Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

ChemotherapyRadiation did me in


ChemotherapyRadiation did me in

I was 11 when there was a cancerous tumor discovered attached to my pelvic bone - this was in 1975- they could not operate but radiation and chemotherapy for two years took care of the tumor - as it was just before puberty I think it also think took care of my penis too - at least it didn’t grow much after that so I’m blaming it on the chemo and radiation. I’ve been very self-conscious ever since - 35+ years. Just found this site and am hoping I might finally get some help/results - anyone heard of or experienced anything similar?

I have not, but what Docs think about? It is a localized issue or are your hormonal levels impaired?

Looking into that now - just went to a new urologist - testing testosterone (it’s low) again and other stuff. Of course, ED is an issue as well so we’re working on that too. He did say that pumping a few times a week can add a few centimeters - I’d like more than that, a LOT more than that, but length is length.

May I ask you what are your stats?

Yeah, we need to know how big you are and from 1-10 how strong are your erections. We can surely give you some guidance. :)


A whopping 4” stretched - I’m up to tri mix injections for erections - still the strongest would be about a 5 or 6. Thanks for help and guidance.

Oh - and testosterone was 211 when checked right before Christmas - just had it checked again last week - waiting on results from that one.

Ok, so you are taking care of your ED under a Doc supervision. That’s good. Now, I don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t get gains through PE. One of the biggest gainers was about your length at starting:

2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures

As far as PE go, he’s my hero. Maybe this wasn’t what you were asking, tough.

Originally Posted by rglassva
Oh - and testosterone was 211 when checked right before Christmas - just had it checked again last week - waiting on results from that one.

Yes that is low. Talk with your urologist about this, I am sure the two of you can figure out a treatment plan.

I have low testosterone - there are many negative symptoms. I think most thundersplace guys thing testosterone is only about “muscles” and “hard-ons.”

But that is not true, it pretty much drives everything about who we are. If your testosterone is low, your quality of life is non-existent. And that does not even take into account the impact of your body (organs) of being without testoterone too long.

In my case most horrible things about it were:

- irritability
- loss of interest in life
- loss of mental ability, I could not longer learn or concentrate. I forgot vocabulary words, etc.
- extreme fatigue

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Yes that is low. Talk with your urologist about this, I am sure the two of you can figure out a treatment plan.

I have low testosterone - there are many negative symptoms. I think most thundersplace guys thing testosterone is only about “muscles” and “hard-ons.”

But that is not true, it pretty much drives everything about who we are. If your testosterone is low, your quality of life is non-existent. And that does not even take into account the impact of your body (organs) of being without testoterone too long.

In my case most horrible things about it were:

- Irritability
- Loss of interest in life
- Loss of mental ability, I could not longer learn or concentrate. I forgot vocabulary words, etc.
- Extreme fatigue

Research is still been done on testosterone. It is believed that testosterone effects physical factors. Blaming your first three symptoms of testosterone alone is pretty wrong. You have to understand how many chemicals and functions in the brain effect you mentally a slight imbalance can cause major problems in everyday mental functioning. It could be serotonin issues. Low testosterone won’t be the cause. The extreme fatigue, ye that is possible.

Start January 2011 - NBPEL 7.1, BPEL 7.3, EG 5.5, FL ~4.5 FG ~4.5

AIM Long term - NBPEL 8 BPEL 8.3 EG 6 FL 6 FG 5

Last edited by Aceuz : 01-08-2011 at .

Hello Aceuz: Thanks for you post.

However — I lived it.

And I am not the only one who experienced low testosterone symptoms it the way I experienced it. What I described are classic symptoms.

Additionally, not that long ago I accidently screwed up my dosage for a month and a 1/2, all of those things came back and it was awful. Mood, mental fog, fatigue. I thought I was taking my proper dosage but I was not. So while my mind thought I was dosing correctly, my body was not getting what it needed.

When I got my dosage on track those problems went away.

We know that rglassva has low testosterone, that is what his labs show.

