Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm 21 and thinking of killing myself. Serious.

I hate to be a butt head but people use excessive diuretics to lose weight quicker. Diuretics cause ED with excessive use. Just throwing this out there as a possibility.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Get Your Hormone Levels Checked

As KP and ironaddict say, Get your hormone levels checked. Before you go to the doctor, take this prescreening test for low testosterone and print it out.

https://www.tes … estionnaire.asp

Could It Be Low Testosterone?

1. Have you experienced a decrease in your sex drive (libido)?

2. Do you lack energy?

3. Have you lost height?

4. Has your strength and/or endurance decreased?

5. Have you noticed yourself enjoying life less?

6. Are you frequently sad or irritable?

7. Are your erections less strong?

8. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your athletic ability?

9. Do you find yourself falling asleep after dinner?

10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?

If you answered YES to questions 1 or 7 or any 3 other questions, you may have low testosterone. A simple blood test can determine your testosterone level. Talk with your doctor. Click submit for a printable view of your results.

Go answer the questions, and the web page will give you results. It does not mean for sure that you have low testosterone, but it will give you and your doc a place to start.

ON EDIT — the ADAM test is a standard prescreening test by the medical community. I am not endosing this particular website, it is just the first one that came up on a google. Here are a couple more:

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-11-2008 at .

Wow. Read some of my posts. I had EXACTLY the same problem. I masturbated EXACTLY, or very similar to how you did when I was little … flaccid ejaculations etc … And hurt my penis … than masturbated EXACTLY how you did since then, with the one hand. Had the head and erection deflation just how you describe. Man, crazy.

I had a venous leak. I had the vein repaired and things are much better. I still do’t get the best morning wood or spontaneous erections. But I can have sex. And, I like to use a cock ring for a back up, with that on I can pound away indefinently. So there’s hope. Any questions re your dick or suicide (I was there too for a while) just ask here or PM. I mean something like suicide seems crazy, but when you are a young guy between 13 - 21 trying to live a normal life with 0 erections, 0 chance of regular sex, eventually it takes its toll. For me I became withdrawn, social anxiety came out of nowhere, I felt isolated and ashamed, my sexual preferneces started to change since normal sex wasn’t an option …. The dick itself may not cause suicidal feelings but the other problems that come with it eventually can. All the best Tobaso and I do believe you can be fixed so hang in there.

Last edited by Yataghan50 : 04-11-2008 at .

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Wow. Read some of my posts. I had EXACTLY the same problem. I masturbated EXACTLY, or very similar to how you did when I was little .. Flaccid ejaculations etc .. And hurt my penis .. Than masturbated EXACTLY how you did since then, with the one hand. Had the head and erection deflation just how you describe. Man, crazy.

I had a venous leak. I had the vein repaired and things are much better. I still do’t get the best morning wood or spontaneous erections. But I can have sex. And, I like to use a cock ring for a back up, with that on I can pound away indefinently. So there’s hope. Any questions re your dick or suicide (I was there too for a while) just ask here or PM. I mean something like suicide seems crazy, but when you are a young guy between 13 - 21 trying to live a normal life with 0 erections, 0 chance of regular sex, eventually it takes it’s toll. For me I became withdrawn, social anxiety came out of nowhere, I felt isolated and ashamed, my sexual preferneces started to change since normal sex wasn’t an option .. The dick itself may not cause suicidal feelings but the other problems that come with it eventually can. All the best Tobaso and I do believe you can be fixed so hang in there.

Ahhh, god fvcking damn it. Being a young guy trying to live a normal life with 0 erections can definitely hurt you mentally/emotionally.

Although I hate to be slapped in the face with the reality that I have an abnormal penis at 21 years of age-I guess it’s better just to know, no matter how depressing reality may be :(

I’m very glad you responded to my post, thank you Yahaghan.

I wonder how we actually damaged our penises to the point where we need to firmly press a thumb on the base of the shaft to retain an erection?

I’ve Lost all this weight only to be cursed with a leak in my damn prick, just makes me want to throw myself in front of a train.

I read one of your old posts, and I’m also confused as hell as to why the leak wouldn’t show up on the doppler? Will I also have to bring penis pictures of thumb on/off the vein to the Dr?

And I’m curious to know; if the leak didn’t show up on the Doppler, how did the surgeon know where to start to repair it?



I once met this guy. Really nice. He comitted suicide after finding out that his wife was screwing some other guy. Such a fucking waste… If you kill yourself maybe, and only maybe, you will get some dickhead self absorbed jerk think about you every once in a while.

I did something that I am proud of today… it might get take you a while to get you to such a point, it might take a quicker time, but doing something positive is better than throwing you life away.

I have hung out with too may people who are depressive and prone to suicidal tendacies in my time. Sex and erections and masturbation are minor things. Trust me about that.

Look after yourself. Get in touch with anyone who has made sense to you. Be honest and they will help if they are decent people and belong to the human race. Good luck.

Originally Posted by goonbaby

Better yet, go start a friendship with a wise and respected clergyman or mentor. Ask them to help you take inventory of your life.

Dude, I don’t think he wants to get molested….

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Can’t some of those supplements make you quite anxiety prone from some sort of off caffeine but different rush? I remember the days of Old School Rip fuel, not the Vagisil formula they give you with Tampons now. Anyhow, I was working at UPS in the wee hours and combined with my Super Big Gulp and coffee had a caffeine induced paranoia attack. Twas awesome I tell you, totally metal….

