Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm 21 and thinking of killing myself. Serious.

Avocet many others here have provided you with some solid advice and I do not mean to take away from you challenges and so forth but you are already a winner. You were obviously at an obese state at some point but have now turned things around for the positive. You focused your energy towards a positive goal and outcome and put in the required time and effort. For many of us life will never be plain sailing but its in those challenging time and how we respond that greater depth is formed. I do not dispute that you have a challenge but look you are starting form a decent base you have a damn big cock and your challenge can be ironed out; give it time but definitely applying yourself. If you have overcome weight challenges you will over this in good measure.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Thank you for the kind words, brother. It just really makes me feel almost like less of a man to be dealing with this so young.

I have been in your position, but for different reasons. I almost achieved the goal of death, I got lucky and someone found me and took me to the hospital. Anyways, I learned a lot for that experience, but it by far the biggest regret of my life. I would really get it checked out before you react in such a harsh way. I am sure there there is a solution to your problem. I sincerely feel for you and hope the best.

This is just a thought, however, left field it may be. Couple questions: You say you work out alot, correct? When you get drunk is it easier for you to maintain an erection and have sex with girls?

I ask this cause I may have been on your boat in the past and this is what I found out. 1. Part of it was all in my head. and 2. I was exercising so much that I wasn’t taking in enough calories or I was taking in too many. Possibly too much carb or fat or something. When I ate correctly and cut back on my working out, the erections came back. Had a lot to do with me being hypoglycemic and overexercising and not eating the correct balance of foods.

This little problem of yours may have something to do with your physical exercise routine and your diet. Once again, this is just a guess but it’s what I thought when you said you worked out 6-7 days per week. That’s a lot! You may be diabetic also and this constant exercising has your body in flux. You might be more normal than you think.

I say see the doctor, have them checkout your dick, but most importantly get a blood test of ALL (specify that, and repeat it to them) hormone levels.

Here is a list just in case: Total Testosterone, free testosterone, e2-(estradiol) SHBG, t3, t4.

That should get you started.

Ironadict is right you should have those test done to rule out hormonal imbalances. Also Kevin12 may also be correct. Your reducing diet, if your still on it may also be a cause. Second you may also be doing way to much exercise. You may want to go to Weight Watchers so they can put you on a “maintenance diet” so that you won’t get fat again nor lose muscle mass due to starvation if this is the case.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I am very glad that you are listening to all the advise you are getting. What you are describing is not normal for a guy your age or for a guy twice your age for that matter. Certainly a depressing situation but also something that a Doc can, in all likely hood, help you with.

Just in case; dibs on his computer and stuff.


Running a Massive Co-Front.

See a urologist- but until then—

First suggestion— leave your dick completely alone for at least two weeks- no jacking off, no PE, no nothing. At most you may engage in very light massage under a hot shower- but in no way should the massage be sexual and the moment you begin to stiffen leave it alone.

Second— keep your junk warm.

I would be surprised if you didn’t begin to regain spontaneous/ nocturnal erections within that time

Third— should your erections improve [as I believe they will], do not return to spewing your seed through masturbation—
Meaning, at that time you may consider returning to an abbreviated newbie routine- but, at the risk of contravening the popular wisdom that jacking off is without harm, do not finish a light PE session with cumming.

Save it for the ladies.

There may be a plumbing issue- which is why the urologist is a go, but that may be compounded by, shall we say, overuse.

I believe that your EQ will continue to improve- when it does so, you may want to incorporate a little light edging— with an emphasis on re-learning your ‘grip’.

My opinion only- no ‘aggressive’/ extreme/ serious PE- including clamping, hanging or pumping- should be attempted; anything to do with your dick needs to be therapeutic in nature and such PE techniques may provide stresses that your unit isn’t properly prepared for.

I’d continue the AKG/ NOX supplementation as it does improve blood flow.

Here’s the deal- with any luck you’ll have your unit ‘in hand’ for another 60-70 years or so— you need to think in terms of the long haul. A recovery period of 3-6 months now is a blink on that timeline.

Make haste slowly— be the tortoise.


