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Handling involuntary PC/BC contractions


Handling involuntary PC/BC contractions

I’ve been observing how sensitive my penis is at the glands and shaft when erect and I notice that I involuntarily contract alot, which heightens my sensations alot. If I use Stud100 desensitizing cream, I don’t contract as much and I last longer. So I think there is a correlation between these involuntary contractions and how soon I will orgasm. I’ve heard that reverse kegeling can help that but I have a hard time getting the hang of it. I’m pretty much pushing out my anus and trying to pee with an erection to make the reverse kegel motion but I still feel the contractions. I’ve tried going slower and I notice I can handle it better but I was curious if anyone has thoughts on this. Is there a way to help reduce involuntary PC/BC contractions when stimulated?

Originally Posted by tmar89
I’ve been observing how sensitive my penis is at the glands and shaft when erect and I notice that I involuntarily contract alot, which heightens my sensations alot. If I use Stud100 desensitizing cream, I don’t contract as much and I last longer. So I think there is a correlation between these involuntary contractions and how soon I will orgasm.

Good observation. Yes, involuntary BC contractions are a sign that ejaculation in approaching. It is these contractions that drive semen up through the urethra (and also give the pleasurable sensations associated with orgasm.)

I would personally advise against using creams or other products that reduce sensitivity, as there are exercises that can help you gain mastery over the ejaculatory response without giving up sensitivity. See below.

Originally Posted by tmar89
I’ve heard that reverse kegeling can help that but I have a hard time getting the hang of it. I’m pretty much pushing out my anus and trying to pee with an erection to make the reverse kegel motion but I still feel the contractions. I’ve tried going slower and I notice I can handle it better but I was curious if anyone has thoughts on this. Is there a way to help reduce involuntary PC/BC contractions when stimulated?

First of all, how strong is your BC muscle? Do you do kegels regularly? If your BC muscle is not well-conditioned it will be more difficult to control the involuntary contractions. It will also be difficult, if not impossible, to hold a long, strong reverse kegel.

Here is a simple yet powerful exercise that might help you on the road to mastering these involuntary contractions:

Stimulate yourself very gently (not using standard high friction masturbation strokes). Don’t look at porn while doing this, this exercise is meant to help increase your somatic awareness and porn will just be a distraction. As you stimulate yourself, focus on NOT tensing up any muscles in your body. Take long, slow, relaxed breaths into your belly.

Try to stay completely relaxed. In particular, observe when those involuntary contractions begin. As soon as they do, STOP! This is not the Point of No Return. It is just the point at which the last lap is beginning, so to speak.

Stay focused on your breathing throughout this exercise.

Now, just relax for about ten minutes and do a full body relaxation exercise. Staying completely relaxed, feel the sexual energy in your genital region diffusing throughout your body.

Now repeat the exercise, but this time when you feel the contractions beginning, instead of stopping completely, try slowing down and breathing deeply, maintaining the relaxed state you are in. Try and “push the envelope” of what your penis/body can take in terms of pleasure before those contractions begin. But, as soon as you feel that you can no longer control them or stay relaxed, STOP and do the relaxation “spreading” exercise again.

Do NOT do kegels or reverse kegels during this exercise! This is about learning and feeling your body’s natural response-patterns and conditioning yourself to contain higher levels of sexual “charge” without having to release through ejaculation.

After doing this two or three times without having ejaculated, go about your day and feel what it’s like to walk around with that extra “charge.”

At the end of the day, reward yourself with a nice long edging session followed by climax.

Try and do this for a week, each day increasing the number of times you repeat the relaxed arousal exercise without ejaculating, and also increasing the amount of time you can comfortably go about your business after these sessions without ejaculating. Try and build up to at least a couple of days before busting a nut.

Please do try the above exercise for a week at least. It is really a very powerful technique that will help you get comfortable with higher and higher states of arousal. After that, you can try incorporating “super kegels” and reverse kegels into your sessions.

Very interesting and in depth. Thanks. I do kegels pretty much everyday but I am not sure how conditioned my BC muscle is. I am too conditioned to wanting to orgasm from porn very quickly and I need to take this different, slow and relaxed route. I will try it.

Originally Posted by tmar89
I am too conditioned to wanting to orgasm from porn very quickly..

Same here. Porns a fucker like that.

Thanks for the insight Cheeva. I might try this technique also.

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Great advice!

