Thunder's Place

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I now know how a women feels mentally during sex

I now know how a women feels mentally during sex

Lol Before you jump to a conclusion please listen. I’ll try to make this short as possible. I have been taking Paxil a SSRI for anxiety for 3 years, last july I started to taper from 30mg by dec 2014 I was taking 2.5mg. This was a bad idea my Anxiety and OCD were thru the room and I had flu like symptoms for like 2 weeks. So I started going back up on my dose after a visit to the ER. I’m now on 30mg again but I seems to be effecting me differently the 2nd time around I have a low sex drive I can get aroused sometimes have morning wood I can keep a erection for the most part. But I learned Paxil has cause delayed ejaculation I can Masturbate for 20+ mins without having to stop and kegal or Edge as we call it here I basicly have to keep at it for at least 25 mins before I feel and sensation to cum. This may be good in the long run specially if I’m with someone but also sucks when I watch porn on my phone and the battery is at 20% and the phone dies before I finish. Feeling a little mad. (Like a women). I decided to post this to see if anyone else had this with any kind of SSRI or if I should be worried,

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.


how long you been on the SSRI’s?

If I could make a recommendation why dont you try vaping some weed?
This has helped me with anxiety and OCD and I would recommend this approach to anyone over prescription medication (never having taken P.meds myself but knowing many people who have and do)

Obviously I am no doctor and dont want to mess with your regime. however personally I am anti prescription meds! I dont know the laws where you are residing either or how viable an option this is for you.

Hope you dont mind and yeah the effect you are experiencing sound about right.

Best regards


21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

I don’t like meds either and if I had some weed id try it.

Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.

I’m not sure how your symptoms correlate to a woman’s feelings during sex.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist

I’m not sure how your symptoms correlate to a woman’s feelings during sex.

Was wondering the same exact thing.

“I now know how a women feels mentally during sex”, ilovetacos.

Did Hell freeze over?

Originally Posted by Titleist
I’m not sure how your symptoms correlate to a woman’s feelings during sex.

Me too. I think the title must be a door buster. Any man thinking he knows what a woman is feeling at any time is only kidding himself.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

He means it in the context of lasting as long as he wants and how that mentally feels.
Compares it to a woman who is not under pressure to come or not. Its a stretch lol but makes sense kind of.

Ilovetacos, I used ssri’s a long time ago and they will create these sensations. Some drugs do the same.
Luckily, or not, they wont turn you into a woman.
Its basicly disconnecting you from you. The bad and the good :( .

You should be worried about taking ssri’s longterm as they are just masking something. You might think about solving the anxiety problems espacially when they are contextual. If they are undefined its a bit harder.

Ssri’s are just the easy way out to function today with bad long term consequences.
I feel you ;)

Co-sign on the SSRI. They are not much different then alcohol.

careful with SSRIs. do not quit them abruptly without proper medical / psychological supervision.

there are cases where this has led to very erratic behaviour.

Originally Posted by BigSchlongCH
careful with SSRIs. do not quit them abruptly without proper medical / psychological supervision.
there are cases where this has led to very erratic behaviour.

Do you have the references to these cases?

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

What isn’t well understood about SSRI meds is that they are totally useless if your body is not producing enough Serotonin..

I’ve had very good results here with a combination of 2000IU D3 3 times a day coupled with 5HTP twice a day seems to have
made an enormous difference in several of my mates that suffer from Anxiety/Depression.. In some cases they have gone off
meds altogether. As always check with your doctor beforehand.

Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

Originally Posted by oz
What isn’t well understood about SSRI meds is that they are totally useless if your body is not producing enough Serotonin..

I’ve had very good results here with a combination of 2000IU D3 3 times a day coupled with 5HTP twice a day seems to have
made an enormous difference in several of my mates that suffer from Anxiety/Depression.. In some cases they have gone off
meds altogether. As always check with your doctor beforehand.

Which in a way suggests that moving with skin exposed in the sun is probably the best antidepressiva. With a high tryptophan(near 5HTP ) consisting diet added.

Soemtimes the mind and thoughts are not the cause of anxiety and depression but the body insuficient fuelled and used generates that in the head.

The daily walk in the nature is barely used anymore. A dog can help with this btw. ;)

If I were you I would tell the Doctor what happens to your body when you are on these meds.

Maybe he will find a different way to kill your anxiety and get you a good EQ again.


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