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How to improve intercourse stamina

How to improve intercourse stamina

1-I want to increase inter course stamina can sombody help me?
2-when I do jelq exercise I feel ejeculation urge instantly
Plz guide me


Hi Janjora

Welcome to Thunders

First you should read this: /forum/faq.php? … faq_tp_fg_style

Kegels should help with your premeature ejaculation. If your not sure how to perform kegels then you can do a search here :


As for the jelqing problem, I’m not sure what to suggest with that, again maybe kegels?

As you get used to PE you shoudl be able to control your erection, I’m sure someone else will try and help you

Good luck, Jesse

Kegels help, I have been doing them for a year now on and off, on more recently on. I do 5 sets of 60-90 seconds of holding before I go to sleep. I have felt better control.

My Starting Stats July 11, 2005 NBPEL: 6.05 EG: 5.25 NBPFL: 4.15 FG: 4.60 My Goal: NBPEL: 7.00 EG: 6.00

I also have one question about kegal, should I do kegal with full eraction or it can be done without eraction too.

With eraction is better or without eraction ?


Originally Posted by sm0987
I also have one question about kegal, should I do kegal with full eraction or it can be done without eraction too.

With eraction is better or without eraction ?


You can do them with a full erection, but I don’t. I don’t think it makes a difference, if it does I’d like to know.

So whatever you feel morecomfortable doing, but I would suggest just sticking with flacid cause you can do them whenever and where ever you want.

I’d say more sex, kegels, and 5 mile runs every day.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

Originally Posted by sm0987
I also have one question about kegal, should I do kegal with full eraction or it can be done without eraction too.

With eraction is better or without eraction ?


You can kegel at any time, erection or no erection. Do it while sitting at work, watching tv etc.. Exercise your kegel whenever you have a few minutes to spare. You will have better ejaculation control, and stonger
Erections and orgasms. The only thing about doing it with an erection is you can see the penis bounce when you squeeze and you can also a weight to make it more effort.

Agreed with Sparky91. Keep practicing sex and masturbation especially.

Originally Posted by sparky91
I’d say more sex, kegels, and 5 mile runs every day.

Won’t get better advice than that, lol. (search for the thread explaining how to kegel with a flannel over your unit for added resistance).

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

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