Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ejaculation Process

Don logan why the heck would you do that is it attraction issues?

Good question. I should have clarified. It’s all averaged out, with the time span being my entire sexual life, starting 40 years ago and up to now (age 53). The driest period was as a teenage virgin (0:500, sex to masturbation ratio) for many years. Another dry period: as a sexually active adult stranded in AIDS-ridden Africa years ago.

Tipping the statistics in the other direction: bedding new girlfriends, screwing the wife constantly to make a baby, etc.

My point being that most people usually masturbate way more than than engage in intercourse with other people.

Don why were you in africa? And they have hookers there and condoms :)

Maybe this thread can shed some insight on my problem since I can’t post my own thread yet due to post count..

I occasionally get gel junks in my ejaculate. It tends to go away and come back, but I’m starting to get a little freaked out. They are tubular and fairly solid. They don’t liquefy quickly. I just ejaculated about 20 minutes ago and there was an inch long tubular gel junk, among other smaller ones. They’re like little worms.

I mentioned this to a urologist a few months ago during a visit and he acted like gel junks was completely normal. Perhaps I didn’t describe it well enough, but he made me feel stupid for even being worried about it.

It’s not painful, and I don’t feel it has hindered my ability to ejaculate, but it is disgusting and I’m rather self conscious about it, and I’m certainly suspicious of some kind of infection.

I mean, a solid tubular gel-like substance in my ejaculate cannot be healthy, right?

Anyone have any luck shooting semen further by using Kegels?

I think I ejaculate enough semen, but it doesn’t shoot. Doesn’t dribble neither but I would like it to shoot out a good foot ahead of me.

What are your experiences with this with Kegels and what other things have you tried to achieve this?

Originally Posted by Manji Manji
Maybe this thread can shed some insight on my problem since I can’t post my own thread yet due to post count..

I occasionally get gel junks in my ejaculate. It tends to go away and come back, but I’m starting to get a little freaked out. They are tubular and fairly solid. They don’t liquefy quickly. I just ejaculated about 20 minutes ago and there was an inch long tubular gel junk, among other smaller ones. They’re like little worms.

I mentioned this to a urologist a few months ago during a visit and he acted like gel junks was completely normal. Perhaps I didn’t describe it well enough, but he made me feel stupid for even being worried about it.

It’s not painful, and I don’t feel it has hindered my ability to ejaculate, but it is disgusting and I’m rather self conscious about it, and I’m certainly suspicious of some kind of infection.

I mean, a solid tubular gel-like substance in my ejaculate cannot be healthy, right?

It could be that you could benefit from having your prostate milked? When I milk mine I get some kind of “solid” white masses in my semen, not necessarily tubes like you describe, but something like that. They are like suspended in a thinner, clearer kind of seminal fluid. I only get these to come out of me if I really milk my prostate good.

How often do you ejaculate? It could also be that your prostate needs to be drained and emptied more often than you think, and you’re getting coagulated semen that should have been released prior? I don’t know, I’m thinking of anything!

Jelly like globules are normal its either a sign of health or dehydration, semen is supposed to stick to walls of the vagina where they liquify further and increases your chance of insemination

Edit, it becomes thinner the less mature your semen becomes eg: ejactulating 20 times a day an over exaggeration I know, laymen terms constantly running on empty

Bpel start 14.25cm

My Straw

Last edited by Swole Straw : 04-02-2020 at .

Retrograde Ejaculation ISSUE

Hi guys!
New to the forums and thought I would try and ask here as a lot of you guys seem like you know what your talking about when it comes to penis related issues!

I’m a 32 year old diabetic. For the past year me and the wife have been trying for a baby without any luck.
It seems as though I’m suffering from what they call retrograde ejaculation where instead of exiting through the penis your sperm goes into the bladder as the muscle that blocks it off has nerve damage from years of diabetes issues.

There are methods of getting it to come out the penis, one being the “Sudafed method” where you take a lode of it and it somehow has an affect on the muscle and allows a normal ejaculation. We have tried different doses without much luck.

Has anyone else got this or does anyone have any advice on how to tackle this as it’s starting to really worry me now if I’m honest.

