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Ejaculation Process

Is there a thread that specifically talks about preventing Premature Ejaculation? Some exercises, supplements and other things?

As I suggest it is your mind that controls your desires resulting in early ejaculation.

Blue eye, blonde latino


Great post. Thanks for the insight!

I was wondering if being a dribbler is a genetic / anatomy thing, or has more to do with motor control and thus can be remedied.

I’ve always been known as a little disturbed in the physical area, in that I usually require more time to learn a new task. For instance, to this day I can’t whistle. New gym exercises require prolonged assistance from instructors before I get into proper form. I have a stutter. Bottom line is I don’t naturally have good control over my muscles and I often need a little coaching, if you will, before I get the hang of something.

When I cum, the first load spurts out, as long as I’ve saved up a little (2-3 days). The rest just dribbles out. I hate it.

If I try really hard, I sometimes manage to spurt on my last two loads. But it requires a lot of physical and mental effort and it sort of hurts my orgasm quality-wise. In between, say second-fourth load, I lack any kind of control whatsoever.

Would training of the pelvic floor muscles, e.g., through Kegel exercises, help me?

I’ve tried the supplements from the “Holy Grail of Cum”. Zinc and L-arginine might make me hornier. Lecithin makes my cum stickier and whiter, which is nice, but it’s not what I’m after. I found out there’s nothing wrong with my cum volume, it’s simply the ejaculation power that’s lacking.

Giving cum shots is by far my biggest fetish, but it’s got everything to do with spurting, not with the amount of cum. I don’t get aroused watching porn stars dribble huge amounts of cum. I get aroused watching it spurt. It looks like these guys actually control their spurting, not just on the first release, but on subsequent releases as well. You can see them “pumping” it out, as if they’re holding their breath in between to build up power and release at will. I have no idea how one goes about doing that. It just.. Dribbles out with me being a mere spectator. It really feels like I can do it, but as always, I need someone assisting me.. ;) To put me on the right track with some practical tips.

Basically, I can control my first spurt, but it ends there. How can I extend this?

Please tell me if getting more control of my orgasm contractions in whatever way, is worth pursuing. I’d appreciate any kind of advice or exercises!

No one? Not even a link to a useful thread somewhere around here?

Maybe some help on Kegel exercises? Because I have great difficulty locating my PC muscles apart from halting my urine flow. So I’ve never really tried Kegel exercises properly.

Don’t tell me no one here has ever tried improving their ejaculation power. There must be something.. Please tell me!

Originally Posted by sricardo
As I suggest it is your mind that controls your desires resulting in early ejaculation.

I suppose technically it’s all controlled by the brain, but that’s not to say it’s a simple as mentally focusing on desires, arousal, etc. In my experience, anything involving the mind voluntarily/deliberately (distractions, desires, etc) is not a long term solution. However, I think part of a solution can include mental conditioning to the point of certain thoughts and behaviors becoming more natural and subconscious.

Originally Posted by anhaedra
No one? Not even a link to a useful thread somewhere around here?

Maybe some help on Kegel exercises? Because I have great difficulty locating my PC muscles apart from halting my urine flow. So I’ve never really tried Kegel exercises properly.

Don’t tell me no one here has ever tried improving their ejaculation power. There must be something.. Please tell me!

Try using the search feature, there are a lot of threads around the topic. A strong pelvic floor (kegels and reverse kegels) would definitely help.

Originally Posted by anhaedra
No one? Not even a link to a useful thread somewhere around here?

Maybe some help on Kegel exercises? Because I have great difficulty locating my PC muscles apart from halting my urine flow. So I’ve never really tried Kegel exercises properly.

Don’t tell me no one here has ever tried improving their ejaculation power. There must be something.. Please tell me!

Have you tried Google?

Originally Posted by anhaedra

I was wondering if being a dribbler is a genetic / anatomy thing

Anecdotally, it could be. Pre-vascetomy, I was good for 2-3 spurts. Afterwards, mostly dribble

Start 01/03/2012: BPEL 5.5" EG 4.75"

1st Goal: BPEL 6.5" EG 5.0"

Current: BPEL 6.625" EG 4.85" from the Linear Newbie Routine

Yes, there are some exercises or technique on how to control premature ejaculation here is a blog that will teach you on the process on how to prolong ejaculation .