And as I said in my earlier post, there is a misperception at Thundersplace that Testosterone is only about hard-ons and muscles. Because of these misperceptions, many are thunders are very “anti-HRT”. They seem to sometimes confuse a medical condition with those who are using testosterone as a gym supplement.


You do have a VERY GOOD point about serotonin levels, etc.

Because the symptoms of Low Testosterone in men are almost EXACTLY THE SAME as the symptoms of clinical depression in men.

For this reason many men with testicular failure are often misdiagnosed with clinical depression.

Last edited by sta-kool : 01-08-2011 at .

I was actually put on testosterone replacement a couple of years ago. I didn’t notice any major changes (or so I thought) and when I heard that it could cause the testicles to shrink and you could lose hair, when my prescription ran out I didn’t refill it (I was on it for about a year?). Now that I haven’t been using it for about a year, I can see where I was getting some results - have definitely lost muscle mass and can see where mini-me isn’t quite as ‘active’ - so we’ll see what this new urologist says and where it goes - I’ll keep you posted. In the mean time - any gains from exercising will be greatly appreciated. Any particular exercises that work best for those who are quite small to begin with?

"I heard that it could cause the testicles to shrink and you could lose hair"

My mom would say "rglassva, you are cutting your nose off to spite your face!"

If you have a medical condition, you should have it treated. Besides "quality of life issues", low testosterone untreated can impact your body negatively. By that I mean your organs and tissues and so on (not just muscle mass)

Let me address those two concerns:

Hair loss: not everyone losses hair. On the other hand what is more important to you?

- A healthy body and mind?
- or having a head of hair with low life quality and a deteriorating body?

Testicle Shrinkage: your testicles are struggling, when you begin HRT they will relax and shrink

My feeling is "Who cares about the size balls if the bat is hard" Seriously I am much happier about having a libido and a hard dick than I am concerned that my testicles are smaller than they used to be.

If you are concerned about fathering a child, you urologist can easily wake your testicles up so that you can produce sperm.

(Along these lines - you say you were on testosterone for a year. 1. you might not have gotten your dosage correct. It took me a while for my doctor and I to get the dosage correct for me 2. your balls would have shrunk as much as they were going to shrink after the first couple weeks. 3. I wonder if your balls ever got "woken up", because typically you will need to take a medication for a little while to do that.


I am going to link to a pre-screening questionairre put together by some doctors. It is a standard pre-diagnostic. If you "fail" it is doesnt mean you have low testosterone, it just indicates they need to look further. We already know you have low testosterone, so I am mostly linking it to list some of the symptoms of low testosterone:

Endo Pharmaceuticals | All Products of Endo Pharmaceuticals

Take the ADAM Self-Test
ADAM (Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male) questionnaire is adapted from Morley. Metabolism. 2000;49:1239-1242.

ADAM Self-Test
1. Have you had a decrease in libido (sex drive)? Yes No

2. Have you had a lack of energy? Yes No

3. Have you had a decrease in strength and/or endurance? Yes No

4. Have you lost height? Yes No

5. Have you noticed a decreased "enjoyment of life"? Yes No

6. Are you sad and/or grumpy? Yes No

7. Are your erections less strong? Yes No

8. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports? Yes No

9. Are you falling asleep after dinner? Yes No

10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance? Yes No

If you answered yes to question 1 or 7 or any 3 other questions, you may have low testosterone. A complete medical exam and blood test can determine your testosterone level.

Print out the results of this survey and bring them to your next doctor’s visit. Remember, only your healthcare provider can determine if your symptoms may be due to low testosterone.


Originally Posted by sta-kool

For this reason many men with testicular failure are often misdiagnosed with clinical depression.


Where are you getting this info from?

And I think we shouldn’t rule out the link to depression and low testosterone as I believe it is still being widely researched. In my opinion until I see more hard evidence rather than the odd medical statistic study, I am not convinced, but like I said I’m not closed to the idea.

Start January 2011 - NBPEL 7.1, BPEL 7.3, EG 5.5, FL ~4.5 FG ~4.5

AIM Long term - NBPEL 8 BPEL 8.3 EG 6 FL 6 FG 5


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