Thunder's Place

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erection problems. Am i getting ED?

erection problems. Am i getting ED?

I am only 19 and for a few weeks now my erections hav’nt been 100%, especially when trying to obtain an erection while standing. My erections feel softer and they have fallen 1/4 - 1/2 of an inch short of my usual erection size, and the angle is lower. The wierd thing is I can get a full erection while sitting (Why is that?), but its only a full ercetion when I get the feeling I am going to ejaculate which is no good when coming to sex because betime I get it up I will cum straight away.

I cant put this down to PE just lately because it has been hit and miss, But some over doing from previos PE could be having some effect.

I have been suffering from deppression for going on a years time, but it has recently got worse over the last 2 - 4 months, so generally my mood is unhappy. I also have been on Roaccutane for 3 months for acne purposes, I dont know if this may have any effect on the situation.

I am over a weight by 1stone and a half and my diet is utterly and completely shit (even though this has’nt had any effect before) do you think doing some cardio and improving my diet to lose weight and improve blood flow could help improve my erections?

Also do you think I should start doing regular PE such as jelqing, squeezing, kegaling to try and get more blood circulating through my penis.

I am really worried and dont want to have ED especially at such a young age, so I would really appreciate it if someone could pass me some advice on resolving the matter.

Thankyou very much in advance.

Its very unlikely you have ED. Good chance too much PE…take a break.

You seem to understand that you arent’ taking care of your health, so START!

Your life is NOT a dress rehearsal, it is the real thing. You can either make the most of it, or piss it away. Every moment that passes is gone for good. Now is a good time to decide whether you want to waste it or make the most of it, because whether you live it well or not, there is no “time out” and going back to re-do it.

That said, you don’t have to change everything at once. Just decide to change one thing about your diet, and one thing about exercise and start.

Maybe you will just decide to walk 15 minutes a day, and eat just meat and veggies at nite…no starches or sweets. Just making these small changes will begin to improve how you look and feel. That is many times all that is needed to produce a change or catalyst in how you are living your life.

You are lucky to have found this site, because if you want to improve yourself you have a brotherhood here that is tireless in extending help and support.

Do yourself a favor, and begin to live your life the way you will be proud to relate to your future sons and daughters…and live in a way that can be an example for them. The biggest step is the first one, it doesn’t have to be big, but it does have to happen.

I wish you health and happiness.

Wow you really have given me a boost. Thankyou sparkyx for the very kind words. You should be a motivational speaker.

I do know I need to improve other aspects of my life which I am truly going to do because I am sick of watching my life go by. So thanks again for the motivational comments.

But for the poor erection side of things, I really dont think its down to PE because I have not been doing it enough. Do you think I would be alright to do some exercise’s like light jeqs and kegals to try and improve things. I really dont want to give PE up altoghter because Penis size does play a part in my depression and dont wont to delay things even longer.

I am kind of new here but have read a lot and actually my friend I lost 110 pounds of pure fat, I have also recently been experiencing some erection problems due to doing to much to fast, I am cutting down for 2 weeks and then retaking back on the newbie routine, I know that a change in diet will definately help you, but having lost all the weight I have I can tell you that you have to make it a Little more of a lifestyle more than just a 2 month or three month thing. That is if you want it off and want it to stay off.


I totally agree with you. I have dabbled with fast trak diets and always took me back to square one. So i am going to dedicate my self and persivear in making it become more a longterm(life style) diet. I hope you do get your erction quality back.

Also off subject losing that much weight did it reduce your fat pad at all. And cogratulations on making your life a much healthier one. Exellent results

It could also be depression. I remember when I suffered from depression, I couldn’t get an erection even if my life depended on it. It wasn’t until I changed my diet, began going out more, changing a few lazy thing in my life, going to the gym, and pretty much changing my complete life style that I began to experience erections again. Depression can effect your whole body and whole health. Your whole body becomes flaccid and limp. Don’t take medication for this demon know as depression. You got to fight it off and get up and realize that you are really young and are missing out on life.

Healthy diet, exercise, get off that piece of shit accutane, stop taking it. And for now, lay off PE, for a while.

The following posters addressed the physical issues for sluggish erections quite well. So I won’t add to that. But lets cut to the source. What are you depressed about? Did the depression start when you went on Accuatane?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thanks for the the replies.


No te depression didnt start when I went on Accutane but its possible it could of made things worse. I am no longer taking it, I have been off it for about 3 months.

