I was merely describing how I can ejaculate without even stimulating my penis. The point I’m trying to make is that sex is very mental. I have little sensitivity in my penis, and I am a premature ejaculator.
Again, this is difficult to explain and you may have to reread several times to completely understand. I am also writing this completely sober if this seems odd.
First off, I know exactly what it is like for the way your mind thinks. Are you good at math? I know I was, and still am, but not like 2 years ago.
This is not something that I “learned.” I can only attribute this new mind to drugs and alcohol. When I am drunk, I think like a woman thinks. This is not a derogatory statement to women, but I literally emphasize better, read body language better, understand what people mean when they say things, not what they say. When drunk, I noticed people say things, but that’s not the message they are trying deliver. You have to look at the person, watch them say something, and visual communication is more important than audio.
When I’m high, I feel like a woman feels. Why do women like smelling flowers, why do they like the feel of fuzzy and silky objects? Why do women rave about how good some food tastes, how they can taste individual spices in the foods? I don’t know, but I enjoy them when I’m high. Food doesn’t taste that great to me, smells don’t smell that good to me, and touching doesn’t feel that good to me, unless I’m high.
Now, when I’m drunk and high at the same time, something amazing happens, and it is nearly impossible to describe. Irishman, if you think the way I used to think, it will be even more difficult to describe, but I will describe it the way I would describe it to myself 5 years ago.
First off, every time is different because of the environment your in, and the mixture of marijuana and alcohol. Sometimes, when I close my eyes, I see a kaleidoscope of amazing images. These asymmetrical images that I see, my mind recognizes them from a time long ago, say 3 years old, although I have literally never seen the image before. You are literally experiencing de ja vu every single second. For example, I remember seeing a checkerboard tree transform into a large red house with 20 doors where you would expect windows. I had never seen these images before, but the checkerboard pattern came from Super Mario Bros 3, when you turn on the game there is a checkerboard pattern. I played the game when I was 5. The 20 doors came from a memorization game when I was 3, there were 20 doors that held 10 different faces, and you had to memorize where the matching face was located.
The clown to red carpet to spinning rims example I used was an example of this phenomenon.
Other times, when the alcohol outweighs the marijuana, every single breath I take is…. difficult to describe. Every inhale brings in fresh air, and the energy and heat from my body radiates outward when I exhale. It was also at this time I was watching Die Hard, and how they use colors and racism. The cop is black, there is a man in a gray suit that is of greater rank than him, and a third man in a blue suit that is again higher in rank. Bruce Willis (keep in mind, I was drunk and high, barely conscious) uses a tactic to save the people in the hotel, but the villain fires a shot to attempt to bluff Bruce Willis. This is heard over the black man’s radio, and the man in the gray suit also hears the dialogue. Anyways, the black man and gray suit man assume that a person was shot. The black man, who understands the situation, realizes that this was the best that Willis could have done, but the gray suit cannot accept this because this doesn’t fit the rules (typical, by the books officer who doesn’t understand extraneous alternatives).
The black man knows that Willis is right, but the gray suit white man takes over, when I what I assume to be the FBI comes in. They are wearing blue suits. If you know anything about colors, certain colors make your skin look great or awful. The blue suit man is vibrant, his face looks alive and bright, while the gray suit gives the man a pale complexion, a submissive look. The gray suit man is very submissive, but dominant to lower ranks such as the black officer.
What I thought I learned is that black men are portrayed to be less important than the white man, EVEN THOUGH they are the only ones that know what’s going on. The black man simply needs to accept this and learn his place.
Anyways, I digress, but I would have never noticed these subtle changes like the men’s suits in the movie. To stay on subject, the more I have drank and the more I smoke, the better I can see these images in my mind, and the more I can control them. Do I feel dumber or stupider? No, but I simply think differently. The more I drink and smoke, the better I can see these images and control them. If I abstain for a long time, I feel myself returning to my previous mindset.
I have to find the personal balance between these two extremes. I find that people think I am much more funnier and that people like me better if I have smoked once in the last 5 days. I just think differently and I say funnier things! Also, I can learn things like math and science better when I have abstained for a long time, whereas I understand women better, pick up on body language, and am more socially intelligent when I have been drinking and smoking. Too much, and I forget to change the channel when a commercial comes on TV, I speak too quickly and mispronounce my words, and I am very negative. So I have to find the balance, because I don’t want to be at either extreme, but somewhere in the middle.