Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Need Mental Help!


Need Mental Help!

I think I need a counselor or psychiatrist. My “man issues” are not getting any better. I have obsessive thoughts on how manly I am and how I believe there is something wrong with me. I think that my hormones are out of whack because I have little body and facial hair and I have a small girly nose on a pretty boys face. This on top of my penis insecurities has me obsessing on thoughts on being manly or not. It is like an internal mental battle i am struggling with. One part of me says there is something wrong with me, and the other part says I’m perfectly fine. This especially occurs on my penis issue. I think that I am abnormally small but at the same time tell myself I am not. I repeatedly measure myself and tell my self that statistically I’m not so bad. I will also think about past encounters with girls and recall compliments they made to my dick. unfortunately this does not convince my insecurities to go away and I end up thinking and reliving the same occurrences over and over again with out end. Im crazy.

Liquid c :gulp:

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
Im crazy.


You do realize that places you smack dab in the majority here at Thunders? Most of us crazy people will be hard pressed to give you advice on being not-crazy; however, many of us have helpful, real world experience, on managing craziness.

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
One part of me says there is something wrong with me, and the other part says I’m perfectly fine.

So for instance, I used to have much more problem with stuff like that than I do now. I still have that part and that part can still be a whiny bitch but he has gotten better. What I did was instigate a policy that is the opposite of the forum guidelines: I never argued topics and attacked him personally every time he opened his whinny little bitch mouth. Ohh, I am not buff enough? Well what the f*ck are you doing to improve the situation? I wouldn’t mind being more buffed up but in point of fact I happen to think I am pretty damn fine as is and the women folk seem to agree with me.

I would also consider working on placing some of the things you don’t like in the plus column. Lack of facial hair means no hassle with shaving. Not much body hair makes hygiene easier. I would advise packing on a bit of muscle if you have not already.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Last edited by iamaru : 11-26-2008 at .

I was looking at your profile to see how old you are and there was a random quote at the bottom of the page.

Originally Posted by Mohandas K. Gandhi
A man is but a product of his thoughts; what he thinks, that he becomes.

I see you’ll be 23 soon. I’m 25 and still see occasional growth of body hair. I guess they’re moving from my head to other parts of my body, ;) . I also thought I lack testosterone or whatever and started lifting heavy weights here and there. Tried ZMA and such.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Well what the fuck are you doing to improve the situation?

For one, you could change your avatar image - the dude seems to be suffering.
Second, stop repeatedly measuring yourself. Seems like you have too much time on your hands. Whenever you refer to your dick, mentally or physically, always have something positive, even great to say. If you’re in a bad mood, don’t think about your dick or even yourself. Try finding some activity in which you “lose” yourself. That’s when you connect with the universe :up: .
Minute, being crazy can be both overrated and underrated.
Hour, you could indeed see psychiatrist if you can’t manage these things on your own.

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
I have little body and facial hair and I have a small girly nose on a pretty boys face.

Here are some things you can learn about the body differences between men and women. This was taken from a “how to spot a transvestite” link but the facts are true. Hopefully you can feel better or worse about yourself if you show masculine or feminine qualities. I hate the fact that my inseam on my jeans is 36” and I’m 6’1” but regular pants I measure at a 32” inseam and I feel better about my masculinity.

10. Ask to See the Hands

The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but the hands provide a window, albeit obscured, to gender. In addition to looking for larger, generally more gnarled digits, be aware that most men have shorter index fingers than ring fingers. Playful punches that result in bruises, like those from the transvestite pictured above, can also be a sign of hands that are less than feminine.

9. Inspect the Brow

Above is a photo of the transvestite who made the accusations against Ronaldo. If the soccer star is guilty of anything, it’s ignoring her prominent brow and straight eyebrows. In general, women have a less-pronounced brow and more curvature to their eyebrows. Ronaldo must’ve missed that memo.

8. Be Suspicious of Narrow Hips

Women have a distinctive pelvis shape, because they’re equipped for birthing children. This feature of the female figure is difficult for males to mimic, as illustrated in this photo of the Arquette sisters. (Alexis, in the middle, used to be named Alex.) Even with Rosanna wearing a suit, it’s fairly obvious which of these three won’t be squeezing out any little ones.

6. Distrust Lengthy Arms

This is pretty straightforward. Men on average have longer arms than women. If a girl with arms like Patrick Ewing approaches you, don’t buy her a drink. Run, and hope she doesn’t immediately realize you’re fleeing, because she may attempt to use her sizable wingspan to reach out and corral you like a mother osprey.

5. Notice Flexibility

It’s been documented that female hormones promote joint flexibility, while testosterone reduces it. It may be too much to ask someone you’ve just met to attempt a split. Instead, get them on the dance floor to provide some insight. However, if you see a woman dancing on a moving bus, like the one pictured above, don’t be fooled by her flexibility. She’s got junk.

4. Calculate the Torso-to-Leg-Length Ratio

Generally, women have short torsos and long legs, and men have long torsos and short legs. High-heeled footwear and short skirts are often used by transvestites to help create an illusion of femininity. Above, a pink leotard and leggings are employed for the same effect. No doubt, it’s also meant to attract heterosexual males who enjoy the movie “Fame.”

3. Check the Facial Features

Not every man posing as a woman will be as obvious (or as nightmarish) as the one pictured above. Besides paying attention to the brow, remember that men often have a longer distance from their nose to their upper lip than women do. Also, men tend to have a ridge across the center of the forehead. Cosmetic surgery can alter facial features drastically, so be wary of those with swollen, non-emotive, or Michael Jackson-esque mugs.

2. Look for the Adam’s Apple

The Adam’s apple is the straight guy’s best friend when it comes to identifying a chick with man meat. When you see that bump mid-neck, you can be certain you’re part of a gender-bending situation that’s even less funny than a scene from “Juwanna Mann.”

