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Edging to improve stamina?


Edging to improve stamina?

This discussion started from Jerkin’ On The Job

Originally Posted by mravg
And do you think your edging without cumming has improved your stamina?
I think edging has improved mine somewhat, but I always have to end it eventually with an orgasm. It really takes willpower to stimulate yourself for that long and then not release. More willpower than I have! But do you think it actually provides more benefits to avoid ejaculation? When I edge I practice reaching the point of orgasm, and then backing off, so what is the harm of doing that several times, but then finishing with an orgasm?

My "stamina" of being able to keep an erection longer has improved. There are are a few variables though, so I don’t know if stamina has improved most because of jelqing, pumping, or edging. There are times when I’m edging and I think I’ve backed off in time, only to have a partial ejaculation. [I realize one can orgasm with ejaculating, and one can ejaculate without an erection. But I think some guys claiming "multiple orgasm" might be experiencing a series of "partial ejaculations."]

Anyway, when I’m edging and have a partial ejaculation, it’s really tough at that point not to get back to "the edge" without losing my whole load. For various reasons, I really don’t want to j/o all the way to orgasm (long story), but I can only edge so many times without having sex with my wife. Otherwise, I get blue balls or an aching prostate. And if I’ve been edging too much and then try to last too long while having sex, I end up with premature ejac anyway. So it can get dicey, either way. I.e., too much edging "backfires" one way or another, but I think some edging is helpful. The thread on Sweet rewards - balloning works gets too technical and eastern-mystical for me; I wish there were more serious threads that explained how to use edging to better train one’s cock to fire off at the right time. So if you got any ideas, I’d like to hear ‘em!

I too would like some more info on this.

Me also. I have heard about this edging, and whilst I understand the benefit of backing off right before ejaculation (to learn how to go longer in the sack), I don’t fully understand what the point is of ultimately keeping your man juice in your member.

Wouldnt it be better mastubating for like 30 minutes, stoping when ejaculation is about to happen. Then trying for 40 minutes the next day. But blowing after how ever long the session is. If I understand correctly edging also assists in girth exercises, but what about the people just doing the basic stuff?


Originally Posted by Josh 14-11
This discussion started from Jerkin’ On The Job

I really don’t want to j/o all the way to orgasm (long story),

Sounds like a story worth telling. Are you avoiding ejaculation for reasons other than trying to improve stamina?

Horny Bastard

I dont really think it is used to improve stamina, “correct me if Im wrong”, at least I havnt noticed any improvement, but you become more in tune with your body and know when to stop so that you can “settle down” before continuing, thus prolonging your “sex session”.

Originally Posted by drew1978
I dont really think it is used to improve stamina, "correct me if Im wrong", at least I havnt noticed any improvement, but you become more in tune with your body and know when to stop so that you can "settle down" before continuing, thus prolonging your "sex session".

You’re right, drew, "stamina" is a poor term since it implies muscular development and endurance. "Staying power" might be a better term, but it’s essentially training yourself so that your plumbing will not to squirt until you want it to. For years, sex therapists have recommended "start and stop" or "stop and squeeze" techniques to deal with premature ejaculation. But these are essentially external controls. I don’t want to interrupt love making with my wife ("OK, dear," grab me just below the glans—now!!".) It’s not so bad to slow the pace of thrusting, shift from penetration to some hand or oral stimulation, etc. But some guys attest to learning better internal control (mental as well as physiological) to time their orgasm for when they really want to finally let loose. There’s much more talk of "external" control, however, than the "internal" control that I’m after. And what better time to practise it than during PE, when you’re already trying to control percentage of erection?

stmheath and others put a lot of stock in The Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia. I’m not into Taoism, but stmheath got my attention; there’s got to be some useful things to learn from this. I read a review and summary of the book at . Yesterday I just tried breathing "normally" while edging and it does affect how long you can hold out. It calms the "distraction" factor described in Beating off… for science. It’s when I’m too "distracted" that I’m more likely to shoot my load too soon. But there’s more to it than just breathing more slowly.

