Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm 21 and thinking of killing myself. Serious.

Originally Posted by TabascoJuice
Yup, this post REALLY helped me. It is definitely the big, dorsal vein that runs directly down the middle of my penis. Soon as I remove my finger tip from it- my glands, and eventually shaft, instantly begin to deflate. I can literally FEEL the blood gush out :(

Isn’t that normal? Pushing on the vain is a bit like clamping. It depends how much it deflates?

It actually deflates to near flaccid state- not to mention the fact that I have to manually occlude that vein whilst manipulating myself to even get hard, or the fact that I have ZERO spontaneous/nocturnal erections at 21 years old.

Tabasco, you should still get to a doctor, not having insurance is not an excuse. Any decent doctor’s office will set up a payment plan for you. Call them and tell them you don’t have insurance and need a payment plan. Despite all the crap that the politicians are spouting these days, it won’t cost you a million dollars to see a doctor, it might cost you about $200 for a visit, and you can pay it off over a year or two. And they sure as hell aren’t going to treat you like scum because you don’t have insurance. Stop buying into the crap the democrats are peddling, they are fearing mongering people your age for votes.

Even if you get insurance, like some other guys mentioned, this will not be covered anyway because its pre-existing. You should also check with your school, many have lower cost insurance for students or contacts with free clinics.

I can understand you may be shy about having some doctor poke around down there, if that is part of the reason you’re avoiding going, get over it and go. Don’t use this lack of insurance bullshit as a reason. You were thinking about hurting yourself, you can’t be shy when it comes to your health.

I would stand outside in the winter with my leaky flaccid penis exposed ringing bells if it meant I could see a urologist. Shyness isn’t an issue- I’m 21 years old and can’t have normal sex.

The initial visit isnt what I’m worried about…its the ensuing tests, follow ups, ed drugs, and surgery which would easily add up to 1000s….

You don’t know that it will add up to thousands of dollars at this point. Like I said, get that fear mongering bullshit out of your head, its making you think you have no options to see a doctor when you do. One visit will not destroy you financially. Doctors and hospitals will give discounts to patients without insurance. There is public assistance, check online for it. Try to find out if your school is hooked up to a free clinic. Does it have a med school?

And so what if it cost you $10,000? You get on a payment plan, pay it over 5 years, so you graduate college a year later. So you get a job nights at Taco Bell on the graveyard shift, so you flip pancakes for drunks at 3 am, so you eat ramen noodles for a year, its worth it if it means you don’t hurt yourself. I’m on your side, the only way you will find out for sure what’s going on and even what its going to cost is to take the first step.

Originally Posted by TabascoJuice
Yup, this post REALLY helped me. It is definitely the big, dorsal vein that runs directly down the middle of my penis. Soon as I remove my finger tip from it- my glands, and eventually shaft, instantly begin to deflate. I can literally FEEL the blood gush out :(

How is everything with the surgery dude? How were things 1month post op? How about 6? Did you lose any size? Did you continue to PE?

Any specifics about the surgery I can mention to my doctor? I’ve read some pretty promising results of dorsal vein embolization in young men with specific site leakage. Was it your dorsal vein too, or something else?

thanks in advance

OK. We had EXACTLY the same problem. I could have written your post man.

No size loss … probably slight gains since the blood no longer gushed out. 1 month post op penis was back to normal. I had bruising for 3 - 4 weeks. I’m at a bit over a year post op now and everything is fine ..

One thing though is that I still have a fairly low sex drive. I mean I dont know if this is related to my dick, purely psychological or hormones. But if I jack off in the morning, that night I won’t want sex. If I try to get a boner it will take a while and not be that strong. Hard to know if this is directly penis related or sex drive issues. But things are defintiely still a lot lot better than where I was.

I don’t PE. Not willing to risk it. I just do things for dick health like drink lots of water, take a zinc and arginine supp, exercise etc etc. I personally see PE as not ‘growing’ but ‘stretching’ a dick out …. and there is no way I can rationalise that as a good thing.

I think mine was the dorsal vein. Sounds like it. I posted some pics of in the member section of the vein.

