I now know how a women feels mentally during sex
Lol Before you jump to a conclusion please listen. I’ll try to make this short as possible. I have been taking Paxil a SSRI for anxiety for 3 years, last july I started to taper from 30mg by dec 2014 I was taking 2.5mg. This was a bad idea my Anxiety and OCD were thru the room and I had flu like symptoms for like 2 weeks. So I started going back up on my dose after a visit to the ER. I’m now on 30mg again but I seems to be effecting me differently the 2nd time around I have a low sex drive I can get aroused sometimes have morning wood I can keep a erection for the most part. But I learned Paxil has cause delayed ejaculation I can Masturbate for 20+ mins without having to stop and kegal or Edge as we call it here I basicly have to keep at it for at least 25 mins before I feel and sensation to cum. This may be good in the long run specially if I’m with someone but also sucks when I watch porn on my phone and the battery is at 20% and the phone dies before I finish. Feeling a little mad. (Like a women). I decided to post this to see if anyone else had this with any kind of SSRI or if I should be worried,
Not really a signature but a link to a great guide Newbie Routine Steady Progress Chart.