Thanks in advance for any advice given.

I know this post is a bit old, but have you tried doing exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles?

Originally Posted by IanD
Hi guys!
New to the forums and thought I would try and ask here as a lot of you guys seem like you know what your talking about when it comes to penis related issues!

I’m a 32 year old diabetic. For the past year me and the wife have been trying for a baby without any luck.
It seems as though I’m suffering from what they call retrograde ejaculation where instead of exiting through the penis your sperm goes into the bladder as the muscle that blocks it off has nerve damage from years of diabetes issues.

There are methods of getting it to come out the penis, one being the “Sudafed method” where you take a lode of it and it somehow has an affect on the muscle and allows a normal ejaculation. We have tried different doses without much luck.

Has anyone else got this or does anyone have any advice on how to tackle this as it’s starting to really worry me now if I’m honest.

Thanks in advance for any advice given.

Wow just read this post, I learned more here than I had in my 62 years. Great job.

Originally Posted by OppositeLock
Anyone have any luck shooting semen further by using Kegels?

I think I ejaculate enough semen, but it doesn’t shoot. Doesn’t dribble neither but I would like it to shoot out a good foot ahead of me.

What are your experiences with this with Kegels and what other things have you tried to achieve this?

IMO it is too valuable to shoot out.

Don’t ejaculate for a week at least and it’s going to shoot out further.

In addition to that, have sex or stimulate yourself longer the better to accumulate more fluid in the prostate that is going to give both bigger load and shoot like a fountain.

Lastly give all your energy and passion and make animalistic sounds while still humping your hand for additional 5-6 six times together with each contraction of pc muscle.

If you accumulate too much prostate fluid, semen wont be as white and solid but will shoot all the way to the sealing, depending on age.

Taoists say that man’s biological age can be measured by angle of erection and how far semen shoots out.

Vidalista & Cenforce

Hi, I just need some info from someone who has tried cenforce 100 (Viagra) and Vidalista (cialis) recently.

I contacted a man in India where they are manufactured and he was able to supply and deliver 100 Cenforce 100mg tablets for 80USD + Shipping.

Originally Posted by robertmstewart6

Hi, I just need some info from someone who has tried cenforce 100 (Viagra) and Vidalista (cialis) recently.

I contacted a man in India where they are manufactured and he was able to supply and deliver 100 Cenforce 100mg tablets for 80USD + Shipping.

If I ever bought 100 tablets, by the time I think I went through about 50 tablets I’m sure the sell by dates would have long passed.

Originally Posted by robertmstewart6

Hi, I just need some info from someone who has tried cenforce 100 (Viagra) and Vidalista (cialis) recently.

I contacted a man in India where they are manufactured and he was able to supply and deliver 100 Cenforce 100mg tablets for 80USD + Shipping.

vidalista is good stuff I’ve been using their 20mg tabs for like 5 years now and they work really good. I don’t take them even weekly. They don’t lose much efficacy through time.

Starting length, Spring 2003: bpel 6 3/8", bpfsl ~6 1/2", flaccid ~3-4" (never measured flaccid stretched or hanging flaccid; starting girth was probably ~5"-5 1/4")

Summer 2004: bpel 7 7/8", bpfsl 8 1/8", flaccid ~4", erect girth 5.3"

Spring 2018: bpel 7 1/4", bpfsl 7 5/8", erect girth 5 1/8"; Spring 2020: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth 5 3/8". Current - August 2023: bpel 7 3/4", bpfsl 8", erect girth mid shaft 5 1/4" (5 1/2" at base)

If you look at the manufacturer’s web page for a drug, there’s usually a suggested storage temperature range. That’s often 60 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a "standard baseline temperature" used in multiple industries.

You can buy drug storage boxes with Peltier-effect chillers. Basically fancy electric beer coolers.

Some drugs are safe to store in a food refrigerator (40-43F), but others are specified for 60 to 77F, which might be "room temperature" for some people.

After typing all that, I looked up the recommented storage temperature for Cialis-branded taladafil, and it’s 59-86F. Though generally, drugs will last longer in cooler temperatures. (speed of chemical reactions is reduced with temperature)


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