As far as your erection going down when you take your thumb of - I think you have accidentally discovered the ballooning pressure point. Most guys, if they press lightly on this point will get an expansion, especially in the CC and glans. I use it a lot during edging, but I was wondering whether it is addictive. And it’s such a nice feeling to be supper hard - a non ballooning session seems less fun.

I too get an instant return to the erection level I had before I pressed this point if I take my thumb off. however, I have noticed during sex that it reaches it’s full size - and often continues to stretch the longer sex goes on. .

[Balloners am I right?, please comment]

You have made a massive achievement loosing so much chubb! How many people have the will and determination to achieve that? If you apply the same tenacity to your ED, you are sure to improve. There are many people on TPs who have told their story - a story like yours with a happy ending.

Porn is a de-sensitizer for sure - get rid of it


Just a thought, with a user-name like that, how much spice and flavouring are you using?

Your penis is not what your life is about. I think it is irresponsible for those of us who read your initial post to ignore that you are obviously missing some sense of purpose. You are not fulfilled sexually, that may be true, and for hundreds of thousands of paralytics - life is still worth living.

Something else is wrong. I recommend that you find a professional counsellor that will see you on the cheap. (Some of them charge rates that can deepen your depression. Sheesh!) Better yet, go start a friendship with a wise and respected clergyman or mentor. Ask them to help you take inventory of your life.

It’s true that you have likely placed far too much emphasis on sexual gratification and perhaps you have damaged you body. I believe the real issues are psychological/spiritual and I think if you started there you could end up far better off in the long run.

Suicide, if you are indeed serious, is terribly drastic and the most profound waste of a valuable human being…YOU!

If anything I said means anything to you, let me also say that you are welcome to PM me anytime and I will help you as best as I know how.

"Debate the idea..."

Look into a cockring device.

I was like you. My penis would never get fully hard and my head would never completely fill with blood when it was erect.

I would look into the Hardwear - it gives me rock hard erections every time. You won’t be disappointed.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Tabsco Juice,
I agree with goonbaby. Sex and your sexual organs are important but life is so much more then just that. You say that if after all this work you went through to loose this weight only leaves you without being able to preform in bed the way you want to, then life may not be worth living. I disagree very strongly. I can not believe that pleasing the girls is the only reason you pushed yourself to accomplish what you have done. And may I say that you have so much going for you in that you have will power, something that many of us would like to think we have at the same level as you.

I am overweight by more pounds than I would like to admit and your success in loosing your weight is an inspiration to me. I know that I can never give up and say, “What’s the use?” My family and friends need me alive not some name on a plaque in a grave yard. I have never considered what you have but I know that each of us are so much more valuable to our family and friends alive than dead.

I too would like to offer my services to you as someone who would like to get to know you better and be an ear you can speak into. You are young and have great potential, don’t let one area of your life plot the course for all of your life. PM me anytime and I will respond in like manner.

I am getting ready to move overseas within the next week or so and I may not get to check in every day until the move takes place and I get Internet set up overseas but I will check as regular as possible. Give yourself a chance and take your eyes off the negatives and take a good look at what you do have at this point.

Have you tried practicing stimulating yourself mentally, with no touching? When I practice this “hands-free” masturbation for a few weeks, my erection quality gets better. Other than that I’d say take the thumb away, and your dick will adjust to it’s new needs for blood flow after a while. Just don’t off yourself!

Originally Posted by marky777

As far as your erection going down when you take your thumb of - I think you have accidentally discovered the ballooning pressure point. Most guys, if they press lightly on this point will get an expansion, especially in the CC and glans. I use it a lot during edging, but I was wondering whether it is addictive. And it’s such a nice feeling to be supper hard - a non ballooning session seems less fun.

I too get an instant return to the erection level I had before I pressed this point if I take my thumb off. However, I have noticed during sex that it reaches it’s full size - and often continues to stretch the longer sex goes on. .

[Balloners am I right?, please comment]

You have made a massive achievement loosing so much chubb! How many people have the will and determination to achieve that? If you apply the same tenacity to your ED, you are sure to improve. There are many people on TPs who have told their story - a story like yours with a happy ending.

Porn is a de-sensitizer for sure - get rid of it

Yeah it keeps on expanding.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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