Help wIth test results (Testosterone)
On 1/28/16 age 29
Serum Testosterone 377ng/dl
Normal range 348-1197
On 11/30/16 age 30
Total Testosterone 351ng/dl
Normal range 250-827
I’ve shed around 40lbs and packed on lots of muscle in that time span. First test was in the afternoon, 2nd test was morning. I was under a lot of stress on the day of the 2nd test.
Because I used different labs with different ranges, would that mean anything to my T level?
How do my levels go down but my erectile dysfunction is gone?
Why is getting into shape hurting my T level?
Could my stress level at the day of 2nd test cause the low number?
When I have my next round of testing it will be at the same place as my first round of testing.
Any insight or encouragement would be welcomed. My urologist told me it’s just a number, but I’m in the 65-70 year old range at 30.