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Viagra and premature ejaculation...

Viagra and premature ejaculation...

as you can see from my other thread, I suffer heavy premature ejaculation… worst kind. So Im about to get some Viagra, because I’ve heard it helps PE. Is this true, or will it make me come even easier? Could it be dangerous because I’ve read that you should take it when not having erection problems…

I’ve noticed that when I took Viagra, I lasted longer, but I’m not sure if it would help premature ejaculation that much. I personally don’t like how Viagra made me feel after I took it. My heart would race for hours after I was done with sex. Made getting a good night sleep pretty tough.

I don’t think it would be dangerous, as long as you keep your dosage low. The doctor prescribed me 25 mg worth of Viagra. They were 50mg tablets, so I cut them in half. 25 mg was definitely enough for me.

I’ve taken Viagra a number of times. I’ve never had a problem with Premature ejaculation. But I noticed that I could last longer with Viagra as well. I took 50 mg once. It was way too much. I was hard as a lead pipe, and I couldn’t cum after an hour of stroking with my girl. She was way too sore, and I couldn’t get off so I had to stop the sex session. The sex felt good, but I just couldn’t cum, too much Viagra works like that. In your situation, it may help out a little or a lot. Either way, I’m sure it will help. Good luck.

miltonic’s right. That effect is pretty much dose related.



My experience with Viagra has been totally positive. I have absolutely no ED problems and just use it “recreationally”. I cut the pills down and go with about 1/3 of a 100 mg pill and it’s been perfect. I’ve never been able to last as long as I’d like, and I’m not sure if I cum slower or not with it, but I can keep going because I’m still hard after cumming. My lover said the coolest thing to me the other day because of Viagra. She was coming over so I told her I popped a Viagra and she said she was just gonna use me and my dick. Man what a turn on! She climbs on and can ride for as long as she wants and I love it. I definately say give it a shot. I order generics from They’ll send you a free sample or like 4 100mg pills which you can cut down. Good luck.


It might make you last a little longer, and the jury is still out on if it helps PE or not, it just might. The one thing it may do for you is keep you hard after you shoot your first load therefore you would still be able to satisfy your partner. Let us know how it goes.

Hey TPS has that company your order the Viagra from seem good, are all the pills consistently the same?


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Damn, the swedish “farmacy” wouldnt sell viagra if you didnt have a paper from a doctor or something like that. But I think Im on a good way of curing it with the Masters & Johnsons method. I hope :p

Check out theyve got the best prices I have seen….32 100mg pills for $32 as an example. No prior prescription OR b.s. consultation fees.

I order from genegra as well. The brand I get is Caverta from India and the pills have been perfect. After my first trial order I did have to fill out a medical questionnaire which was silly. I didn’t answer all the questions and some of my answers may not have been all that accurate;) I doubt anybody checks those things.

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