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Getting frustrated with Premature Ejaculation!

It’s a nice ego boost, when you see your partner reacting so orgasmic to you. My wife was like this when we first started having sex. She would have an orgasm inside of 2 minutes every single time. She being a women didn’t think she needed to hold out. And it took her a few years to get to where she can hold back. Now she last for about 30 minutes. It really wouldn’t be a problem if she didn’t get really dry.

I almost have the opposite problem you have. On occasion I have a hard time holding back. I just pull out, it only takes a few seconds then

you ready to go again. There is this point at the beginning when everything is very sensitive. Once you get past that you should be able to go all night.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Yeah, she orgasms very quickly with me and alot. Maybe I need more time to warm up.. I notice I get hard very quickly and I’m very sensitive at first but it lowers down if we do some foreplay.. I’ll try this..

Think of Rosie O’Donell having sex with Rosane and Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movie

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Think of Rosie O’Donell having sex with Rosane and Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movie

Thank you Dino, I just spit coffee on my brand new flat panel monitor.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Think of Rosie O’Donell having sex with Rosane and Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movie

There’s a scene in a Family Guy episode where Peter copied soft porn on his wedding tape and mailed it to Lois’ mother at a old people home.. and when the old people were watching it women said it was kinda hot and this one old man in the wheel chair started punching himself in the groin saying, “work dammit, work!” or something to that extent. That’s how I feel now!

Nobody said it yet, but the best thing is to practice by yourself.

The average man lasts 2-3 minutes after insertion. Try not to judge yourself based on porn movies. They either use drugs, well trained, naturally gifted or multiple shoots.

Why do people suggest ejaculating 1-2 hours before the activity? I can get it back up in 1 minute. You really do last longer if you dont have any semen left in you.

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised

Hi tmar,

This is my first post here - perhaps I can help a little in regards to your premature ejaculation situation. I am in the medical field and this comes up quite often.

If you go to see a Dr. concerning this, he/she is most likely going to recommend you try the “squeeze technique.” This is basically a move where you stop whatever it is your doing and squeeze quite hard just below your glands penis before the point of no return. The books say there should be a de-sensitization associated with this. Obviously, you may need to do this several times prior to orgasm. Perhaps try to practice while masterbating.

The next option is drugs. SSRI’s (selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors) are prescribed for premature ejaculation as it is a side effect of these particular anti-depressants.

Hope this helps,


I’ve heard Wellbutrin is great for this (also used to stop smoking as well as an anti-depressant)

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

i last anywahere from 15-30 min on average for the first time, if its my second time its usually 45min-2hr.

i keep going until it feels like i’m gonna ejaculate, but before the point of no return, i will get as close to that point as possible and then slow down or change the rythm. After doing this i get a little number and after a couple times the urge to ejaculate will go aways for 5-10 min. I repeat this until my gf gets impatient and just wants me to go as fast as i can the whole time. So try getting to that point and then slowing down or changing up the stokes and see if that helps.

Please post if someone else hase done this: one time when i was doing the above technique i got suck in the feeling u get right before you ejaculate, that great intense feeling, and couldn’t ejaculate. It was great cause the faster i went the greater the feeling but it felt like the cum was being held back, needless to say by my body rewarding me for going faster and me not being able to ejaculate i wor my gf out after an hour. I had to actually concentrate for 10 minutes to ejaculate, she made me cause she couldn’t handle the orgasms anymore. I haven’t been able to repeat this since. Has aanyone else acheived this be4?

Big griper,

Stop making me jealous!

LOL, I had to laugh at deadeye’s comment, I’m afraid I’m guilty of Pre Ejac. myself sometimes, I would think if you came the first time with her, then when you could get hard and do it the second time, you’d last quite a bit longer…what happens after the first go, too tired to go another time?

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Big griper,

Yes, at least once. I don’t know if it was assisted by some moderate alcohol intake or not. But I just couldn’t come to save my life. And I had a real stiffy. It wasn’t ED or anything. Finally, my very witty girlfriend at that time said, “Okay, you win!”

As I say above, I’ve tried to discipline myself to go without an orgasm when desired. Your body gets used to this. After the first fifteen minutes or so, the intense urge to get off subsides. Though it does come back. So the slowing down thing you talk about is important. Some girls like this, others want it at high speed all the time. But I’ve also noticed that it is very easy to slip back into the mental and physical habit of desiring to reach orgasm as quickly as possible. So the discipline must be constant. From a biological and evolutionary perspective, the only goal is to impregnate the woman. Here, speed is a benefit.

i’ve gotten to the point of not being able to go too, but what i’m talking about is that the entire time that you can’t go your feeling an intense feeling of about to ejaculate, the same feeling you get right before ejaculation. Is this how it felt the entire time you couldn’t ejaculate? I just wanna know if some one got that feeling the entire time?


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