Thunder's Place

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Bulking and ED

Depends on what kind of training you are going for. Don’t kill yourself every time but every once and a while especially on a mass building plan, maxing out or rest pauses will work wonders.

Originally Posted by sed26
I never go to failure or max out. I don’t have spots most times so I always have to leave 1-2 reps in the tank. Plus I don’t see a reason to max out. 5 Reps max is more important to me. The weights I use are too dangerous to max out with untrained spotters. My 5 rep max is 375lbs. On flat bench.

Okay cool. I am speaking from experience by the way, I have been power lifting since I was 14, about 9 years now.

Agree, avoid failure. You could overtrain even without going to failure, though.

Originally Posted by marinera
Agree, avoid failure. You could overtrain even without going to failure, though.

You are DEFINITELY right about that. I would guess that the ED is from overtraining alone.

Why don’t you just stick to aerobics to be on the safe side.

Originally Posted by Vikingwhore
Why don’t you just stick to aerobics to be on the safe side.

o_0 Is this spanish? Not an option.

I cut back on sets for my quads today. I will see how recovery goes for the next few days and if needed, I will decrease a little more.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Nope a whole n’other language known as sarcasm.

Cutting back on sets ain’t a bad idea at all used to do 4 sets of almost everything some years ago, never again.
To many people go in that trap these days thinking more sets equals more muscles don’t knowing it’s when you rest you actually build and repair.

I had a hard squat session yesterday. Warmed up then did 6 heavy worksets of 5 reps. Did 3 sets of leg extension and 3 sets of single leg, leg press. I feel great today. Cutting back on sets was good. What i did may still seem like a lot, but my legs can take more. But i’ll keep it at that. Feel a lot better than I normally do after quad day. Usually i could feel the soreness evertime I sat down but not this time. I also added garlic to my cayenne tea. I take it 2 times per day. I think it helped a little. Maybe it’s just my body recovering from my last orgasm which was monday. But i will note any changes in erection strength and ease as time goes by.

Side note: I been using mojo nights with my girlfriend every werkend when we have sex. The pill made me very hard and all she had to do was touch my dick once and it would go from 0 to 100. That slowed down the past couple weeks. I had to mentally try to get it hard and even then, rhe effects werent as strong. If this weekend goes back to how the pill used to work, that means there is progress. Just waiting for the day that i dont need it anymore.

7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75

3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75

Originally Posted by sed26
I am gaining yes. Gained 20 lbs in the past two months. Of course with about 2lbs a week jus a little more than half is fat that i know.

Everything I read in this thread suggests you are training naturally which I applaud…but I can assure you that if you gained 20lbs in 2months, 18lbs of it was fat. Unless someone is taking some serious drugs, it’s pretty hard to gain 24lbs of muscle in 1 year.

You’re doing incredibly well if you can gain 15lbs of pure muscle in 1 year. I know you are bulking but people get caught up with the reading on the scale and get deluded into thinking they are gaining incredible amounts of muscle when that is not the case.

The best advice I can give you is do your cardio…regularly. You won’t lose muscle with the amount you are eating and it will improve your erection quality big time. You will also keep your fat level in check.

Originally Posted by ddolphin
Everything I read in this thread suggests you are training naturally which I applaud…but I can assure you that if you gained 20lbs in 2months, 18lbs of it was fat. Unless someone is taking some serious drugs, it’s pretty hard to gain 24lbs of muscle in 1 year.

You’re doing incredibly well if you can gain 15lbs of pure muscle in 1 year. I know you are bulking but people get caught up with the reading on the scale and get deluded into thinking they are gaining incredible amounts of muscle when that is not the case.

The best advice I can give you is do your cardio…regularly. You won’t lose muscle with the amount you are eating and it will improve your erection quality big time. You will also keep your fat level in check.

There are people who have good genes, great diets, get plenty of rest and train well who can gain 5-10 lbs of muscle per months for a couple of months. It’s not common — typically 20 lbs in 2 months is either steroids or largely fat — but it is possible.

Starting (May 2010): BPEL:6" EG: 4 7/8". Current (April 2011): BPEL: 6 3/4" EG: 5 1/4".

Short Term Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5.25" Long Term Goal: When my wife makes me stop or 8"x6" (whichever comes first)

Originally Posted by roosterstretch
There are people who have good genes, great diets, get plenty of rest and train well who can gain 5-10 lbs of muscle per months for a couple of months.

I’ve been involved playing sports at a high level for a number of years and I have seen it all, worked with strength and conditioning experts along with nutrition experts…and no…your comment is completely inaccurate.

We’ll agree to disagree on that one.

Originally Posted by ddolphin
Everything I read in this thread suggests you are training naturally which I applaud…but I can assure you that if you gained 20lbs in 2months, 18lbs of it was fat. Unless someone is taking some serious drugs, it’s pretty hard to gain 24lbs of muscle in 1 year.

You’re doing incredibly well if you can gain 15lbs of pure muscle in 1 year. I know you are bulking but people get caught up with the reading on the scale and get deluded into thinking they are gaining incredible amounts of muscle when that is not the case.

The best advice I can give you is do your cardio…regularly. You won’t lose muscle with the amount you are eating and it will improve your erection quality big time. You will also keep your fat level in check.

Second that, tried to push forward the cardio as a mothafucker, but ended up with penis pumps( at the age of 21 it’s not excatly the norm for guys your age pumping iron) and cayenne pepper, sure cayenne pepper is good for a lot.


Pardon the capitol letters but this nonsense……. finally someone else who sees it.
I used to do the same, overeating afraid I would lose muscle, the more fat the more water retention and estrogen.

And the diet…ok won’t mention it anymore, I gives up. :)

Originally Posted by ddolphin
I’ve been involved playing sports at a high level for a number of years and I have seen it all, worked with strength and conditioning experts along with nutrition experts…and no…your comment is completely inaccurate.

We’ll agree to disagree on that one.

I’ve never seen it either and it sounds pretty outrageous to me too. That said, I have a buddy who’s a trainer (he’s been doing it for about a decade) and had a conversation with him once about how quickly people can expect to gain muscle training naturally. He said that, in his experience, most people can expect to gain ~1 or 2 pounds a month, but he’s had several clients training naturally who added 5+ pounds a month for the first couple of months and one guy who put on close to 10 pounds a month for a couple of months. Now, maybe these guys were juicing behind his back and maybe he was full of shit (which I doubt since we’ve been friends for years and he’s a stand up guy). He seemed to think that these guys were training naturally though. Like I said, if it happens at all then it’s not common (were talking about 1 guy in probably 1000s of clients), but I don’t completely discount the possibility. I wouldn’t put money on the OPs claims and I would also guess that it’s largely fat, but it is a crazy world and crazy shit happens.

Starting (May 2010): BPEL:6" EG: 4 7/8". Current (April 2011): BPEL: 6 3/4" EG: 5 1/4".

Short Term Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5.25" Long Term Goal: When my wife makes me stop or 8"x6" (whichever comes first)

Just to chime in with my .02”

I moved in with a old friend of mine last year, just having him eat more often and powerlift with me he went from 175-200 within about 3 months, and he looked incredible, kept a visible six pack. This is called a mesomorph. I am an ectomorph, and it has taken me 9 years to go from 160-255, and it wasn’t natural after 220 lbs.

Anyway, I think cardio is highly under rated, I am glad I read this thread again and again and saw ddolphins suggestion to do cardio, I need to pick it up myself just for EQ sake. Thanks dude.


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