Thunder's Place

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Ejaculation Process

I happened to find this thread after having written some in this one where does it go?

I copied most of my posting below. What do you think?

I have noticed over the years that if I masturbate or have sex for a very long time before ejaculation I actually shoot harder and more. I never really understood this. Then I read somewhere a while back (can’t remember where) that if you stop the ejaculation by squeezing the back of the glans the semen actually gets caught somewhere on the way and is stored there for a while. This way you can build up to larger and more forceful ejaculations by getting real close to orgasm and than stop, either by squeezing the glans or kegeling. The thing is that I’ve been able to stop my ejaculations for a long time even without knowing about kegeling and never had to do the glans squeeze. I also get orgasms without ejaculation. They’re not as pleasurable as when I shoot but knowing that I’m building up to a harder ejaculation makes me feel really good :)

I pierced my glans 10 years back. The ring went through the bottom of the glans and out the urethra (called Prince Albert). When the ring moved during sex or masturbation, it stimulated the urethra and made me ejaculate a little while before the orgasm (about 10-15 seconds). When the orgasm occurred I ejaculated once more, not very much this time but it was quite cool.

I managed to achieve this a few times without wearing the ring but it’s not as common. I don’t wear the ring nowadays because it stretches the urethra thus making the ejaculations less forceful. Also wearing the ring during PE is painful.

Anyway do you think that the emission stage mentioned in your first post in this thread could suggest that I’m right about semen buildup due to orgasm without ejaculation?

Originally Posted by DirkGently
I have noticed over the years that if I masturbate or have sex for a very long time before ejaculation I actually shoot harder and more. I never really understood this. Then I read somewhere a while back (can’t remember where) that if you stop the ejaculation by squeezing the back of the glans the semen actually gets caught somewhere on the way and is stored there for a while. This way you can build up to larger and more forceful ejaculations by getting real close to orgasm and than stop, either by squeezing the glans or kegeling.

Prolonged masturbation or sex will usually bring you through a series of arrousals during which seminal fluids will build up in the urethral bulb, causing it to become larger and larger as fluids accumulate. As you get these fluids moving (without yet ejaculating), being stored in one place, you can expect to deliver more ejaculate volume when you do finally ejaculate. This can happen whether or not you employ Kegel squeezes. Constant “edging” alone will create the build-up.

I managed to achieve this a few times without wearing the ring but it’s not as common. I don’t wear the ring nowadays because it stretches the urethra thus making the ejaculations less forceful. Also wearing the ring during PE is painful.

Anyway do you think that the emission stage mentioned in your first post in this thread could suggest that I’m right about semen buildup due to orgasm without ejaculation?

What you are experiencing as “orgasms” may actually be pre-orgasmic sensations caused by your urethral bulb filling. As the fluids move toward the bulb and enter it, the sensation is very pleasureable. Not like orgasm with ejaculation, but very nice.

I see what you mean about the piercing ring. Tugging during PE or intercourse, too, will distort the shape of the urethra over time, change the direction or volume of seminal flow and alter orgasmic sensations when you do ejaculate.



Actually the orgasms I experience feels very much like the “real” ones except not as intense. I get the rhythmic muscle contractions and everything. I guess the sensation you mention contributes to the feeling.

It was while reading an article on Male multiple orgasm written by Masters and Johnson that I realised that I maybe was experiencing that already.

What I don’t know and they never mention is if it’s possible to increase the amount semen ejaculated by having these dry orgasms or just by stopping the ejaculation thus achieving the emission faze and having the semen build up in the urethral bulb? I have on occasions had very large ejaculations, especially after long sex sessions with many stopped ejaculations, and figured after reading about the emission faze that maybe this could be happening.

The worst part with the piercing ring was that when flaccid the ring was a little to big and was pressing on the upper side of the urethra, especially since I’m uncut. This made a huge difference in urethra width in just a matter of weeks. Fortunately the urethra being elastic narrowed some after I ditched the ring.

Last edited by DirkGently : 07-18-2004 at .

Originally Posted by DirkGently
What I don’t know and they never mention is if it’s possible to increase the amount semen ejaculated by having these dry orgasms or just by stopping the ejaculation thus achieving the emission faze and having the semen build up in the urethral bulb? I have on occasions had very large ejaculations, especially after long sex sessions with many stopped ejaculations, and figured after reading about the emission faze that maybe this could be happening.

It sounds to me that you have somehow figured out intuitively how to become multi-orgasmic. If so, count yourself among the lucky. If you are not losing either your erection or your libido level after each of these then you are not simply ejaculating retrograde when you have a “dry” one.

The semen increase happens because each hightened arousal (without actually ejaculating) increases the total volume stored in the urethral bulb and in the ducts leading to it. Whether you get that through the way you “edge” (glans squeezing or mechanical Kegels) or via the turn-on of the dry orgasms isn’t important, seems to me, so long as the quality of the dry orgasms is good, and yours are from what you say.

