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Handling involuntary PC/BC contractions


Severe PE, Involuntary Contractions.

Hi to all, some body please give me some advice here. I have done loads and loads and I mean loads of research when it comes to pre mature ejaculation and the BC/PC muscle. But, still no luck for me. Here is my case.

To begin, I have severe PE like many of us on here, it absolutely sucks. Onward, I have an involuntary Kegel contraction literally every time I breathe out. Therefore, on the exhale of every breath, my BC muscle involuntary contracts along the front of my penis and well as along my perineum. This is also causing my scrotum and testicles to come up tightly to my body. In addition, I can’t get the last drops of pee out without kegeling the muscle. Lastly, in order to reverse Kegel, I have to squeeze my abs very tight, as well as my Psoas muscle, and inner abs. This also makes it tough to take a #2, having to squeeze my abs severely tight in order to get it out.

Any suggestions ?

Do I have to take some time off of masturbating and sex?


Kegel/Reverse Kegel?

Please help, Thank you for any suggestions.

CBreezy, keep doing reverse kegels. They work vs. involuntary kegels. Doesn’t matter if you start doing them with abs help.
After some time you can do them lighter with less abs. Hold them and try to let them go gradually.

During edging try a reverse to counter any involuntary kegels. Slow down movements. Hands off stop everything if you get near PONR until you are back to zero.

Thank you dickerschwanz, ill give it a try. Will keep you posted. Any other suggestions are also greatly appreciated guys, I’m really struggling here.

Hello, I’ve been suffering from involuntary BC contractions, PE and tense pelvic floor. I’ve quit kegels for months, have been focussing on R-K’s and I got quite good on it although I can’t see any improvements in above conditions.. Can’t figure out what I am doing wrong. Here are a few interactions;

- I can touch a wide & tense muscle at the bottom (probably BC?)

- I have a really bad EQ during masturbation sessions but (while in sitting position) when I lean forward or grab my penis and pull it upward/push it downward, penis becomes rock solid (100% EQ). Moreover I have really good EQ when morning wood.

- my flaccid penis doesn’t feel soft but a bit stiff, also little tilted towards right side

- another weird thing is when I lean forward (while sitting position during masturbation session), involuntary reflexes are less often, almost non-existent.

Any thoughts/suggestions are appreciated, thank you

Charsee have you taken a break from everything for awhile?

Yes I have taken break from porn, masturbation and kegels

I do Reverse Kegels but no improvement

Sup charsee, did you geet rid of premature ejaculation with reverse kegels? Started doing them for 3 weeks now and hope I’ll get cured. Did you succeed with RKs?


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