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Getting frustrated with Premature Ejaculation!

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Think of Rosie O’Donell having sex with Rosane and Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movie

Thanks Dino, I just came in my pants.

griper are you on any medication? I heard prozac and similar drugs could cause an inability or difficulty to climax.


The first thing is do a search on thunders for premature ejaculation. You will come up with a lot of good info. Even a thread started by ME PREMATURE Ejaculation and medication (the other PE)

I too suffer from "the other PE" it’s actually how I found thunders.

Seems a few people have had success with acupuncture, it can be a little spendy usually around $50 a session and my guess is you aren’t cured after one session. This is what I am going to try next.

I have had mixed results from SSRI’s- some times they worked, some times they didn’t, and I try and avoid putting too many drugs in my body.

PC muscle doesn’t seem to work for me in stopping it from happening- The few times I think it almost worked I think I "pulled" my PC and it hurt for a few days.

If you are still hard and want to keep going after you ejaculate you might want to try a "condom lock" saw it at the drug store the other day, but didn’t bother to pick up the box so not sure how it works.

Nah no meds, only did that once, wish i could figure out how i did it though cause it would make sex so much greater)it’s great now but to have that sensation the wholetime makes it unbelievable). I don’t have a problem ejaculating.

Another newbie question

Hi everyone,

It’s my first post on the forum, but I’ve already found an incredible amount of interesting information on this site.

I suffer from premature ejaculation and started kegeling 2 months ago. At first I gained a lot of control, but since 3 weeks, I feel I’ve almost gone back to the start.

When I get to a certain level of stimulation, every stroke, slow as it can be, makes my PC muscle contract, bringing me closer to ejaculation. I am currently working on keeping my muscle relaxed as much as I can, but my work seems to disappear every time my PC muscle is exercised. I still do not kegel so much (2x50/day) and I am in great shape, I workout 6 days on 7.

Do you think this could be caused by my PC (or BC) muscle getting tired or is it only a normal stage of the process and I need to learn how to relax and get a stronger muscle (which is hard, but I’m willing to put effort and time)?

Thanks a lot!


Also practice with masturbation exercises. Trying masturbating without cumming for at least 15 minutes. Then work your way up to thirty. You might want to desensitize yourself for the actual sex act so you can last longer.

Originally Posted by stubby
If you are still hard and want to keep going after you ejaculate you might want to try a “condom lock” saw it at the drug store the other day, but didn’t bother to pick up the box so not sure how it works.

Do you remember the brand name of this? I’ve been thinking about something like this because I like to ejaculate with the condom on and keep going for another 5 minutes but it slides off after a while. I assume its like a cock ring?

I was a premature ejaculator. 1 minute tops was the best I could do, except on the rare occasion. What ended up working for me is what you said in your first post: breathing deeply and slowly. Not just when you feel you’re about to ejaculate, but from beginning to end. Slow deep breathing worked for me when nothing else did, but it was important for me to start with the deep breathing, not just when you feel you need it. Now I can go as long as I want or as long as my gf will let me Calm down, relax and enjoy, breathe from your stomach and avoid the shallow rapid breathing. Maybe it could work for you too. I wish you the best.

I’m not sure this is why but here it goes:

I’ve always jerked off the same way since I started because I have no doors on my damn room. I live with my moms boyfriend now and he made an addition to his home. Well no doors on the new addition; moving on. I’ve always had to do it fast so people wouldn’t come up stairs and see. That’s another thing; my room was right at the top of the stairs so people would always see if they looked in. But anyway, let’s move on with the story. I always had to jack off fast, so to get at least some privacy I’d take showers and masturbate. I’m not sure if this is the reason why I use to contain my juices, but when I was in the shower I didn’t really have any pictures to go by or they’d get wet. I have a great imagination but it never seemed to come out, no matter how hard I tried. So while doing this stage in masturbation life I had a girlfriend and I seemed to be able to control it. I would brag to all my friend and shit. It was great. As I said somewhere else; I had sex the other night and I laste d5 minutes. I’m thinking it helps to do it in a shower? That’s the only way it helped me that I can think of. I hope this can help you tmar89 or someone else; such as me, because I’m going to start doing it there again. :)

Originally Posted by tmar89
Do you remember the brand name of this? I’ve been thinking about something like this because I like to ejaculate with the condom on and keep going for another 5 minutes but it slides off after a while. I assume its like a cock ring?