It took me months to learn the technique through Kegelling. You are way ahead in having come up with this on your own.



Off topic again, but has anyone here looked at Aneros? Its a prostate stimulator and I’ve been having some really excellent adventures with it. You gotta get over a lot of hangups before you can use it, but once you do, its amazing.

I don’t know the rules very well yet, so I won’t a-priori include the URL since I’m not sure it’s allowed, but y’all can google for Aneros and get there yourself. I also notice there’s some interesting discussion about males being multi-orgasmic, in this thread: I do wonder how many achieve it.

I bought the Aneros stimulator but can’t seem to relax enough to enjoy it. I just cramp around it and can’t hardly remove it :)

This is like a “butt plug”, yes?

If you couldn’t remove it, have you rehearsed what you would say at the emergency room, DG?



re: DirkGently’s dry orgasms, multiples either wet or dry and “kegling” to stop ejaculation ideas.

I have just started to appreciate the “feel” of the different muscles PC, BC and some of the many others in that area which variously contribute to erection and ejaculation. I had the idea of what was going on but until recently I didn’t “feel” it, in the sense of being able to actually feel these different muscles and start to have some conscious control over them at any time, much less than than in the “heat of battle”. It started to come together when I was doing kegels while manually stretching, feeling the pull back as in Bib’s LOT or forgive me if someone is offended, DLD’s “reverse kegels”.

Maybe it is just me but there is a huge difference in thinking and knowing about something and really feeling it, like when I was first learning how to ski at age of 32. The instructors would tell me about shifting my weight and body posture, but it didn’t “click” for a very long time, then suddenly I felt it. Feeling it didn’t make me an instant expert but I was at least aware of what they meant, and I could begin the real learning only after I could actually feel it. I guess this “body awareness” may come to some easier than to others. Infrequently I have had a dry orgasm but it seems it was more by chance than active choice, and now I am starting to sense the different muscle tensions while hanging when I clench some of these muscles or try to “actively” relax them. It seems that I have a very active Bulbocavernous Reflex, which is the “pullback” when the glans is squeezed or pulled. If one has a very strong reflex like this could the pull back be supporting some of the hanging tension until the muscle fatigues? Is this some component of why “slow gainers” are slow? Does ADS vs. short session hanging circumvent some of this? Did Bib and some of the big gainers get around it more from their long sessions than with the very heavy weights?
Something to think about and comment, maybe I’m on to something or not.


Hi, maybe you already talked about, but am fucking lazy to read thru this thread:S so guys anyone of you have ever experienced that after you cum there is somelike urine in your semen? Is this normal or it is a severe problem? :(

If you urinated very soon before you ejaculated, you might have some urine in the semen, left over in your urethra.



I am still trying to figure out how or why it is that I have never ejaculated during intercourse,I am able to go on for hours at times yet the best I do is reach the point “pre -cum”; at times I am able to get very very close to cumming yet I just hold there(not at will because if I could I would bust a load)…I am trying to figure a way to bust my load at will….oh well I will hopefully figure something out but I guess I may have to do some research as I am sure others have experienced this.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

If I understand what you are saying, you can get close but never over the edge during intercourse. See if you can relate to this article written by, I think, a doctor who is also from the UK.



Avocet8 you are amazing,really I do not know what to say but you simply are so well versed in these matters that it brings me to say much respect for all you have shared. I read through the article and somethings are applicable and others are not really however its probably the closest I have got to the truth. The crazy thing is that regardless of my high sex drive I only began cumming through direct stimulation 3 years ago. Merely stroking my unit is not sufficient I have to squeeze the bastard.Although I have not asked, I think my Dad had the very same problem…I am not sure but I think he did. Perhaps I will have to start a thread as I feel I am stepping on someone else’s thread.My bad.Thank you Avocet8.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

You’re not stepping on anything. You’re talking about the subject. :)



Thank you Avocet8, I am glad that I was not stepping on anyone. I think that perhaps that there maybe something up with my works as a whole however in the same breathe it is up to me to also make greater effort. I need to begin to understand not only the general ejaculation process however in light of the interesting dynamics that I may posses. In time I will figure out a way to come forth.I am aware that it may certainly take some time and I think maybe some frustration however the most important thing is progress. I have come very very close to ejaculating, so close that I thought I had begun ejaculating. I still enjoy sex and yes at times its frustrating but it helps when the connection is shared, I get really fired out when I have made the lady concerned orgasm from penetration and through oral stimulation. I do not say I know it all,in real terms I am learning but both the emotional and physical aspects play an important role , especially emotional. Its going to be interesting to see what unfolds. I know that it is probably frustrating for the lady concerned and she has been patient but I know that she would like me to bust a load or should I say many loads.

My next step is in trying to learn more about “retarded ejaculation” for I do believe that there is a solution to this challenge, I need to figure that out and hopefully I will be able to share the acquired knowledge with others who may have the same experiences.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"


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