This is a pretty old thread and I haven’t read every post, but I was wondering if any of you guys here have experienced the same or something similar to what I describe.

I know there are as many reason as there are stars in the sky for changes in a guy’s ejaculate/cum/spooge/(insert favorite slang term). From hydration to diet to time of day to temperature to the color of his socks - the variations are endless. But I’ve noticed, as I’ve aged, that things about my ejaculate change largely based on my body position when I ejaculate.

For instance, if I’m laying on my back and or on my side, my load is pretty thick, takes longer to thin out/liquify and often has a slight yellowish tinge to it (I used to freak out about this with the color but it’s not at all uncommon). However, when I’m standing or kneeling or any position where I’m upright in some fashion, my loads are thinner (still thick but not nearly as thick as when I’m laying down), the time it takes to liquify is greatly reduced, it’s more of the “usual” milky white color, and as an added bonus, I tend to shoot further. I’ve always been a bit heavy on volume and my loads can be pretty sizeable anyway, even when I don’t take any type of supplement or volume enhancers, but the size of the load can be affected as well in that I tend to drop more in an upright position than I do on my back. And often, I’ve noticed that on those occasions when my gf go more than one round of sex in a session, my second load can be larger than the first.

And the thing about the changes is that they occur regardless of whether it’s through sex or masturbation - it all seems to be about positioning. My gf’s noticed as well (she notices everything) and has even commented on it, about the volume, thickness, etc. I even conducted my own experiments over the course of a couple of months to see if I could find anything to be a major contributor and I really couldn’t find anything. For the first month, I maintained a good schedule of my meds, supplements, watched my hydration, stayed consistent with me PE, etc. The second month, I changed up some things like diet, exercise routine, sexual encounters, etc. Even with the changes, the the body position thing was always the overriding factor.

Any of you noticed anything like these types of changes?

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

My explanation why I can not get an orgasm during sex. Is that one is used to much stronger stimuli and rituals through masturbation. With the necessary emptying masturbation this is something of a concern for me. I always want to masturbate. When I start to masturbate, I soon realize that I will not make it in this moment. Then I stop and start from another at another time. During masturbation, to a certain point, it is not yet certain that I can ejaculate. If I succeed but I have a very nice orgasm with 5 to 6 highlights in an Aperiodic borderline case. There, so to speak, all the excess sperm pumped out. The following relaxation is very pleasant. I used to have an orgasm and the sperm ran out.

I think that as a long-term masturbant there is also a neurological problem. Because the sensory nerves on the penis have lost their sensitivity due to the longtime sensory overload.

I’ve never had a pollution, because I started dry masturbation at the age of 9, and Everyday Masturbate. Therefore, my question is whether through long-term masturbation, the ability to pollute not even get or lose?

It would be interesting to know if all men have problems with orgasm after a certain age. Or whether the sexual behavior over a long time affects the whole negative.

That’s just the advantage that you can masturbate without sufficient erection. The size of the penis also does not matter. I’m very happy about that, because at 72 years of age you have your problems. Sexual intercourse would not be possible without a sufficient erection. But that’s the way to satisfy myself. This is very important for me as a habitual masturbator.

I read for many years, everything I can find about masturbation. I have to say that the phenomenon of long-term masturbation in medicine is little or not researched. That’s why most doctors do not know much about this topic.

Masturbation is better than sex!

Priligy worked but it had side effects so I quit

Antidepressants helped my premature ejaculation.

Originally Posted by Jagtstein
I have to say that the phenomenon of long-term masturbation in medicine is little or not researched. That’s why most doctors do not know much about this topic.

I agree. We all (men, that is) talk big about intercourse. And of course, who doesn’t want to lube up and push it into your preferred hole of choice. But at least for me, for each one time I have “actual sex,” I masturbate about 50 times. Yes, that’s a ratio of 1:50. And I’m currently in a relationship where I have easy access to intercourse with a woman. At times in my life when I didn’t have such easy access, that ratio must have been 1:500 or even more.


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