Thanx. Will have a go at it.

I think I will try this as well. The situation got a lot worse for me lately. I’ve somehow conditioned myself to react heavily to pulling back the foreskin with force. It’s really weird. If I’m aroused enough I will come by just holding on that pull for some time. I think it’s because of contractions of the PC/BC as well, because I’m doing them constantly (involuntarily of course).

Originally Posted by maladict
I think I will try this as well. The situation got a lot worse for me lately. I’ve somehow conditioned myself to react heavily to pulling back the foreskin with force. It’s really weird. If I’m aroused enough I will come by just holding on that pull for some time. I think it’s because of contractions of the PC/BC as well, because I’m doing them constantly (involuntarily of course).

I get this too. But i’ve always had this. When it happens, i start contracting like crazy.

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Guys, let me know how this exercise is working out for you!

Once you’ve got this one down, we can move on to the next level.

I had really bad involuntary contractions awhile ago. I would barely touch my dick and it would feel like I was getting close to coming. I used edging and keeping my BC muscle relaxed and reverse kegels and eventually got rid of them for the most part. I definitely want to try that technique though. I kind of dabbled in Mantak Chia’s book The Multi-Orgasmic Man, but I gave up so its sitting in my drawer.

Originally Posted by cheeva
Guys, let me know how this exercise is working out for you!

Once you’ve got this one down, we can move on to the next level.

I tried this once last week to get the feel of it, and if anything it was totally relaxing and just put me at ease. Holding off from ejaculating was difficult at first, i tried “pushing the envelope” and managed to get it in time without having to contract any muscles but when i say “pushing” it wasnt by much. took me about 8 minutes of slow strokes at a steady pace to get to that point. Then went about my day and I was totally energised. Didnt even need my usual morning coffee. Didnt have time to finish myself off that night, so woke up the next morning and tried. It took me longer to reach that point but i made the mistake of clenching my BC and felt the involuntary reflexes kick in and came shortly aftewards. Im gonna try this all week next week, as ive got some down time and let you know.

Jan 01/08: BPEL-6.78" NBPEL-6.25" EG-5.5"

Jan 21/08: BPEL-7.25" NPBEL-6.70" EG-5.7"

Aiming for 1.0" gains all round.**newbie routine currently on hold due to severe porn addiction. No gains lost yet-23/03/08**

Thanks for sharing, BigBear. From what you describe, it sounds like you’re on the right track. It’s better not to ejaculate at the end of the day if you can help it, so it’s good you had that experience the first day.

Also, after doing the full body relaxation part a few times, you don’t have to do it after every session—you should start to get a sense of what “spreading” feels like, and you can just jump right into that at at the end of the session.

Try and integrate the spreading technique into the session itself as well, not just at the end—particularly when you start getting close to the PONR. Start spreading and slowing down/easing off the stimulation for a minute before upping it again.

You should be able to do it pretty spontaneously throughout the day just by ‘remembering’ the feeling. It’s that diffuse, slightly energized feeling, and whenever you start to feel tension in a particular part of your body you can just “spread” it. Physical exercise also helps to diffuse the energy if you get to the point of feeling cranky and irritable.

Please come back and report your findings after a week. We can add a couple more exercises then.

And good luck!

Hi, I have also had the same problem. But mine is different, you say the involuntary contractions are a sign not of the Point of No Return but the final lap. My problem is that my BC muscle contracts involuntary every time my glans is stimulated. I.e., touch my glans, involuntary contraction occurs. Stroke for stroke. It’s the contaction where my penis jerks up (similar to that one test in the PE section I forget what it’s called, but it determines the state of your ligaments).

What do you suggest I do? With furious masturbating I can come within seconds and with regular stroking a minute or two. As you can tell it sucks!

deeznuts, I know exactly what you’re talking about, and you’re right, it’s very similar to the LOT test, except that you’re not consciously kegeling, it’s just happening on it’s own—perhaps we should call it “involuntary tugback.” It also sounds like you have exceptionally sensitive glans.

The exercise I outlined in post #2 is just a starting point in gaining control over involuntary BC contractions, but I think it’s an important one. Normally when we stimulate ourselves (or are stimulated by someone else) we are not paying particular attention to our subtle somatic responses—we start to unconsciously tense up, particularly in the perineum area, and subtle spasms start to happen. Without tuning into these conditioned responses, the subtle spasms/tensing up often start to happen before we even reach full erection.

