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Come Too Fast!? The Best Way To Fix Premature Ejaculation

Come Too Fast!? The Best Way To Fix Premature Ejaculation

Hi Pals,

Kindly be shared with you about ?COME TOO FAST? problem, which I think more serious than Small Penis. Image that you?ve got the big Dick (BPEL: 8in & BPEG: 6in) but unfortunately it will SPIT UP MILK after few thrust ?. Could you image how disappointed your girl was?
I, myself, also suffered this problem. I did got the treatment with Men?s Health Doctor.
I did try dozen medicine and Delay-Cream as well. Actually It had worked but you must bring together a lot of burdensome: such as Side-effects (Medicine), Less-sensation (Delay-cream).( I will share with you about my own experience about these issues latter.)
But the most important thing is: If you lacking these stuffs, you will suffer PE (Premature Ejaculation) again.
I did search dozen of web sites in Internet, and I found the one I think one of the best.
I did improve my control ejaculation 5 ~ 15 min depends on your emotion. (My counting from you start insert your brother in the until you shoot out) .
I would like to Post this Topic in this Thunder forum, where I found out that this is the place our men?s can share our Major Hurdles and Difficulties. Thank you Thunders.
My post is included 02 parts:
1. Academy part: I did collect all information on my favourite webs: and
You can refer to it if you have time. If not, my stuffs is enough. ?
2. My experience about Medicine and Delay-Scream. Also some of my own threads to overcome PE.

Part 1: Fix Premature Ejaculation

It’s a common problem for blokes, and certainly nothing to fret about.
Follow our sex editor’s tips and you’ll soon slow things down between the sheets.

What is it?
We’ve all heard about impotence, which means that you can’t get or keep it up, but premature ejaculation is far more common.
It’s often seen as a bit of a joke, but PE is a serious problem that causes anxiety for countless men.
It’s estimated that around 15% of men suffer with chronic premature ejaculation, and most guys will experience it to some degree during their lives.

How fast is fast?

The difficulty that scientists face isn’t so much about how many guys suffer with PE, but what ‘premature’ really means.
Premature ejaculation is defined as coming in seconds, often before you get hard and certainly before you’ve penetrated your partner.
The trouble is that most men don’t realise this.
Many men base their ideas on what they see in porn films where guys last for ages, but they don’t consider the endless retakes to get the perfect shot.
Normal guys don’t last hours - the average time for penetrative sex is between one and ten minutes.

Why do we get it?

There are two main reasons.

The first is that teenage boys learn to masturbate quickly and in secret, as it’s pretty obvious that wanking’s not a spectator sport.
Lads train their bodies to come very quickly, and that’s a habit that can be hard to shake off.

The second reason is anxiety.

PE rarely has a physical cause, and the problem’s hard to shift for exactly this reason.
If you feel you come too quick, you go on to worry about it, and worry about what potential partners think.
It’s a fair bet that the next time you have sex you’ll worry that you’ll come too quickly, and - surprise surprise - it happens again.
Eventually you get so anxious that it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

Part 1: Fix Premature Ejaculation (Continue)

How to fix it

The good news is that it can be overcome.
A good place to start is to think about how you view sex.
Evidence shows that men who’re anxious about sex or their body, or those who’re concerned about getting a partner pregnant are more likely to suffer with PE.
The same goes for those who hold negative views about sex, particularly that it’s dirty or shameful.
Men who have low self esteem are also more likely to suffer with PE too.
So while you’re tackling problems in the bedroom department, you should also consider whether you need to tackle pyschological issues too

You’re in control

Premature ejaculation is often viewed as something that guys have no voluntary control over.
It’s something that just happens, and you can’t stop it, but it makes you miserable just the same.
But it’s important to realise that PE is mainly psychological.
If you change the way that you approach the problem, you’ll be more than half way to sorting it out.
Here’s some more methods to combat premature ejaculation…

Part 1: Fix Premature Ejaculation (Continue)

Calm down!
If you have unrealistic expectations about how long you should last, you’ll get anxious and come too quick.
Instead, remember that sex can last for as long as you want it to.
Premature ejaculation literally means coming in seconds, not minutes.

Rethink how you have sex

Making your orgasm the end point of sex is a sure fire way to willy worries - not to mention a boring sex life.
If you try to delay your orgasm you’re more likely to feel pressure, which leads to anxiety, and then on to PE.
So change the sexual script, and stop trying to put off your orgasm.
Instead realise that you can still make your partner come after your orgasm, and you’ll have relieved some of the pressure you’re feeling.
Make a deal with yourself that you’ll enjoy the feeling of your orgasm, whenever it happens.
If you and your partner still want more, then use your tongue, fingers and sex toys to help you get them of

The stop and start method

Here’s a method that works for some men.
Try stimulating yourself until you’re about to ejaculate then, just as you’re about to come, stop and wait for about 30 seconds before continuing.
Repeat this sequence until you want to come, and keep the stimulation going as you ejaculate.

The ‘squeeze’ technique

Here’s a variation on the stop and start technique.
Just as you’re about to come, you or your partner should squeeze the end of your penis (where the glans meets the shaft) for several seconds.
Again stop what you’re doing for about 30 seconds, then continue.
Repeat this sequence until you’re both ready to come.
This technique doesn’t work for everyone, so experiment to see if it helps you.
Often the stop and start or squeeze techniques make the problem worse since they draw attention to the fact that you’re coming too quick.
So use the stop/ start method primarily as a way of prolonging sex, and also to switch between practices that turn you the most to ones that don’t have as great an effect.
Try the squeeze technique on your own, rather than with a partner.
This way you can get it right without feeling self conscious, or anxious.

