Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How To Perform A Kegel

I think I start to like You Panos :D

I am unable to Kegel without a good erection level (like 60-100%)

Is it only me? Or have someone else with this problem?
Or my muscles are too weak right now?

One day I'll be able to do PE o/

Originally Posted by Matt356
I think I start to like You Panos :D

Thank you, “Doc” Matt.
I’ve discovered that Thunder’s Place is a very special place, full of really good and caring people. And “Doc”, I think you are one of them. Keep kegeling, and may your dreams become a reality! Good PEing!

Originally Posted by malandro
I am unable to Kegel without a good erection level (like 60-100%)

Is it only me? Or have someone else with this problem?
Or my muscles are too weak right now?

Kegeling with an erection is great, no problem. But, it takes practice and concentration to do kegels when flaccid. Try this. Sit on the edge of a chair seat with a soft cock. Let it hang down. Now try to contract your cock (like you do when you try to get that last drop out after peeing) so that it feels like your cock is retreating back inside of you. Keep doing that, either holding for a few seconds or just do quick ones. Don’t worry, just keep trying and experimenting and it will eventually come. You can do it in bed while waiting for sleep. Or, you can do it at work, at school, at the computer, anywhere! By doing this you will be strengthening the BC and your muscles will become stronger. Have fun,. my friend! :)

Stop with this “Doc”, ok? :D :D :D

Originally Posted by Matt356
Stop with this “Doc”, ok? :D :D :D

Okay “Doc.” :chuckle:

Damn, this kegel must be something so hard. 5 pages, the thread still continues.. :)

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Kaan it’s because even those people who think they have mastered kegel can figure out that they do something wrong. As far as everybody has his own experience and different knowledge about his own body.. People just need Your help man :D

And I’m serious. I remember that you were already explaining the same subject once when it was about “kegel vs reverse kegel” so why don’t you remind people?

Originally Posted by Panos
Kegeling with an erection is great, no problem. But, it takes practice and concentration to do kegels when flaccid. Try this. Sit on the edge of a chair seat with a soft cock. Let it hang down. Now try to contract your cock (like you do when you try to get that last drop out after peeing) so that it feels like your cock is retreating back inside of you. Keep doing that, either holding for a few seconds or just do quick ones. Don’t worry, just keep trying and experimenting and it will eventually come. You can do it in bed while waiting for sleep. Or, you can do it at work, at school, at the computer, anywhere! By doing this you will be strengthening the BC and your muscles will become stronger. Have fun,. my friend! :)

Thanks man! I’m going to try it! ^^

One day I'll be able to do PE o/

Ok, here’s how I did:
-When I first started, I was hardly doing 50 reps.
-Every night in bed, I’d do my reps. 50 reps doesn’t take much time.
- In time (a few weeks) I begun to do 70-80 reps.
- After that, I begun to do during daytime. In the bus for example.
- Then again in time, I begun to do about 125/day.
- That’s when I succeeded to block my ejaculation with kegel, first.
-Of course I continued: just one set everyday, never doing less repititions than yesterday.
- In about 3-4 months, I was doing 300 reps easily. (5 sec. each rep)
-Then I stopped doing them, because I was getting bored :) (300 reps take half an hour)
- But because my muscle became stronger, I don’t need to do it everyday.
And an important point: I am doing ejaculation control (Taoist sex). I believe this both hastens the gains, and allows you stay where you are (not losing gains, both cockwise and “kegelwise”).

When I do sex, I don’t ejaculate any more. When I masturbate and orgasm, I don’t ejaculate any more :D
That’s the way I did it. And I saw amazing gains. I can pump like a pornstar now :D It wasn’t possible before

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Kaan, what do you mean when you say you don’t ejaculate anymore? Are you multi-orgasmic? Or you come but you just use the PC muscle to stop ejaculating? When was the last time you ejaculated?

I think he means no extra product is delivered :) Otherwise it would have been “anymore” not “any more”.

4-07: 6.0 x 5.3 8-07: ?

Goal: 8.0 x 6.5 Deficit: 2.0 x 1.2 Currently 75% x 81%

During sex, I just don’t pass the point of no return.
During masturbation, I pass the point of no return, the contractions at the PC area begin, cum is about to leave the testicles, but can’t go out, because I do a series of kegels and reverse kegels to stop the repeated contraction movement of the PC muscle. So cum stays where it is. :) (as you now, the uncontrolled contractions of the PC muscle is what pumps the semen out- the whole idea is to control that.)

The same thing can be achieved by the hand also: you can manually sequeeze the PC area with your hand, after the point of no return, to block the cum. My method is just a little fancier, but practically the same thing :)

I hope it’s clear for you now.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by kaan

you can manually squeeze the PC area with your hand, after the point of no return, to block the cum. My method is just a little fancier, but practically the same thing.

Ok, this is what I wanted to know. Actually I was more curious if you succeded in becoming multi-orgasmic. (you know, 7 orgasms in a row with no PC/prostate contractions, no refractory period, circulation of the sexual energy, that stuff)

Is it healthy to produce a load and not let it out?

Another question, when you come and hold back ejaculation, do you still have to stop masturbating? Is it basically just for mess control?


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