Alot of my depression comes down to penis size, which is the reason why I dont really want to lay off PE.
I have alot of insecurities about my size. I have let it take over my life and lost my friends, I do not go out any more. So I am never sociolizing and have developed a poblem with being able to socialize. Another thing is that I have never gained through PE and that gets me upset making me believe that I will never gain or be able to change the size of my Penis. I do believe in PE because all of you guys wouldn’t be here, it just gets me down not being able to find a routine to get me seeing gains.

The paragraph above is just a quick sweep over the root of the problem of my depression.

So at this moment in time I hate my life, I dont have much going for me and its always playing on my mind.

Wann8 man your not alone I have felt the same many times brother, hell I still do. Before I forget yes I have reduced the fat pad quite a bit. But back to the subject you don’t need to diet. Just maybe change your diet ,three good healthy meals a day you will be set. That with a good three days a week gym and you will really be nice. I know what you say about PE I have tried in the past with no results and I believe I was younger and my perseverance level was crap, I also think it was all very mental I hated myself or thought everything sucked because my penis is not large I still feel that way now, but you know what I do. I buckle under and do my routine and I know that if I continue to do it, and really learn how to do it right it will pay off. It’s the hardest thing I have endured this far, nothing comes close. And believe me man I have had a tough life but hey I can either cry myself to sleep every night. Or look at myself in the mirror and think of the strong men that made this world and say. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP, I AM THE RULER OF MY OWN OUTCOME.


I also thought ‘everything sucked because my penis wasn’t large’ and I let it take over my life, like everything revolved around my penis size. Which is my biggest mistake.

I also think the reason I didn’t gain because my perseverance level was crap, and I truly agree with the mental thoughts playing a big role in PE (and in everything else you do in life). So all this said, it just leads down to one thing and that is to buckle down and reap the rewards.
I like that phrase ‘I WILL NEVER GIVE UP, I AM THE RULER OF MY OWN OUTCOME’. So very true.

So thank you for opening my eyes and helping me to face it rather than let it take over. I’d like to thank sparkyx also you have both been an encouragement so thank you.

As for the poor erection I think I was masturbating too much, (4-5 time per day) I must be stressed. Going to knock that on the head and get myself in a good healthy diet and see if my erections perk up.


Originally Posted by wann8

I also thought ‘everything sucked because my penis wasn’t large’ and I let it take over my life, like everything revolved around my penis size. Which is my biggest mistake.

I also think the reason I didn’t gain because my perseverance level was crap, and I truly agree with the mental thoughts playing a big role in PE (and in everything else you do in life). So all this said, it just leads down to one thing and that is to buckle down and reap the rewards.
I like that phrase ‘I WILL NEVER GIVE UP, I AM THE RULER OF MY OWN OUTCOME’. So very true.

So thank you for opening my eyes and helping me to face it rather than let it take over. I’d like to thank sparkyx also you have both been an encouragement so thank you.

As for the poor erection I think I was masturbating too much, (4-5 time per day) I must be stressed. Going to knock that on the head and get myself in a good healthy diet and see if my erections perk up.


A quick way to change your outlook is to change your perspective. Perspective “shift” will accomplish in one moment what years of therapy cannot do.

The quickest and most dramatic way to shift a person such as yourself is to go and volunteer at a children’s cancer ward to read to them or just visit with them or something. When you see these little kids bravely struggling with cancer and facing the possibility of death, it will turn you head around “real quick” .

It’ll make you realize that you are throwing away the gift of time that you have, and you really don’t have any “problems”.

When you help others (out of love, if you are going through the motions…forget it. Think of each one of those kids as your brother or sister, raise love in your heart…THEN help), it centers you in ways that nothing else will. When you get centered, then your own “problems” shrink back into the proper perspective and you will find yourself feeling “ridiculous” to be feeling sorry for yourself anymore.

How would you feel if a confident lesbian was pursuing your girlfriend (if you had one), probably feel threatened, especially if she was confident and smooth…right? How big is HER dick? So, if a lesbian can rock the world of another woman, with no dick, how much ahead of them are you? Its ALL attitude brother!

Learn PE, and let dick building be a long term hobby ( I still say you are overdoing it) forget your dick size for now, we will help you make it bigger, but think of it as a several year project. In the mean time…START LIVING YOUR LIFE!!!! The meter is running mate, start living and quit moping!

And I mean it about volunteering someplace, and you must do it with LOVE…or don’t bother.

Oh yeah, quit jerking off so much, you are just using it for anxiety. Go to the gym, go out with your friends, flirt with girls , go help those in need. If you need to, then once a week, but no more. When you get so damn horny your eyes are glowing, it will force you to start to flirt more with girls, and don’t give a damn whether it works out or not (whole ‘nother topic, search PUA).

I agree with Sparkyx on this one help someone else. Besides you likely have a normal size penis anyway.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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