Kegel exercises

Dads are likely to have heard of these already.
Kegel exercises are used by women to retain urine after childbirth, and the good news is that they may help to combat premature ejaculation too.
Start by squeezing your buttocks together tightly for about a second.
Do this 15 times in a row, working up to 60 to 75 contractions twice a day.
Kegels strengthen your pelvic muscles so that you can contract or relax as you near orgasm, and this has the effect of delaying ejaculation.
Some guys last longer when squeezing their muscles, and others when they’re relaxing them, so experiment to see what works best for you.

The reverse position

Men are easily aroused when they’re on top in the missionary position, or when taking their partner from behind.
So try sex with your partner on top instead.
This lets you control the motion by guiding their hips, and you can slow them down or stop if you become too aroused.
Think about the positions that get you most excited, and the ones that feel good but don’t make you come so easily.
It may be better to stick to these, and save the old faithful methods until you feel like you want to come.

Practice : The Real Battle -The Most Important to succeed.

The simplest thing to do if you are a premature ejaculator is to have sex more often.
You’re more likely to ejaculate prematurely if there is a long gap between sex sessions.
And besides most men find they perform better with practice.


Thank you for adding the link to your post. But I do have a question, is all of your information from that site?

Also, I moved it here as it is a more appropriate forum, and I realize you can’t start a new thread yet.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:


You’ve got all night

Many guys are worried that the first time they are with a partner they have to make a good impression, and put on a porn star performance.
Again, this causes anxiety, and we all know where that can lead.
Don’t feel bad if you come quickly, just try to reassure yourself and your partner it’s because you fancy them so much.
I often hear partners complain that sex goes on too long, and most will understand that nerves and excitement lead to coming more quickly than usual.
The golden rule is to remember that you’ve got night, so if you’ve already come there’s no reason why they still can’t.
Try spending some time making them feel fantastic instead.
It’ll take your mind off your own concerns, and ultimately help both of you.

Find out what you like

Often guys are so preoccupied with getting from erection to orgasm that they don’t ever find out what they enjoy.
Take some time to discover your partner’s body while getting them to explore yours, and you’ll find new ways to get turned on.
Focus on these, and not just on when your orgasm is going to happen.

This is the End of Part 1.
If you found out this stuff is really useful. Pls post your reply or rate to encourage me and others member.


To SunshineKid.

Dear SunshineKid,

All stuff in Part 1 is on the Men’s Health UK Web site.

Thanks for your remind.
Best Regards


trust me… I know exactly what “blowing milk” too fast feel like…


Dear Regularwhiteguy,

I did not intent to insinuate anybody,
It just an example only.

Best Regards

P/s: Your size is greatly huge. It is born or practice?

Welcome to the forum.
Good information, thanks.

Do not worry. RWG was not insulted or insinuated.
But I am sure he would like to know if Viet Namese girls like anal sex.

Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgh! ~Howard Dean Illustrations & Diagrams PE -- What's it all about? Read this.

Dear Ramrod,

Thank you for your encourage!

About the Anal sex with girl, in my experience, YES, but it is not so popular in VN

Because we have no much information about it: How to do it?
How to sanitation before & after?
How to treatment incase of injury?

And also there is controveversy about the it, some likes (they said more orgasm than normal) & some dis-like.

Best Regards

I’ve always considered myself an early ejaculator - meaning I usually last a minute or so. Regardless of all the techniques I’ve tried I can’t change that. In truth, I’m overcome by my own sensitivity.
The real purpose of the techniques is of course to pospone orgasm. Even so, the orgasm will eventually happen.

In my experience, the key is that I have to allow that first orgasm. That is the only way to eliminate the initial sensitivity when penetration begins. What is most important is HOW you control that first orgasm.

One way, as mentioned above is to use the squeeze technique, but I prefer doing a hard kegel to force the orgasm back.
I can only do this a few times. But if you control the timing of the squeeze and the relaxation you can allow the orgasm to happen without really cumming. Basically you are allowing yourself to gently pass over the threshold of arousal and avoid the violent process of ejaculation. Once that happens, the sensitivity is greatly reduced but you still have the ability to keep an erection. It takes a brief massage to get back to hardness and then you can fuck for quite awhile without worry.

Another method is to take much more time during foreplay to arouse the penis. If you can achieve a state of hyper-arousal your cock will stay hard no matter how many times you cum. I’ve done this after a sustained period of intercourse. I’ll have an orgasm, but because I’ve been aroused for so long and am still turned on, my dick stays hard and I just keep fucking. I’ve done this with myself many times during masterbation.

So basically have your partner spend alot of time on your cock before you stick it in. If you have to cum, go ahead and cum, but chances are you will be able to get it back up very quickly, or just remain hard and keep going.

Dear Tinytim,

Thank you for your sharing experience.

I did agreed with you that:
“The real purpose of the techniques is of course to pospone orgasm. Even so, the orgasm will eventually happen.”
It’s really a “mental game”.
The key points is CONFIDENCE.
Yes, Confidence is very crucial in game.
Another point is the concentration & control - not to be tense during the critical time,
Concentrate but not tense just repeat the same thing as you do from step 1…10.

“take much more time during foreplay to arouse the penis” is a good experience.
It’s not only help you withstand but also increasing orgasm feeling when ejaculation.

Another method you can try such as: deep your penis in Warm Water before intercourse.
Warmwater will help your baby quickly use to the warm & moisturiser environtment of Vagina.
In my experience, our baby need time to familiarize with his sister.
Good luck!.

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