Heavy weight = softer dick?
I’ve always noticed that after a leg or upperbody day usually going heavy that my erections are far weaker than when I stopped lifting legs for a couple weeks. I now know that weight lifting can increase blood pressure if done heavy and I have always lifted heavy and suffered from high blood pressure along with weak erections from time to time. The main reason I always lifted heavy is because of the common saying that heavy weights increase testosterone. Im not even going to go into detail about my battle with low test even though I cured it with zinc daily. Anybody else notice this and maybe got harder erections once you increased your rep range to about 12 per set? I will check my ego at the door no problem if it helps keep my erections strong! Just need some advice
7-20-16: BP: 7.63 NBP 6.75 x 5.75
3-22-17: BP: 8.44 NBP 7.56 x 5.75