layer (or two?) of skin will begin to dry and flake off. Very fresh and healthy looking skin will be what is left under the dry skin. The whole process takes about 1 to 1.5 weeks. Some cracking and scabbing occur if I get a full erection at the time of extreme dryness, but no scares or other marks are left (same with sanding after a month or so).
As the skin flakes off the brown spots also flake off and on the flake of skin you can see the discoloration. By doing that I have literally seen some of the brown spots to vanish before my eyes as I pull the flake off. Other areas seem to be deeper and I need to do the process more to get to the root brown skin layer.