So I’m experimenting. Again, whoever else has some insight or ideas on this, feel free to join the discussion.

Who's "Master of my domain"

Good comments and questions, guys!

Originally Posted by d_sut
If I understand correctly edging also assists in girth exercises, but what about the people just doing the basic stuff?

It may assist; I don’t think edging (or even “ballooning”) alone improves girth. It might be comparable to pumping. From what I read, pumping alone will not add to permanent gains unless you’re also jelqing.

Originally Posted by d_sut
I don’t fully understand what the point is of ultimately keeping your man juice in your member. Wouldnt it be better mastubating for like 30 minutes, stoping when ejaculation is about to happen. Then trying for 40 minutes the next day. But blowing after how ever long the session is.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong (morally, physiologically, or even PE-wise) with blowing your load. mravg - Jerkin’ On The Job, does what you suggest, d_sut—blowing your wad when you’re done with an edging session(s). This is probably healthier for your balls and prostate. That’s why I said, “I can only edge so many times without having sex with my wife. Otherwise, I get blue balls or an aching prostate.” But also, “for various reasons, I really don’t want to j/o all the way to orgasm (long story). Hence mravg’s question:

Originally Posted by mravg
Sounds like a story worth telling. Are you avoiding ejaculation for reasons other than trying to improve stamina?

The short explanation:
Some guys can jack off and not get wrapped up in themselves. For me personally, bopping the bologna tends to get too narcissitic and selfish; after years of that, I really don’t desire to j/o any more. One could say that PE is “selfish;” some would say, “So what if it’s selfish, it’s for me, anyway.” My response is that my marriage wouldn’t work if I were only in it for myself. Any of you who’ve read my other threads know that I came to Thunder’s looking for some solutions to ED. One could say it’s “selfish” to want to get a good hard on simply so my dick can get a buzz inside my wife. I’m not so altruistic as to think there’s not something “in it for me,” but I do think it’s a matter of motives; a matter of focus. While I’m edging, I can be thinking about my wife. And thinking of “holding back” for her adds to some of the anticipation of hopping in the sack :) . Hope that clarifies things; feel free to PM me, too.

Last edited by Josh 14-11 : 11-25-2005 at .

A couple of years ago I purchased an E-Book which introduced Tantric sex and tips and tricks how to become the ultimate lover. Essentially it was a manual with a bunch of exercises and meditations that you do to last longer. To condense 200 pages in a few sentences I would say that the most important PRACTICAL things I picked up from that book were:

- Keggel exercises – they really do help when you need to prevent yourself from busting your load.
- Keep your eyes open during sex, if they are closed you get all dreamy and cum sooner
- Breath through your nose VS your mouth, and control your breathing pace(Very important, 1000% true)
- Practice lasting longer while masturbating – each masturbation session should be around 30 minutes, if you can hold out for 30 minutes then you can fuck for days. I find that it’s the most difficult to last the first 15 minutes after that the penis gets somewhat desensitized and its easier to control yourself.
- Picture your need to ejaculate on a scale of 1 – 100. (Takes awhile to get, but after few days of prolonged masturbation it becomes more and more clear) when you feel that you are approaching the point of no return you should hold back, possibly assist yourself with some keggels.
- Meditation comes in to play when you need to control your mind. Because as we all know if your mind is not in it you can fuck for hours and not cum. So the trick is not to concentrate on the physiological response of your body to friction (Trying not to concentrate on it is already drawing your attention to it, so its kinda difficult) and rather channel the pleasure through your whole body, feel it flow from your penis to all your limb, legs arms torso head … everywhere. Visualize it, let it circulate.
- Let every sexual encounter be a unique experience of its own. Embark on an adventure without stressing about your size, stamina, what she will think of you… just go in it and enjoy!!!

I can honestly say that after practicing for about a month I became a much better lover. Well lasting wise at least . I was a true minute man, if that, and now I can last with quite a bit of self control.

As for ejaculation, I see absolutely no point of holding back from Cumming at the end of your masturbation session. In my opinion, the only thing you are going to accomplish by that is stagnation of semen, and a nice set of painful blue balls.