I don’t know the brand name it’s actually called condom loc do a google search for “condom lock” and you’ll find it.

I have read that reverse Kegeling works. I haven’t tried it yet but you can try it while masturbating to get the hang of it. (Small amount of pressure like pissing hard) It is said to take the pressure off the prostate gland and when you are ready to cum just do the regular Kegeling and it stimulates the prostate gland again. If this works then you can cum when you want to.

Well reverse kegeling (as you call it) helps to some extent.. Only problem here is I’m too lazy to exercise this frigging muscle (no pun intended hehe)
It works like a charme if you combine it with the deep breathing scd was on about before.
Oh and only use the normal kegels for preventing the ejaculation itself.. Just in case you missed the point, got into shallow breathing, etc. pp..

Ah and on a sidenote: Something that occurred to me is that actually talking (doesn’t have to be any sentences, just use your vocal system) seems to stop the nerval impulses gotten from the trigger zone on your penis (below the gland).. So talk dirty to your babe when you feel you’re getting into something..

None of these are a 100% remedy though..
Good luck on making a bundle that matches your abilities (and fun factor) :-)


Quote: I’m thinking it helps to do it in a shower? Quote.

Probably just the fact that you stand up in the shower is what helped you. I know that when I receive a standing blow job I need to lay down when I am close to coming (to avoid falling down!)

I found this a few days ago…

New York Daily News

Headline: Premature ejac Rx
on fast track


It may not have been romantic, but they did it for science.
A group of 166 men suffering from premature ejaculation repeatedly had sex with women who were timing them with stopwatches.

Those taking an experimental new drug showed a newfound stamina: three minutes - up from one.

And hey, guys, don’t laugh. That’s more than most of you, sexperts say.

"In the movies, everyone lasts for about 20 minutes. In real life it’s about 2-1/2 minutes," said Dr. Mark Stein, a urologist at St. Vincent’s Medical Center in Manhattan.

Now those couples’ sacrifice for science could lead to a new treatment for premature ejaculation.

Johnson & Johnson, the pharmaceutical company, said yesterday it was asking the Food and Drug Administration to approve the experimental new drug, dapoxetine hydrochloride.

"This potentially could be the first approved medicine to treat PE," said company spokeswoman Ellen Rose. "It’s a medical condition that has a pretty significant impact on men’s life."

Many men suffer in silence from premature ejaculation, too embarrassed to seek help, experts say. As many as three men in 10 are reckoned to be, well, trigger-happy.

"It’s something most guys don’t talk about, because they can still get erections, they can still have sex," Stein said.

Dapoxetine works by regulating the body’s levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin and belongs to the same class of drugs as depression-fighters Zoloft, Paxil and Prozac. All three are sometimes prescribed to treat premature ejaculation.

But those drugs swap one problem for others, decreasing libido and erections, experts say.

Dapoxetine is formulated to avoid the mood-altering qualities of those drugs.

Originally published on December 29, 2004

Also, another promising pharmacological advancement…

University Of Alberta Researcher Offers Promising Treatment For Premature Ejaculation — ScienceDaily

There…now you can’t say I’ve never posted anything.

Well there seems to be a bunch of threads on this topic. Posted this on another one previously. Anyway, here is something that seems to work for me

One method to delay ejaculation is to hold your testicles and kinda pull them down and away from your penis when you are getting aroused and feel like you are heading towards an orgasm. You will notice that when you are about to ejaculate the scrotum tightens up and the testicles move up closer to your penis. Doing this helps….I know from masturbating (still a virgin :p ) , but don’t see any reason why it would be any different while having sex.

Cheers and good luck to everyone


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