From a biological, evolutionary perspective it makes a lot of sense—when the penis is stimulated, the instinct for procreation kicks in and your reproductive system is just trying to do it’s job (expelling semen) as quickly and efficiently as possible. We are trying to override these signals, and that takes practice.

That said, here are a few suggestions:

1. Try doing the exercise in post #2, but with this variation: Don’t worry about stimulating yourself to the PONR. Don’t even worry about getting an erection. Just focus on those contractions triggered by glans stimulation.

Start off by getting completely relaxed. Then, in a completely flaccid state, begin very gently massaging and stimulating your unit. Use soft, gentle strokes, and when you approach the glans, touch them very lightly. As soon as you get the “involuntary tugback,” avoid the glans and just massag/stimulate the shaft, staying focused on keeping the perineum area completely relaxed. It might help to apply a slight internal pressure to the pelvic floor—a kind of “pushing out” action. This is a reverse kegel, and it can help to “force” the BC muscles to stay relaxed.

Keep coming back to the glans, and testing the response—at what point do they kick in? How much stimulation is required? Can you manage a little lighter touch and get away with it? Basically “pushing the envelope” but not the envelope of the PONR, but just the point at which you get that tugback response.

Again, at this point you’re not worried about getting to high states of arousal—you’re just tuning into that tugback response and working on relaxing into stimulation. It might take some time, but stick with it.

2. As a separate session, start an intensive regimen of strengthening all of the muscles of the pelvic floor. This can be accomplished by performing what I call “Super Pushing Kegels” and “Super Pulling Kegels.”

Super Kegels are very strong kegels, involving all of the pelvic muscles, including the anal sphincters. They can be performed either flaccid or erect. A Super Pushing Kegel directs the force of the contraction into the penis—it feels like you’re “pushing” your penis further out of your body. A Super Pulling Kegel directs tho force of the contraction away from the penis, towards the tailbone. It feels like you’re “sucking energy” away from your penis and into your tailbone. (Sorry for the woo-woo language there, but I don’t know how else to describe the sensation.)

For now, just do these flaccid. Once you get the hang of it, you can do them anywhere, except that you really can’t do sets of them while moving around. But you can be either standing, sitting or lying down.

Start by doing a basic kegel, then, instead of releasing it, continue to increase the strength of the contraction. Don’t worry about “pushing” or “pulling” at this point, just continue to increase the pressure of the contraction until you are strongly clenching all of the pelvic muscles including the outer and inner anal sphincters. Imaging having to take a piss and a dump really, really bad but having to hold it until you get to the nearest bathroom, clench like that, then clench harder. Hold for a count of ten, then release and relax completely for a ten count.

On day one, just do ten reps of this basic Super Kegel.

On day two, do a Super Kegel and once you are fully clenched, concentrate the force of the contraction into the penis. It should feel like you are using you muscles to push the penis further out of the body. This stimulates the nerves in the penis, so it feels like you are actually flexing the penis itself. That’s a Super Pushing Kegel.

On the next contraction, do the full clench then focus the force towards the tailbone. It should feel like you’re pulling the tailbone into the body, and it might even feel like you’re “stirring” your tailbone a bit. This is a Super Pulling Kegel.(Also, you should feel that “sucking energy” thing I mentioned before. Try and visualize that if you can :D )

Do these every day, each day increasing the number of reps. Mix it up, play around with them and try different variations. The net effect will be two-fold: you’ll be strengthening your pelvic muscles, and you’ll be increasing your awareness and tuning into this area of your body, thus laying the foundation for mastery of those involuntary responses.

Good luck, and I really hope this helps!

tmar89, I’m curious about the desensitizing cream. Doesn’t it desensitize your partner as well? Is it possible to just desensitize yourself without using enough to transfer to your partner? Or do you need to use it under a condom?

Also, can you overdo it to the point where you don’t feel enough and lose your erection?

It sounds like the cream worked pretty well for you, in which case I would say good for you. I think it is good to work on stamina with exercises like Cheeva suggests, but I don’t see anything wrong with using the cream if you have a positive experience with it.

Horny Bastard

Desensitizing cream didn’t work at all for me. It didn’t feel as well but i came after the same short period of time. I would say it’s the wrong approach principally. You don’t want to take away the sensations, you want to get used to them and control them.

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