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PE/HRT leading to shortened performance?

PE/HRT leading to shortened performance?

A bit of a back story:

I had started HRT back in April for Low T (weak erections, no energy, etc). In July they had to stop due to thinking I may have prostate cancer and we resumed in September after getting cleared from the urologist.

In the time I was off HRT, I noticed my T seemed to be very low. It took a long time to get an erection. But, the plus side of it was I was lasting a very, very long time for me (15-20 minutes was not uncommon).

Since being back on HRT and resuming my PE works, I’ve noticed I don’t last as long any more. I like having the harder erections and being able to feel like I want sex again, but I also liked being able to last longer. I’m beginning to wonder if there is a correlation between how I’m doing my workouts and the increased testosterone and the duration I can last during sex.

Any else experience this?

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

I think there is a correlation between libido and the urge to ejaculate.

My recommendation is to seek medical help regarding HRT, if it was prescribed for you, then there was a good reason for it. Note that it decreases your natural Testosterone production. I am not sure exactly what your doctor prescribed, but there are drugs that can help in some cases to restore natural T production.

Also, you should check out your prostate if you are suspecting Cancer, don’t leave any of this to speculation or guesswork. Only a medical professional can assist you with HRT, it is not a field for guesswork.

After solving your hormone issues, which are serious and should not be taken lightly, you can look for information here on edging, and orgasm control, they will teach you how to prolong your enjoyment of sex and increase your stamina.

I have been cleared by urologist (had a biopsy) so cancer is not a concern. I am back on HRT.

The problem is, since being back on HRT, and starting to get the hormones lined out, I’m not lasting as long as I did when T was low (but erections are definitely better, and the wife has taken notice).

I’ve read about edging, have attempted it some, and may return. I’ve also thought about getting a Fleshlight STU to work on stamina if edging does not seem to work.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

I have been HRT for about 4 years now. It takes a while to get a protocol figured out. How are you doing your injections, are you taking HCG, or a aromatase inhibitor? Really good forum for HRT

I started HRT a few years ago when my total T declined to 290. After six months my TT increased to 850; however, my normal PSA of 1.1 increased to 1.7 and my doc recommend I stop HRT. Though the higher T had increased my libido, it had little effect on my ED so I complied.Three months later my TT declined to 190 because the HRT had reduced my natural T production.

Today, my TT is around 350 and I use Trimix injections in order to achieve and maintain my erections.

In conclusion, be sure to watch your PSA numbers if you are on HRT.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

On HRT as well. I think the hair-trigger thing will resolve itself as your tissues get re-saturated with T.

Advice I have for you is to start edging. Once you can go 30 mins by yourself you can last as long as you want with a partner.

sta-kool - Edging 101

Originally Posted by sta-kool
On HRT as well. I think the hair-trigger thing will resolve itself as your tissues get re-saturated with T.

Advice I have for you is to start edging. Once you can go 30 mins by yourself you can last as long as you want with a partner.

sta-kool - Edging 101

I’ve always been confused with one thing about edging:

Just physically stimulating myself without anything else, it takes me a long time to even gain an erection, much less getting close to ejaculation. I have to really dive into mental stimulation, fantasies, etc, to get there and then that seems to make the problem worse. Not sure if I am doing the right thing there or not.

Edging I’ve gone 15-20 minutes before approaching the PONR. I do want to get back to it but right now finding time/privacy to do it is tough. Plus I am still dealing with trying to figure out whether just insertion stimulates my wife enough or not.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

Originally Posted by gottagolarger
Plus I am still dealing with trying to figure out whether just insertion stimulates my wife enough or not.

Why not just ask her?

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Why not just ask her?

I have and have received various responses.

One time I asked if she ever feels like she is going to orgasm from penetration and she says she has been very close.

Then she tells me that penetration alone does nothing.

And the the other night she is moaning load (for her, at least), so no idea what she is really feeling. We did promise to revisit a talk on our overall sex life after the holidays.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

Just a heads up, recent research shows some women can have vaginal orgasms, some can’t. Has to do with individual anatomy. Doesn’t mean the ones who can’t don’t enjoy penetration, they just can’t cum from penetration alone. Need some clit action as well.

Don’t focus on that. She will perceive your distraction. Some women can literally have orgasm just feeling that you are into her, physical action is secondary.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Just a heads up, recent research shows some women can have vaginal orgasms, some can’t. Has to do with individual anatomy. Doesn’t mean the ones who can’t don’t enjoy penetration, they just can’t cum from penetration alone. Need some clit action as well.

I’ve read that. I’m drawing on a bit of history here with my wife and I.

When we were younger, my shortness of stamina bothered her (I could tell). It seemed like she enjoyed penetration more. Sure, I still masturbated her and gave her oral sex, but she seemed more frustrated when I didn’t last long with sex.

Now, she’s had 3 kids through natural delivery. Since then, she needs more clit stimulation. I usually prefer for her to orgasm first just so she is having her enjoyment and not me just being selfish (there are plenty of times where she doesn’t care to have an orgasm and is more than accommodating to just letting me have one…yes, I have a great wife).

Since getting my T levels up through HRT recently, though, I’ve reverted back at times to my younger days when I’m not lasting as long. The other night she mentioned about it (I had gotten her off a second time and this would have been the second time for me, and she said that hopefully sex last longer this time).

The next day, it almost felt like my T levels bottomed, so I lasted a long time. After several minutes, she asked if I was even close to finishing, said she was getting dry and that was not doing anything for her. Mixed signals.

Originally Posted by marinera
Don’t focus on that. She will perceive your distraction. Some women can literally have orgasm just feeling that you are into her, physical action is secondary.

Unfortunately, that’s not my wife. My wife knows I’m into her. Right now her day to day keeps her mentally distracted. I’m hoping that after the turn of the year, when the distractions go away, that mentally and emotionally she can feel and focus more on things than she can now.

And I’m not too worried about it right now. Yes, I want to make sure my wife receives great pleasure during sex. I’m more concerned with getting my stamina back.

Start: BPEL: 5.25" EG: ~4.5"

Current: BPEL: ~ 6.75" MSEG: ~4.75" BG: 4.825" BPFSL: 7"

Initial Goal: NBPEL: 7" EG: 5" Long Term Goal: 7.5" x 5.25-5.50"

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