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Erection dysfunction

Erection dysfunction

I know I’m in the wrong section but the help section is locked and I’m desperate for some advice. 3 days ago I was masturbating and I got very aroused and my erection was very strong. When I get aroused my erection goes upwards and tries to keep going up especially when I’m climaxing, but this time I heard a crack (kinda like when you crack you knuckles) and the way my erection was positioned it looked like it was at the base of the shift top side of the penis. Immediatly after that cracked was heard I kinda freaked out cause I heard it from my penis, looked down at it and watched the erection slowly cease to exist. I got pretty scared after that but after 2 mins I attemped to get an erection again and I managed to get what seemed like a full erection and I finished off my fun. I waited 2 days to try masturbating but when I tried I could get my erection about about 3/4 erect and even then I couldn’t maintain it will watching porn it would just die off. I ended masturbating to around a 1/2 erection with good porn and for some reason I was very quick to ejaculate. What is going on here? What should I do?

For those who want a brief idea in point form:

- Masturbating and hard crack at base top side of penis, penis immediatly died down

- 2 days later can’t complete a full erection

Looks like that your penis is broken. You have to see a doctor right away. It is considered an emergency.

You need to see a doctor in the emergency department of your local hospital right away.

http://en.wikip … Penile_fracture

If it were “broken” he’d likely have considerable swelling a short time later, as well as pain at the site of the “break.” If no inflammation, discoloration, or swelling or pain, wait and see what happens. He could have heard one of those lig-snap sounds some of us experience.

Since it scared the shit out of him, I’m not surprised he lost that erection and had a non-full subsequent one.



I do not think he should wait any longer. The fact is something has happened and it is an injury. What not just go to a hospital and get a free assessment?

Go see a doctor, but that is what many here call lig popping. When pulling on you unit, it will pop and sound like a finger popping, it used to happen to me all the time. It may be all in your head, but many not only here experience it, they expect it and want it to happen. If you are bothered, by all means, go see a doctor.

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
Looks like that your penis is broken. You have to see a doctor right away. It is considered an emergency.

You need to see a doctor in the emergency department of your local hospital right away.

http://en.wikip … Penile_fracture

Yes this really scared the crap out of me, I read this just before going to work and felt sick all night but yea I had no pain what so ever, no swelling as far as I can tell. As for the "lig popping" that could be the case and I pray it is but I wasn’t actually mastubating when the noise occurred if I can recall I was just watchin the movie at the time. I’m going to try and get a full erection tonight and see what happens. If I do in fact get a full erection, could I still have an erectile fracture?

Great news! I attempted to get a fulll erection and made it! I kept it full for at least 10 mins how ever long it took for me to finish up. It took me a long time compared to normal days to get a full erection though, usually when I watch a movie I have a full erection by 1-2 mins this time it took about 4-5 mins. I think it might have been all in my mind though and I jsut had to get past that part in my head in order to get the full erection. Should I still be concerned about my penis and perhaps erectile dysfunction or penile fracture?

A. One does not get a fractured penis (a real injury) from simple masturbation. Rough sex in the wrong position (girl on top), yes, but not just jerking off.

B. The mind is a very powerful organ. The hormones released during a frightening situation will take a way your hard on very quickly. Fear of doing it again could make it difficult to get another erection.

To answer your question: It doesn’t sound like your have a penile fracture or erectile dysfunction.

I would still see a doctor to make sure. Honestly, I feel that you are very reluctant to do so. I wonder why?

If there is indeed any injury to the penis, the ED will progress with time and by the time you want to see a doctor it may be too late.

It is your call.

Originally Posted by PKDublin
Great news! I attempted to get a fulll erection and made it! I kept it full for at least 10 mins how ever long it took for me to finish up. It took me a long time compared to normal days to get a full erection though, usually when I watch a movie I have a full erection by 1-2 mins this time it took about 4-5 mins. I think it might have been all in my mind though and I jsut had to get past that part in my head in order to get the full erection. Should I still be concerned about my penis and perhaps erectile dysfunction or penile fracture?

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
I would still see a doctor to make sure. Honestly, I feel that you are very reluctant to do so. I wonder why?

If there is indeed any injury to the penis, the ED will progress with time and by the time you want to see a doctor it may be too late.

It is your call.

Well it may seem silly considering this situation actually being very serious but I have been to the doctor twice in the last two years relating to some kind of issue down below and both were cleared almost instantly as being absolutely normal and fine so I’m a little in embarrassed by that. Also if I’m to go to the doc I’d have to tell my parents about this problem which would be embarrassing again cause I had to tell them about the last two situations so they could book an appointment. This would be my 3rd issue regarding my junk and if it turns out to be nothing they’re all gonna start to wonder if I’m over thinking all these situations.

Why can’t you book an appointment on your own? I don’t know what to say but this is really potentially very serious. Maybe you should try the free anonymous phone number from Telehealth Ontario and see what they say. They are open 24 hours a day.

BTW if something has broken down there, this is not a situation where you can wait a couple of days to see a doctor. You would need to go to the emergency at hospital.

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