Not sure, mention occluding the vein with coils via interventional radiology. That’s what I had done. They will prob stick to the books and say they’ve never heard of it and it can’t be done but be adamant it can. Good luck

Originally Posted by _Phoenix_
Isn’t that normal? Pushing on the vain is a bit like clamping. It depends how much it deflates?

It is normal, but not to our extent. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t had it before … like yeah, my glans etc expand a little if I squeeze my penis.

However, in me and Tobascos case … we are looking at no spontaneous erections since the blood coming out is at a much greater rate to it going in. To even get an erection, I’d have to make a conscious effort to manually occlude that one vein so it no longer leaked .. and enough blood could make it into my penis to have an erection.

Have you ever done any drugs like cocaine, and tried to jack off? You can sit there for ages, stroking your flaccid for absolutely no response. That’s what it was like all the time for me, unless I pressed down on the leaking vein.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
It is normal, but not to our extent. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t had it before … like yeah, my glans etc expand a little if I squeeze my penis.

However, in me and Tobascos case … we are looking at no spontaneous erections since the blood coming out is at a much greater rate to it going in. To even get an erection, I’d have to make a conscious effort to manually occlude that one vein so it no longer leaked .. and enough blood could make it into my penis to have an erection.

Have you ever done any drugs like cocaine, and tried to jack off? You can sit there for ages, stroking your flaccid for absolutely no response. That’s what it was like all the time for me, unless I pressed down on the leaking vein.

Hmm yes sounds like a problem.

Have you ever had sex? Does the woman’s vagina help keep the vein down?

Like others have said it’s always best to go see the doctor, don’t worry about money until another time.

I must say I thought I had the same problem in the past, but I think it’s ok, because only a little gets released after letting go of the vein.

Do you think maybe it’s because your never turned on enough? Do you have girlfriend to see if it reacts differently?

I know very stupid question, but you never know sometimes the answer is the most obvious, haha. But of course I am very likely wrong.

Last edited by _Phoenix_ : 04-21-2008 at .

Tell the girl to push her thumb on the right place: the problem is solved!

Perseverance wins

Thank God for the internet, eh? Where else could I find someone else with the exact same penile abnormaility as me who’d bring me such comfort? You’ve helped me a lot sir. I’ll keep you guys posted, and post before/after op pics.

thanks so much

Originally Posted by TabascoJuice
Thank God for the internet, eh? Where else could I find someone else with the exact same penile abnormaility as me who’d bring me such comfort? You’ve helped me a lot sir. I’ll keep you guys posted, and post before/after op pics.

thanks so much

Glad you feel better. Need to know anything else just ask. And to think I thought I was the only one …

“Milhouse: Is this the untimely end of Milhouse?
Milhouse2: [pause] But Milhouse is my name!
Milhouse: But I thought I was the only one!
Milhouse2: [shakes head] A pain I know all too well.
Milhouse: So this is what it feels like…when doves cry.”


Good luck to you, keep your head up.

Man, are you a doctor? I assume not, so do not make diagnoses. You only seem to have some sort of ED, see a real doctor, he’ll fix you up. In the mean time, try viagra or push your thumb on the vein and try to have fun anyways.

Perseverance wins

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Glad you feel better. Need to know anything else just ask. And to think I thought I was the only one …

“Milhouse: Is this the untimely end of Milhouse?
Milhouse2: [pause] But Milhouse is my name!
Milhouse: But I thought I was the only one!
Milhouse2: [shakes head] A pain I know all too well.
Milhouse: So this is what it feels like…when doves cry.”


hahaha, cheers mate

In the meantime, Ive got some liquid V and an LA pump on the way so I’m sure that’ll help quite a bit until I get insurance.

Hey mate.

It’s really a rather complicated device. (Your penis)

In my opinion it is best to see a doctor. You will always have the option to proceed with any eventual treatment or not. One visit shouldn’t cost you too much and it will be worth it for your peace of mind. There is no point in speculating about the possible cause(s) without the knowledge for that.

Best of luck with your buddy. (Your penis)

27/05/07 7,6" Bpel - 5,3" Eg - 5,3" Fl

02/06/08 8,1" Bpel - 5,6" Eg - 5,7" Fl


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