Iamuru- I do lift weights. I am 6’2 and 200 pounds most of which is muscle.
I do place my “feminine” traits In positives. I get alot of attention from women for being a big tall preety boy. Its just in the back of my head it feels that all these preety boy characteristics mean that I have or had a lack of testosterone.

Koapu- The guy in my Avatar is Dr.manhattan in which my sn derives. He is a super hero who has the power to do virtually anythig, but eventually chooses not to do anything when he decides the world should be left for dead. Like I said to Iamuru I lift weights. Like you my primary motivation is to prove that I have good t levels. I am preety fit and i am big enough to intimedate anyone if it wasnt for looking like a 14 year old on steroids.
I try and manage my thoughts. When my self concious tells me something negative i do come back with something positive. Unfortunately I keep telling myself something positive until the positive though becomes the obsessive thought, and is just as bad. Alot of time I go through my day on auto pilot because I am thinking about how there is nothing wrong with me.

Liquid c :gulp:

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
I have little body and facial hair and I have a small girly nose on a pretty boys face.

This is genes. Genes that a lot of people would be envious of.

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
I do lift weights. I am 6’2 and 200 pounds most of which is muscle.
I do place my “feminine” traits In positives. I get alot of attention from women for being a big tall preety boy. Its just in the back of my head it feels that all these preety boy characteristics mean that I have or had a lack of testosterone.

So you’d rather be an ugly, hairy lug? Again, having attractive features and little body hair has nothing to do with testosterone—it’s genetics. You’re a tall, attractive, built guy with a big dick, and chicks dig you. Where’s the problem?

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
Im crazy.

Welcome to Thunder’s. :)

My problems have evolved from a simple penis insecurity. My mind is trying to make excuses for my small penis, which statistally I dont have.

A few negative coments from others in the past have changed my life greatly. You would think the many positive comments would cancel them out but it really doesnt.

Hopefully I can atleast get a huge penis out of this.

Liquid c :gulp:

I thought you worked out but didn’t remember for sure.

I am 6’3” and my preferred weight is 210. I have needed to shave since I was 17 and hate it but am short on torso hair compared to most guys. There are many things worse than being over 6’, buff, and having a face that women find attractive. Plus you have a large pee-pee.

Get a “T” test and find out what your levels are. Low body hair and an attractive face have nothing to do with testosterone anyway. But hey, if that is a concern for general health reasons get tested and find out. This won’t magically make you all calm and happy in your head but will perhaps trim off a teensy bit of the un-manageability of your craziness.

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
A few negative coments from others in the past have changed my life greatly. You would think the many positive comments would cancel them out but it really doesnt.

This reminds me of a thread from back in the dark ages of Thundersplace. I will try and hunt it up and post a link later.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
I have a small girly nose on a pretty boys face.

I feel the same way about my nose. It’s too feminine and not masculine enough for my standards. It makes my whole face look feminine and I hate that.
Its was originally very masculine and the right height and overall size but an incompetent surgeon fucked it up because there was a small margin of error.
Since then I’ve had it fixed by one of the very best in the country but still feel it falls just short of the proper dimensions and will fix it again when I have the money or a good health plan.

As far the other problems you perceive to have, just remember that there is no problem you have that does not have a potential solution. At 7.75, I would say you have no problems in the penis department, now just concentrate on the solution to the others. Consider plastic surgery and hit the gym.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Have you considered having your T levels measured? As previously suggested, this could be worth doing. Ideally, get your blood drawn as close to early morning as possible, as that is when your T level would normally be higher.

Sounds like you may also benefit from approaching this pattern from other angles as well. You are fortunate in that you are experiencing something for which very effective treatment is available, if you are willing to choose to pursue and cooperate with such methods. You might either approach this on your own, or, with the support and guidance of a therapist. If you prefer to first try resolving the pattern on your own, I would encourage you to consider giving your self a time limit, after which you could make an agreement with yourself to seek a therapist if your progress is unsatisfactory. You can easily find some helpful books, such as by David Burns.

I hope you won’t allow this to continue — you can resolve it for sure if you will go after it! Good luck.

7.8 x 5.4 (goal by November 1, 2020)

Originally Posted by iamaru

This reminds me of a thread from back in the dark ages of Thundersplace. I will try and hunt it up and post a link later.

Well crap, I wonder what my close personal friend old iamaru was babbling about on that one? Sorry, no idea.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru

Well crap, I wonder what my close personal friend old iamaru was babbling about on that one? Sorry, no idea.

Which one is (or should that be are) you in your avatar I get so confused!”Your reply to this might be your 7000th post :sun:

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

My official 7,000th post!

Originally Posted by petitfaun

Your reply to this might be your 7000th post :sun:

Oh fine, here it is! I have been replying to everyone in PM’s so as not to have a 7,000th post and decided it was silly.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Congrats on your 7000th post, Ru. Any day you’ll be nipping at my heels.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by ManhattanXL
My problems have evolved from a simple penis insecurity. My mind is trying to make excuses for my small penis, which statistally I dont have.

You will probably find that your thinking is upside down on this.

What is happening is that you have anxiety about self, and for most of the time, it centres around your cock - (which is longer than mine by the way). But if your cock got bigger, which it will, you will just move that anxiety onto some other facet of your being. So the trick here is to become friends with the anxiety itself.

I realise that this sounds very nebulous. So I will try to make it practical. The next time you have an anxious moment, instead of wrestling with it, try to dive into the feeling of anxiety itself. Feel it fully, feel the feeling. Eventually you will find that it has nothing at all to do with your cock. Your cock is just the excuse you give your self for feeling anxious.

In the meantime, as iamaru said, you just have to become a better manager.

I'm fed up of having a signature!


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