I have read The Multi Orgasmic Man, and it gives a lot of the same advice you list above tbl. It also says not to ejaculate every time you masturbate. It talks about how it is your male energy in your semen and you loose energy when you ejaculate, and build energy when you learn to orgasm without ejaculating. A lot of mysical mubo jumbo in my opinion, but there is a lot of good advice in that book as well.

I have been thinking about it, and I think that if you can have masturbation, or edging, or PE sessions without ending in ejaculation, you can probably train your mind to realize that ejaculation is not the goal, or the focus of the pleasure. Then you could get to the point where you are fucking without subconciously increasing your arousal to the point of no return. Perhaps you could get to the point where you could stay at constant level of arousal without the need to ejaculate, and then train yourself to ejaculate at will.

Horny Bastard

Now that you have mentioned it mravg i remembered the book talking about a similar concept, somethign they called ridding the wave or somethign to that effect. The also discribed implosive orgasm, the kind of orgasm you have without actually ejaculating, but the way i see it it takes years of training to experiences something even close to that.

I still prefer to bust a nut at the end of my masturbation session, otherwise all than manual work goes to shit, without any gratification

Originally Posted by mravg

I have read The Multi Orgasmic Man, and it gives a lot of the same advice you list above tbl. It also says not to ejaculate every time you masturbate. It talks about how it is your male energy in your semen and you loose energy when you ejaculate, and build energy when you learn to orgasm without ejaculating. A lot of mysical mubo jumbo in my opinion…

Based on what I’ve learned, you are very much mistaken. You’re not alone in this.

Originally Posted by mravg

I have been thinking about it, and I think that if you can have masturbation, or edging, or PE sessions without ending in ejaculation, you can probably train your mind to realize that ejaculation is not the goal, or the focus of the pleasure. Then you could get to the point where you are fucking without subconciously increasing your arousal to the point of no return. Perhaps you could get to the point where you could stay at constant level of arousal without the need to ejaculate, and then train yourself to ejaculate at will.

No perhaps. One can. More importantly, one can train oneself to orgasm at will without ejaculating. The Multi Orgasmic Man does a disservice to its readers by not explaining the HOW of achieving what it describes. Should one wish to pursue an understanding of HOW, reading this

will expidite one’s understanding. Prerequisite is an open mind.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Last edited by xenolith : 11-26-2005 at .

I posted recently on the supplements thread about having a problem when trying to edge. If I’m trying to edge I can reach the point of no return in about a minute or so. It does me no good to try and back off for a few minutes. I go right back at it and I’m still right on the edge because I’m so sensitive. I usually just go ahead and ejaculate to try and get rid of the sensitivity but it does no good. If I wait several hours and try it again, I reach orgasm level just as quick. About 1 or 2 minutes or so. This started occuring when I doubled my dosage of lecithin from 2400mg to 4800mg a day. I think I’m going to go back to 2400 a day to see if it stops because I didn’t used to be this sensitive.

Originally Posted by xenolith
The Multi Orgasmic Man does a disservice to its readers by not explaining the HOW of achieving what it describes. Should one wish to pursue an understanding of HOW, reading this
will expidite one’s understanding. Prerequisite is an open mind.

The Multiorgasmic Man talks ALOT about HOW to achieve multiple orgasms and orgasm without ejaculation. It is the subject of the whole book.
I can’t compare it to the other book, which you have recommended, since I haven’t read that one. All I can say about it is that it is written by the SAME GUY!
I will say, there is a lot to be learned on the subject, and I will check out your recommendation.

Horny Bastard

That’s good mravg.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

This book:
How to Make Love All Night (and Drive Your Woman Wild : Male Multiple Orgasm and Other Secrets for Prolonged Lovemaking)
gives step by step instructions, and exercises, as to how to become multi-orgasmic. The instructions and exercises are clear and concise. The author, Barbara Keesling, claims that the exercises will work for any man. It does not include any of the Taoism that is said to be in The Multi-Orgasmic Man: Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know , which I have not yet read.


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