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How many contractions do you have?

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When you cum, how many contraction do you have?

fewer than 5






more than 15

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How many contractions do you have?

I’ve been doing PE pretty consistently for almost 9 months. I’ve made some gains and learned a lot. One thing I’ve noticed is that my orgasms are getting better and more intense. They last longer. I never really counted the contractions before I started PE, but I don’t think I’d typically have more than 4 or 5. I don’t count very often now, but I did notice the other day that I had about 10 or 11. I’m guessing that some times it’s even more. I’ve been taking arginine regularly, but aside from that, I’m betting that PE is the only difference. Any observations from you guys?

:_pump: :donatecar

I’ll go beat off and get back to you.

Horny Bastard

Come on :) who has more than 15…? What is your secret?

Do you have a implanted mechanical PC muscle booster or something?

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

Last edited by Northpole : 10-28-2005 at .

I have also stronger orgasms now, A LOT stronger, And I ejaculate maybe 3-4 times more now.

I have not counted the contractions, But it is not difficult to tell the difference.

Seems to be a lot of positive side effects from PE :)

I do, for one. Some time back when I got the PE gains I wanted I branched off from PE into Orgasm Quality, for lack of a better term. I knew that contractions occur at intervals of 0.8 seconds. It seemed logical to me that if one could gradually increase the number of contractions, ejaculation/orgasm would last longer. A good thing, yes?

Used to be I’d have about 6 - 8 of them. Now 23 - 25 is routine.

It helped that I respond well to L-arginine supplements and have high ejaculate volume now. Another thing that helps is doing regular Kegel exercises.

Way back, I tried getting some of you guys interested in this aspect of sex in a thread but few were. Maybe the idea of counting contractions seemed a little bizarre? I don’t recommend counting often because it is a little distracting from the event, but do try to get a base number, then count every now and then to see if you are increasing them.



I have to admit that I don`t do much PC exercise.

----- Feb 2004 - 5.0 EG x 6.0 BPEL----- Feb 2006 - 5.6 EG x 8.0 BPEL

Back after a long break. New goals, new techniques, happy to be back.

I’m going to go count how many I have when I ejaculate.

:swimmer: x 7

7 times.

Between the two posts, that was a very fast get-off, XL.



Originally Posted by mravg
I’ll go beat off and get back to you.

Someone better go check on mravg…

Originally Posted by avocet8
Between the two posts, that was a very fast get-off, XL.


I better go look at MY Juicy Ass thread to stop that premature ejac.

Originally Posted by Air
Someone better go check on mravg…

I’ve heard of people lasting for hours, but this is crazy!

2 things that have a huge effect on my orgasm contractions: arginine and kegels

After I’ve taken arginine for more than 2 weeks I’m loaded up big time.1000mgs daily.

After I’ve worked on kegels for about a week it’s amazing.

Put those 2 together and it’s a party. The reason I put the timeframes in was because I’m not consistent with the kegels and sometimes I run out of arginine and forget to buy more.

I truly cum about 12 times when I’m doing the above.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Maybe he is getting an average?

:rolling: :funpost:

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