I would try and keep your wallet under control as well and stop buying so much shit, instead go to the basics, the money you saved can buy a personal insurance policy as well. I was in the 2nd beginning tier for age, so mine was $214 a month and cause American money is two steps above reupees this week, it went up 21 bucks in March. My bloodwork and procedures are 100% covered in that policy.

Anyhow, at 22 I was offered permanent disability by one of my doctors for another condition. I didn’t take it, I learned to manage and deal with it, which meant no pity parties for one on an odd first Tuesday of the month either. The main reason I didn’t take it is I would have no one to play D&D with as I lived the rest of the life in my parent’s basement. This was before Everquest and WOW also….;)

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by TabascoJuice
I read one of your old posts, and I’m also confused as hell as to why the leak wouldn’t show up on the doppler? Will I also have to bring penis pictures of thumb on/off the vein to the Dr?

Regarding the doppler, I truly don’t know why the leak didn’t show. I even had a different one performed, where they injected dye into my veins …. real painful … and that showed nothing too. Problem was they don’t listen… I tried talking to them, showing them the vein, explaining what the problem was but they still followed standard protcol … I am guessing that the tests only evaluate the veins which take blood from the penis shaft, not the glans (where my vein took blood from) That’s the only explanation I can think of re why the vein didn’t show up on doppler + dye test.

The surgeon knew which vein because I had showed it to him in appointments …. it was prominent, chord like and easy to find. In addition, before he performed the surgery he did the dye test when I was under a local anaesthesia on soley the vein I had pointed out …. and he said the blood was gushing out, so he knew for sure than (even though we were obviously 99.999% sure since I’m in surgery :) ) there was a problem.

Tobasco I would first try and see if you can identify a single vein which is the problem. I was lucky, as I’ve said many times that my vein was on its own, big and stood out. Do you have the same thing? Or do you kind of just generally compress the base of the penis, not sure what vein(s) you are manually occluding? Experiment putting pressire on different areas of your penis, see what the response is like where.

Originally Posted by TabascoJuice
Ahhh, god fvcking damn it. Being a young guy trying to live a normal life with 0 erections can definitely hurt you mentally/emotionally.

Although I hate to be slapped in the face with the reality that I have an abnormal penis at 21 years of age-I guess it’s better just to know, no matter how depressing reality may be :(

I’m very glad you responded to my post, thank you Yahaghan.

I wonder how we actually damaged our penises to the point where we need to firmly press a thumb on the base of the shaft to retain an erection?

I’ve Lost all this weight only to be cursed with a leak in my damn prick, just makes me want to throw myself in front of a train.

No worries, happy to be of any help. And even if you do have a mild venous leak (obviously we don’t know for certain yet!) atleast it’s identified and you can start working towards fixing it. In 2 - 3 months you’re dick will hopefully have been fixed. So hang tight mate. Sucks about the weight but if you can cross that bridge and build yourself a good body you can cross this one too, as cliche as that sounds …

I am 99% sure I damaged mine masturbating as a kid, like probably 6 years old. I’d just squeeze my glans really hard and dry orgasm. Did this for years. So I don’t know the exact mechanics but the hard squeezing did it somehow. Man I had no idea what I was doing, I was just a little kid …. if I only I had someone to tell me what I was doing was damaging … Ugh.

You’re still young, sexual prime is a state of mind not an age. My guess, it’s probably mental. Anxiety, worry and stress are boner killers. Seeing a urologist wouldn’t hurt and might ease your concerns. Also try meditation.

Originally Posted by twatteaser

Dude, I don’t think he wants to get molested..

I love you :inlove:

Perhaps it is not a leak but a clog.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Regarding the doppler, I truly don’t know why the leak didn’t show. I even had a different one performed, where they injected dye into my veins …. real painful … and that showed nothing too. Problem was they don’t listen… I tried talking to them, showing them the vein, explaining what the problem was but they still followed standard protcol … I am guessing that the tests only evaluate the veins which take blood from the penis shaft, not the glans (where my vein took blood from) That’s the only explanation I can think of re why the vein didn’t show up on doppler + dye test.

The surgeon knew which vein because I had showed it to him in appointments …. it was prominent, chord like and easy to find. In addition, before he performed the surgery he did the dye test when I was under a local anaesthesia on soley the vein I had pointed out …. and he said the blood was gushing out, so he knew for sure than (even though we were obviously 99.999% sure since I’m in surgery :) ) there was a problem.

Tobasco I would first try and see if you can identify a single vein which is the problem. I was lucky, as I’ve said many times that my vein was on its own, big and stood out. Do you have the same thing? Or do you kind of just generally compress the base of the penis, not sure what vein(s) you are manually occluding? Experiment putting pressire on different areas of your penis, see what the response is like where.

Yup, this post REALLY helped me. It is definitely the big, dorsal vein that runs directly down the middle of my penis. Soon as I remove my finger tip from it- my glands, and eventually shaft, instantly begin to deflate. I can literally FEEL the blood gush out :(

How is everything with the surgery dude? How were things 1month post op? How about 6? Did you lose any size? Did you continue to PE?

Any specifics about the surgery I can mention to my doctor? I’ve read some pretty promising results of dorsal vein embolization in young men with specific site leakage. Was it your dorsal vein too, or something else?

thanks in advance


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