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Dry Orgasms

Mods, could you please change “still wasn’t lots of sex prior to” to “still want lots of sex prior to”. Thank you.

Cornholio and Cheeva. I am trying to get where you are in this dry orgasm, wave, orbiting, total body orgasm, mental orgasm business. I am over sixty so I know that my circumstances are different from yours. Still, I have hit the wave a couple of times but spurted a small amount. Your notes are very good on how to control all ejaculations.

One thing I am concerned about though and that is how much I will be able to achieve at my age. How old you are wippersnappers?

Thanks for fleshing this all out. The more you all talk, the more understandable it all is. Keep talking. Have you all omitted anything that you deem crucial to learning this? Sparkyx and I are eternally grateful.

In the past while edging, I have not stopped early enough, and had a single contraction. A few minutes later, a single drop of cum came out, but I did not lose my erection or desire. Can anybody pinpoint what this is? Anyway, I was able to carry on edging afterwards.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Sounds risky. From a “please don’t let a drop come out, I don’t need any babies” point of view.

I’ll have to work on this solo.
I can just imagine it.

“Yeah baby, don’t you worry. I can have one without even spurting! Let’s go for hours!”

“Woah. Woooah. Ok I’m gonna hold it in now! Ready?”

“Oops. Damn. Time for the morning after pill.”

Originally Posted by dreamscheme
Sounds risky. From a “please don’t let a drop come out, I don’t need any babies” point of view.

I’ll have to work on this solo.
I can just imagine it.

“Yeah baby, don’t you worry. I can have one without even spurting! Let’s go for hours!”

“Woah. Woooah. Ok I’m gonna hold it in now! Ready?”

“Oops. Damn. Time for the morning after pill.”

I think “dry” is a term indicating the type of orgasm, not whether or not birth control is needed.

I would assume everyone here understands contraception should always be used whether a orgasm is wet or dry, unless pregnancy is desired.

Thinktank, I am almost 35. I started experimenting with ejaculation control when I was 20 and was able to use it pretty soon with my next girlfriend. It worked like a charm after that, as long as I wasn’t getting too excited and did not rush on the first date and had a premature thing upon trying to enter the juicy tunnel, LOL! :-) I had some ups and downs, and at one point almost thought I would lose my penis to atrophy, LOL, but with some doctor health, and after I started to pay more attention to myself, it all came back to normal. It’s a lot like riding a bicycle, once you learn it you can only get better at it, and you will rarely ever crash. But to me I also found that the “use it or lose it” rule it also true. So I try to use it whenever I can.

These dry orgasms are new to me. They are good stuff, but I was still pretty happy with my sex life prior to them. The fun to me is in the process of lovemaking. The only difference to me now is how I choose to have my orgasm: dry, wet, or leave it for tomorrow (call it take-out if you wish).

Try leaving it for tomorrow as many times as you can. You will get stronger and more toned muscles down there. If you have orgasms too often, those muscles will be always weak. The day after a wet orgasm, or after multiple dry orgasms, my muscles are weak there. It is easier to have an orgasm, but it is harder to hold off ejaculation. So if that is the case for you, and you know those muscles will be too weak, make it a rest day. Watch some porn if you have to, or go get a lap dance, LOL! Get a good night sleep.

Originally Posted by marky777
In the past while edging, I have not stopped early enough, and had a single contraction. A few minutes later, a single drop of cum came out, but I did not lose my erection or desire. Can anybody pinpoint what this is? Anyway, I was able to carry on edging afterwards.

This is called having fun. You got carried away a little, which is normal, and had a single muscle spasm. You can have a weaker or a stronger muscle spasm like that, depending on how early or how late you stop. You can have many of these, and this is the greatest fun about riding the plateau. But you have to keep your prostate tight, do that “great seal” thing. Else you will lose all your sperm, desire and erection one drop at a time, LOL. Something along the lines of what kingpole explained in his post. Not sure if that is the same as kegel, because I thought kegel has to do with the BC muscle. All I know is that you can’t let your sperm ooze too much. A little is fine. I usually put a condom on if that happens. Do not want to impregnate anyone with an accidental single drop, LOL!

If you get carried away too far, you will have several contractions and a full-blown orgasm. Wet, or dry, depending which muscles you are contracting and how strongly, and which muscles you are keeping relaxed.

Hehehehehe, ahhhhhhhh!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
This is called having fun. You got carried away a little, which is normal, and had a single muscle spasm. You can have a weaker or a stronger muscle spasm like that, depending on how early or how late you stop. You can have many of these, and this is the greatest fun about riding the plateau. But you have to keep your prostate tight, do that “great seal” thing.

My goal is to achieve the ability to avoid ejaculation by total relaxation on demand. I am convinced that by replacing the reflexive tension with awareness, it should be possible to ride it rather than be ridden. I will let you know.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Hi you all professional guys.

I am 36 and I tired to do dry orgasm last year for one month, but without success. I did a kegel right before ejaculation but still ejaculated and lost erection.

I don’t know what I did wrong.

I really need to learn dry orgasm since I suffer from a mild premature ejaculation.

Please guys help with that and I am ready to do what ever you want.

Thank you all.

Originally Posted by C0rnholio
Mods, could you please change “I love fucking goats” to “I fucking love goats”. Thank you.

Thanks to whom ever fixed that.

Am I the only one that has buckets full O’ man chowder gush out of their nose if they get the timing wrong on the ejaculation control thang?

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
Are you seriously capable of continuing thrusting while kegeling to hold back your cum and have a dry one and keep on thrusting?

It is doable. As others have written it really isn’t worth doing all of the time. A good bench mark, something to work towards so you know your control is improving.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

It’s weird because, I’m also like many men here able to have dry orgasms (I think you just need a strong PC muscle) but to me it feels a lot less good than a real one.

I still need recovery time after a 2 dry orgasms a little less than with normal ones but there’s not a huge difference.( except maybe that i fell more horny the rest of the day).

I don’t know if it’s the same for you, but when I was experimenting dry orgasms a lot and finally have a normal one, my cum was a really different than before, more liquid and clear not a pleasant feeling at all. ( It would be good to have an urologist advice because I’m not sure if dry orgasms are that healthy).

Also I noticed that usually the first thing a girl look after sex is how full is the condom, sometime if it’s empty she feels like something went wrong that I didn’t have an orgasm or that I was not able to ( the girls also are worried about their sexual ability).

For all those reason I almost never do it anymore, the only time I find it usefully it it’s when I feel I’m going to cum to soon.

Couga, if you loose your erection after a dry orgasm, then what is the point of it then?

Originally Posted by glanzino
Couga, if you loose your erection after a dry orgasm, then what is the point of it then?

None, that’s why I wrote I don’t do it anymore.

To me the only small advantage is the reduced recovery time compare to regular orgasm, but since it’s less pleasurable for me than a regular one that’s doesn’t worth the effort.


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