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Your PC/BC kegal routine for harder erections


Your PC/BC kegal routine for harder erections

Im interested in how to do a kegal routine for harder erections. Im interested in

How long you squeeze ?
How long do you rest between reps ?
How long do you rest between sets ?
How many days a week do you exercise your BC muscle ?

Personally I start off doing 50 1 second squeezes. So I will count “one one thousand” release and then repeat 50 reps.

Rest 30 seconds then do another set of 50. I could easily do a straight set of 100 before a 30 second rest but im in exerimental mode at the moment. My reasoning behind this is that when doing set two the contraction is harder due to the rest.

Usually I would do a total of 200 reps this way, usually 2 sets of 100. But I hear its the longer contractions produce harder erections, therefore I do 10 basic 1 second reps for 9 and on the tenth I will do a hard squeeze for a count of 30 seconds.

Rest for 1 minute and repeat 5 times.

To finish off I will repeat step one. So to wrap up heres the routine.

>>50 1 second reps, 30 seconds rest, then repeat for a total off 100 reps

>>9, 1 second reps (this part really wouldnt matter) then a hard 30 second squeeze followed by 1 minute rest and repeated 5 times.

>>>>50 1 second reps, 30 seconds rest, then repeat for a total off 100 reps

Iv been doing this every day, what I find is after 3 days it would be a good idea to rest one day. So 3 on 1 off.

Im currently in my first week but iv been doing kegals for years on and off. Im determined now to keep it consistant as my erections are not what they use to be.

Im interested in what you guys do or would recommend as a long term plan. Say for a beginner and working your way up.

Do you guys think its better to do lots of 1 second reps or work on doing longer squeezes. Im after a better erection rather than ejaculation control. I think what ever you you do with kegals you will definitely last long. I have noticed harder erection doing this and am cumming when I want to cum. I can last 3-4 times longer now but this is also with some help of a bit of jelqing and taking arginine.

Thanks guys, what are your thoughts, opinions and experiences.

These muscle just work like other skeletal muscles that you work out in the gym. Depending on your aim you should design your routine.

If you want to get stronger, you need to find a routine that gives your muscles FATIGUE, may be less reps (20 - 10) but harder (maximum possible) and longer (2 - 5 seconds) contractions.

If you want to control ejaculation, you should also go for a longer (20 - 60 seconds) and extremely strong contraction that enables you to stop ejaculation.

Now let’s see what the experts will suggest :) .

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
These muscle just work like other skeletal muscles that you work out in the gym. Depending on your aim you should design your routine.

If you want to get stronger, you need to find a routine that gives your muscles FATIGUE, may be less reps (20 - 10) but harder (maximum possible) and longer (2 - 5 seconds) contractions.

If you want to control ejaculation, you should also go for a longer (20 - 60 seconds) and extremely strong contraction that enables you to stop ejaculation.

Now let’s see what the experts will suggest :) .

What you said.

How long you squeeze ?—5 sec.

How long do you rest between reps ?—1 sec.

How long do you rest between sets ?—only 1 set/day

How many days a week do you exercise your BC muscle ?—everyday, when I did them.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
These muscle just work like other skeletal muscles that you work out in the gym. Depending on your aim you should design your routine.

If you want to get stronger, you need to find a routine that gives your muscles FATIGUE, may be less reps (20 - 10) but harder (maximum possible) and longer (2 - 5 seconds) contractions.

If you want to control ejaculation, you should also go for a longer (20 - 60 seconds) and extremely strong contraction that enables you to stop ejaculation.

Now let’s see what the experts will suggest :) .

Interseting, never looked at it that way but your right, its a muscle and the same principles would aply to some extent as they would to a small muscle.

There are a few goals in relation to muscles. Strength, size and endurance. For strength you would train with a heavy weight doing less than 5 reps and taking long rests between sets. Were not interested in making the BC muscle bigger so that leaves endurance. For endurance you would use a light weight and lift it for 20 plus reps.

Now do you guys think it would be optimal to work the BC for strength?
If a very strong BC muscle is what produces a strong erection then thats what I will do. As far as ejaculation control goes where you clamp down on your BC muscle before you cum to prevent it goes… I dont dont buy into that. There is not one person that says they can actually do it or that it can be done outside of the original arabic manual that pay sites have taken from. As far as ejaculation control goes , you just last longer through BC exercise. I l will not be working for strength just so I can clamp down before ejaculation.
So I think to gain a stronger BC muscle you should work on maximal contractions. So really clamp down hard for 5 seconds and work your way up to 10 and 20 seconds with the same intensity as you could the 5 seconds. Doing the hard squeezes will fatigue the muscle more and delay recovery. Be aware that you wont be able to work as freaquently and may even hinder erections.

But will the not so hard squeeze with higher reps be better at pumping more blood into the penis ? I think its time to re read Westlas post on what the BC acually does.

Originally Posted by kaan
How long you squeeze ?—5 sec.
How long do you rest between reps ?—1 sec.
How long do you rest between sets ?—only 1 set/day
How many days a week do you exercise your BC muscle ?—everyday, when I did them.

How many total repatitions would you do and how good where the results on a 1-4 scale doing that routine ?

I believe that is not that important the precise routine, just do it. In bodybuilding there are sets and repetitions and all that stuff, but I know farmers that are incredibly strong in their arms just cause they use them every day.

Try different routines and judge what makes you fell more fatigued

Dont’ reverse kegels prolong ejaculation?

Originally Posted by jelqking

How many total repatitions would you do and how good where the results on a 1-4 scale doing that routine ?

kaan - How To Perform A Kegel

4 :)

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Heres a cut and paste from Westla in his thread “locating the BC muscle” thread

“I’ve never been an advocate of long contractions of the BC. Regular exercise with holds lasting a few seconds will make it stronger. I don’t see much use in 30 second contractions. That just fatigues the muscle and the point of doing kegels is to give it tone.” Westla.

I wonder what Westla thinks now days. Going by the other posts on this thread people are saying to exercise for maximum fatigue. I think being a muscle it has to get stronger over time rather than trying to get a strong BC in a week or two and just fatiging it all the time. I also read other posts about people recomending others to work up to spending half an hour a day just on the BC and doing maximal contractions for 15 minutes. Personally I dont think that much work should be needed and is too long to spend on a small muscle.

Do one kegal, hold for two minutes or aim for that goal, rest four minutes aim repeat ten times.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Stong bc

Originally Posted by jelqking

If a very strong BC muscle is what produces a strong erection then that’s what I will do. As far as ejaculation control goes where you clamp down on your BC muscle before you cum to prevent it goes.. I don’t don’t buy into that. There is not one person that says they can actually do it or that it can be done outside of the original Arabic manual that pay sites have taken from.

I can stop the cum by using my BC and still have a orgasm.
But I’ve been kegeling for about 4 years because of my back injury.

I had to learn how to kegel to prevent urine from leaking due to a spinal injury. Drops would leak when ever I would get up or pressure would build. I would kegel to hold the drops of urine back. I got surgery done on my back but kept kegeling and got pretty good at it.

Now I can hold a strong kegel for about 3.5 minutes and then a weaker one for about 8 minutes.

Originally Posted by pe545
I can stop the cum by using my BC and still have a orgasm.

How do you do that ?

Ah so you can do it but you dont know how ?

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