Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm 21 and thinking of killing myself. Serious.

Dude, it’s your constant worrying, causing you to be depressed and your attitude that is causing your problem. You are 100% responsible for everything you have in your life. No guesser (doctor) is going to fix you. This is my opinion of course, but I’ve been where your at, state of mind and the physical problem.

Instead of consistently intending what is wrong, imagine a new state, the one you want to intend and stick with it. No man can occupy 2 states at the same time. The brain is what controls the body and 9 times out of 10, these problems are mentally caused, not physically caused.

Your not going to kill yourself because of your dick, so stop that nonsense right away. Assume the fact that the brain is what controlls the body, then take 100% responsibility. Don’t put your personal power into somoene else, let alone a fucking guesser that is just going to prescribe you viagra.

Which BTW is not a 1/2 bad idea, have you ever tried it? I don’t want to hear the BS about “it’s for old men” I get that constantly. Friends of mine (couples and whatnot) go to sex parties with wife and I. They refuse to take any viagra and then the experience (new people having sex in front of them, etc…) renders their cock useless, while I pound away at all the women making them cum and cum again while all the limp dicks stand against the wall.

Now get your head in order and make a decision.

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Originally Posted by TabascoJuice
I’m a 21 year old American male {…} why would this happen to me :( x 10

Do this:

- stop taking all of those supplements

- stop all consumption of anything containing soy and dairy (including soaps, lotions, toothpaste, etc.) [soy is in almost everything]

- stop consuming all types of artificial sweeteners (aspartame, splenda, etc.)

Try this for 3 days. THREE.

Get back to us and tell us how you are feeling better than you ever have in your life.

Incase anyone was wondering- I went downtown to a large sex shop and bought the lapdist deluxe set. Talk about quality! The other pumps looked cheap and FLIMSY in comparison to them. I’d highly recommend these to everyone. While is hasnt has any effect on my eq( in my two sessions of use), my flaccid seems to hang fuller and receive a lot better blood flow. My next step is some liquid V, and then when school starts Ill see a urologist about the leak in my dorsal vein.

These LA pumps are the real f*cking deal, very high quality. My head also stays engorged while in the cylinder, even without manual occulusion of the offending vein, but when I pull my rock hard member out of the cylinder it turns into a big,soft, floppy.

I just wanted you all to know, from first hand experience, LA pumps are the way to go.

4-9-08, I’m thinking of killing myself. I really have a hard time being nice to people some times. What should I do? Is it my old age, what do you think?

Pray to God

Hey Man God loves you very much and God has a plan for life. He will heal you if you ask him from your heart. He will send some one to help you or you will get infomation to help you along the way. Life is Short. The Bible says. “I have plans for your life to give you a future and a Hope” God Bless you. Pray Pray Pray.

How old are you youn? Are there certain factors around that cause you not be nice, or do you feel constantly angry?

Wow, I’m so glad I found this thread, I’m suffering from venous leakage since I can remember, I actually posted on this topic on 2005 I think, on the spanish forum. So one week ago I finally decided to go to an urologist, he injected Caverject into my CC, I got a big flaccid, but nothing close to an erection, so the doctor says the only fix is ligation of the deep dorsal vein, I hope it goes well, ill keep you updated.

Please do keep us informed, steinkill.

Originally Posted by happy
Hey Man God loves you very much and God has a plan for life

So do the cylons.

Originally Posted by steinkill
Wow, I’m so glad I found this thread, I’m suffering from venous leakage since I can remember, I actually posted on this topic on 2005 I think, on the spanish forum. So one week ago I finally decided to go to an urologist, he injected Caverject into my CC, I got a big flaccid, but nothing close to an erection, so the doctor says the only fix is ligation of the deep dorsal vein, I hope it goes well, ill keep you updated.

Good luck. Something to keep in mind - I had my dorsal vein embolized, which has the same effect. In my opinion it is a far less invasive treatment, and may also be cheaper. Just something to keep in mind.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
Good luck. Something to keep in mind - I had my dorsal vein embolized, which has the same effect. In my opinion it is a far less invasive treatment, and may also be cheaper. Just something to keep in mind.

Yea, I’m going to talk to my doctor about that, thanks.

Any updated progress? Tabasco what is your current EQ state? Did the pump fix your problems?

Hmm. Just think. If death grip masturbation caused poor EQ, what’s going to happen many years after PE? I mean like 10-20 years after. May be a stupid question.

Currently: 5.8 EL BPEL:6.9 EG: 4.5 Goal for now: 6.5 EL 5 EG

Originally Posted by Tc0ck
Hmm. Just think. If death grip masturbation caused poor EQ, what’s going to happen many years after PE? I mean like 10-20 years after. May be a stupid question.

As in long term effects of clamping? Not a stupid question at all.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by Big Girtha
As in long term effects of clamping? Not a stupid question at all.

Yes. I suppose long term effects of clamping.

Currently: 5.8 EL BPEL:6.9 EG: 4.5 Goal for now: 6.5 EL 5 EG

I would have thought that any leakage caused would be recognizable at the time (or at least gradual the damage would become evident). I can’t see PE coming back to haunt us in future years.

Decemeber 2007: 5.8" BPEL x 4.9" MSEG

Current:-------->7.7" BPEL x 5.7" MSEG (7.2" NBPEL)

Current Goal:--->7.6" BPEL X 5.8" MSEG Do or do not, there is no "try".


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